Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Session of Penfield Presbyterian Church

Tuesday, June 16, 2015 Church Front Lawn

Roll Call: Rev.Susan Thaine, Moderator; Elders Tamara Kaniecki (2015); Mindy Shaffer (2016); John Bacon (2017);Sabrina Renner (2017);Daphne Bruce (2016)

Attendees: Doug Fox, Clerk of Session

Guests: Victor Ritze, Church Treasurer

Excused: Melanie Easter (2015)

Absent: Suzanne Feather (2017)

Opening Prayer: The meeting was opened at 6:50 PM with worship and prayer led by Rev. Susan Thaine, including communionon the front lawn. Those present also shared joys and concerns.

Omnibus Motion:

It was moved and seconded that the following be considered as an omnibus motion:

  • Declare Quorum
  • Approval of Session Meeting Minutes of 5/26/15
  • Approval of Agenda
  • Receive Reports from
  • Deacon's Communion Report for June 7, 2015
  • PPELC FYI Report
  • Deacon's minutes - June 9, 2015
  • Pastor's reports for March and April, 2015

With opportunity for items to be lifted out for discussion and none were, Session VOTED to approve the Omnibus motion.



Pledge receipts for year-to-date totaled $71,404 and are under budget by ($851). PPELC has contributed $12,840 for its share of property-related expenses Total church income was $95,398 and is under budget by ($582).


Church expenses totaled YTD $96,156 and were favorable to budget by $10,482. Property expenses continue to be lower than budgeted by $6,631. The Utility expenses are under budget by $3,199. We also are under budget on interior and exterior repairs.


The Church Operating Fund (General Fund) recorded a net loss YTD of ($758). This was favorable to the budgeted lossof ($10,658) by $9,900.


The Dedicated Cash-Building Fund has a balance of $4,795.


The EarlyLearningCenter realized a net profit YTD of $31,217 as total income of $214,782 exceeded total expenses of $183,565.

BALANCE SHEET—Balances as of 05/31/15:

Retained Earnings $76,133

Net Income (Loss) 31,766

Ministry Focus of the Month: Church Treasurer

The following topics were discussed:

  • Session would like to have monthly financial statements reflect how much of each budget line remains, on a percentage basis.
  • On a positive note, we are tracking well on pledges received
  • There was some confusion regarding the budget lines for Choir Director and Church Organist. Victor will look into that issue.
  • The various aspects of the church's Mission commitment were discussed.

Other Business:

The Early Learning Center (ELC) has provided Session with two quotes on new carpet for the Big Room, a.k.a. Multi-purpose Room. The ELC Board has proposed a 75%/25% split between the ELC and the church. This will result in the church needing to come up with approximately $2,150 for its share of the cost of installation. Session Elders discussed options on where the money will come from to make this happen. No decision on a funding source was made. It was suggested that the flooring vendor who has a low bid for the Sanctuary hallway resurfacing be given an opportunity to provide a quote with the hopes of a better price as a package deal for two projects.

Session Elders discussed ideas for fundraising for our Mission commitment, included in the 2015 budget. Some ideas included the selling of gift cards around the holidays, a food truck & art show combination and a trunk sale (selling household items from the trunk of your car). No specific decision was made, but Session Elders were asked to formalize ideas for discussion at the July 21, 2015 Session meeting.


A baptism of Parker Waasdorp took place on Sunday, June 14, 2015 in the Sanctuary of Penfield Presbyterian Church. Parker is the son of Phillip and Amber Waasdorp. The baptism was officiated by Rev. Susan Thaine and Rev. Ann Waasdorp, Parker's grandmother.

Action Items:

Elder John Bacon introduced the Property Committee's proposed action items regarding resurfacing the floor in the hallway behind the Sanctuary, which is deteriorating and sealing & striping all the church's parking lots. A sample of the proposed flooring was reviewed.

Motion: Based upon the recommendation of the Property Committee, it should proceed with having the hallway floor resurfaced. The installation will include installation of 12 x 24 laminate tiles over the existing linoleum tiles, replace vinyl cove base and make a smooth transition to the foyer floor for a cost of $4,376.40. The funding will come from the Building Fund, with remaining funds from the church reserve fund.

Session VOTED to approve the motion.

Motion: Based upon the recommendation of the Property Committee, it should proceed with having all parking lots sealed and striped as soon as practical. The work will be performed by Super Seal Sealcoating, LLC for a total cost of $7,150. The funding will come from the church reserve fund.

Session VOTED to approve the motion.

Elders present discussed the need to reimburse the church reserve fund for the above three projects that were not included in the 2015 budget.

Motion: It was moved and seconded that a capital campaign will begin immediately with the goal of raising $15,000 to reimburse the church reserve fund for the sealing and striping of all parking lots, resurfacing the floor in the Sanctuary hallway and the church's share of the cost of new carpeting in the Big Room/Multi-purpose Room. Communication of this to the congregation shall also commence immediately.

Session VOTED to approve the motion.

Session has received a letter, dated June 6, 2015, from Robert and Dorothy Phipps, requesting to be removed from the church membership rolls.

Motion: It was moved and seconded that with great sadness and great appreciation for their contributions over many years, Session authorizes the removal of Robert and Dorothy Phipps from the church membership rolls.

Session VOTED to approve the motion.

Order of the Day

The Administration and Personnel Ministry Team submitted a Session Action Request to rule on a conflict with the current position of Custodian. The Personnel Policy states that before a church member is offered employment, the position must first be offered to the general public. It was noted that the current Custodian was initially hired by contract, which does not create a policy conflict, but later was added as a staff member, thereby creating the conflict. It was also noted that everyone is very happy with the work being done. Session approved the Position Description for Custodian at its May 26, 2015 meeting.

Motion: Session hereby grants a waiver from the Personnel Policy to permit the current Custodian to remain a paid staff member, without the need to advertise the position to the general public.

Session VOTED to approve the motion.

A motion was made and seconded that the meeting be adjourned and closed with prayer by Rev. Susan Thaine. Session VOTED to approve the motion. The meeting was closed with prayer at 8:58 PM.

Attested by: Doug Fox, Clerk of Session

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