Priority One
Burns Telecom Center EPS Atrium Renovation
EPS Atrium Renovation
Goal: $2M
The Burns Telecom Center (BTC) is a leader in creating and delivering premier learning opportunities to Montana State University and a global spectrum of communities. Through untraditional means, such as continuing education courses, online learning tools, technology and telecommunications, we develop unique educational programs. We believe that exploring new ideas and methods is crucial to enriching education and improving people’s quality of life. By utilizing technology, mobilizing resources and forging partnerships, we help people take advantage of the learning opportunities that change makes possible.
Project Summary
The BTC is located on the first floor of the Engineering/Physical Sciences (EPS) Building on the campus of Montana State University – Bozeman. This project will create a public, wireless, multi-media space within the atrium. The renovated space will allow users to access and view multi-media content, use video conferencing for public events, collaboratively work on five large video screens, and communicate information and ideas through shared media.
Project Goals
The BTC will meet four primary goals through the atrium project:
1. Create a dynamic public space for learning
People learn and teach differently as technology evolves. This project will allow the BTC to provide an innovative learning space for the Montana State University campus and surrounding community. The potential uses for this multi-media space are varied and numerous. This space will be a wonderful exhibit of how the campus community uses technology to provide opportunities that truly improve quality of life.
2. Demonstrate the expertise and capacity of the Burns Telecom Center
The mission of the BTC is to explore and demonstrate new ways and tools for learning so that students and professionals are able to gain the knowledge, training and expertise they need to meet their goals. The renovated atrium will give the BTC a multi-dimensional presence on campus that is reflective of the pioneering scope of our work and will provide an impressive example of how we facilitate learning using emerging resources.
3. Communicate the excellence of Montana State University
The renovated atrium will be a place for Montana State University to exhibit, in a dynamic and sophisticated manner, the exceptional programs, research, faculty and students that make our University unique. The atrium will be a central locale for prospective students, donors and their families to explore the high-caliber educational opportunities provided by the University.
4. Recognize U. S. Senator Conrad Burns and other BTC/MSU donors
Senator Conrad Burns is a dedicated friend of Montana State University. He is a tireless advocate for MSU and plays a critical role in the leadership of the BTC. The renovation of the atrium provides an opportunity to recognize Senator Burns as well as the many other donors who make ongoing contributions to the BTC and MSU. The renovated atrium will be an ideal location to provide timely and current recognition and celebration of our donors.
For more information about the EPS Atrium Renovation and the Burns Telecom Center, please contact:
Theresa Bushman
Associate Director of
Development & Public Relations
Burns Telecom Center
128 EPS Building
P.O. Box 173860
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT 59717
Tel: 406-994-7957
Fax: 406-994-7856