Education Scholarship Application Form - Semester 1 2018
Prospective students who are applying to study for an AC Education award who are intending to start next semester are eligible to apply for this Scholarship. Before proceeding to complete this form please read the Terms and Conditions on page 2. Completed Scholarship Applications must be submitted electronically to the Head of Education and be received by 4.30pm, Thursday1st February 2018:
Dr. Jim Twelves
Head of Education, Alphacrucis College
Award applied forBachelor of Education (Primary)
Master of Teaching (Primary)
Master of Teaching (Secondary)
Are you a local student (i.e. Australian or New Zealand citizen,)? Please note that international students are not eligible to apply.
Title First Name* Surname*
Student ID Number (if current AC Student)
Suburb* State* Postcode*
Phone* Email
Details of Previous Study (certified transcripts must be submitted with your standard Application for Admission)
Degree Name Institution Name Date (e.g. 2000 - 2003)
All applications must include a Personal Statement (no longer than an A4 page). This document is an opportunity for you to put forward your case for receiving an AC Education Scholarship. Topics may include, but are not limited to, past academic achievements, how the scholarship would assist your intended study and how your studies will complement your spiritual journey. Applications may also include copies of any supporting documentation not already included with your Application for Admission.
Pastor’s or Mentor’s Endorsement:
Pastor’s or Mentor’s Name* Church Name
Email* Phone
Existing Scholarships:
Do you currently hold a current scholarship at Alphacrucis College?
YES Name of Scholarship Value
Terms and Conditions
- AC Education Scholarships are only offered to students who have been admitted to one of the AC Education awards, and who are intending to study full time.
- Applications will be assessed on their academic qualification and other measures of merit, including their personal statement.
- Scholarships are not transferable to other degree programs within Alphacrucis College.
- Scholarship recipients must commence full time studies in the semester for which the offer is made. No deferment of a Scholarship is permitted.
- Scholarships are designed to cover all or part of your tuition fees for two succeeding Semesters, one year of study.
- Scholarships are designed for full-time students, however part-time student applications may be considered under exceptional circumstances, such as a medical condition which limits the student’s capacity to undertake full-time study. Such requests must be supported by the relevant Program Director.
- Scholarships will only be awarded to those applicants that can include their Pastor’s or Mentor’s endorsement.
- AC Education Scholarships are awarded by the Dean Faculty of Education, Arts and Social Science.
I hereby give permission to AC to obtain any information required to substantiate this application. I have read the Terms and Conditions, and declare that the information supplied in this application is true and accurate.
Signature* Date*
(electronic acceptable)
My AC Education Scholarship Application Form
Personal Statement – one page
Copies of all supporting documents
Application Forms, Personal Statements and supporting documents must be submitted by
4.30pm, Thursday1st February 2018electronically to:
Dr. Jim Twelves
Head of Education, Alphacrucis College
All applicants will be notified by mail of the result of their application.