JAPN 2030– Second Year JapaneseⅠ

Lecture Hours: 4 / Lab Hours:0 / Credit Hours:4
Class Time:10:00am-10:50am / Days:Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu / Room:LH283
Instructor’s Name:山本大貴(Hiroki Yamamoto)
Instructor's Contact Information:
Office: LH295 / Office Phone:
268-2568 / Email:

Office Hours:Tue. 3pm-4pm, Wed. 3pm-4pm, Thu. 3pm-5pm, Fri. 10am-11am
Course Description:This course is a continuation of Japanese language study at a higher level. Students who want to take for credit the next course in the sequence must complete this course with a grade of "C" or better.
Statement of Prerequisites:JAPN 1020 or teacher’s approval
Goal:①To equip students with intermediate-level Japanese proficiency
②To familiarize students with Japanese culture, history, and society.
1. Demonstrate effective oral and written communication
2. Demonstrate knowledge of diverse cultures and historical perspectives
Course Objectives:
By the end of semester, you will be able to:
(1)read and write hundreds of kanji,
(2)enjoy conversation in Japanese,
(3)write letters/e-mails in plain Japanese
(4)introduce some aspects of Japanese culture, society, and history
(5)explain the characteristics of the Japanese language in comparison with English
Methodology: Many kinds of activities (games, pair/ group work, peer interview, etc.) will be employed so that students can engage in the class. Students who like communication with classmates and the teacher will enjoy the class. Please make sure that this is not a one-way lecture style class.
Evaluation Criteria: Weekly Quizzes: 30% Mid-term Examination: 15% Final: 15%
Presentations (×2): 15% Participation: 15% Self-evaluation Sheet: 10%
- Weekly Quizzes: Quizzes will be given on almost every Monday, and the results will significantly affect your final grade. It is because continuous efforts are necessary to develop your Japanese proficiency. Students are expected to review what they learned in the previous weeks, and take the quizzes seriously. Quiz topics will be clearly announced on every Thursday.
- Mid-term examination & Final: We will have 2 examinations in the semester. Students will have the entire class period to take the exam and may leave upon completion, unless otherwise instructed. Examination topics will be clearly announced beforehand.
- Presentations: We will have two 2 presentations in the semester. One presentation will be on Japanese food. The other presentation will be conversation in group in Japanese. The grades will be given based on not only your performancesin the presentations but also self-evaluation of your performances. More detailed information will be announced.
- Participation: Students are expected to contribute to make a good classroom environment where everyone can learn Japanese seriously, effectively, and enjoyably. For instance, active participation in the class activities and discussion, completion of homework on time, and attending classes regularly without being late will be highly evaluated.
- Self-evaluation sheet: Students will be asked to submit a Self-evaluation Sheet at the end of the semester. Reflecting on the development of your Japanese language proficiency and efforts on Japanese language learning, and making clear goals for further study is necessary to be a good language learner. Detailed and concrete self-evaluation will be highly evaluated.
-Attendance policy:Students who are absent ten times receive a grade of “F”. Oversleeping does not count as an excused absence. Students who habitually arrive late will be counted as receiving an unexcused absence.Anunexcused absence is defined as not notifying theinstructor in advance or not having writtendocumentation of an absence due to an emergency.Emergencies are listed and defined in the section on “Exam make-up policy.”
  1. If you should miss a class, it is your responsibility to find out about any assignments and other relevant information. Obtain telephone numbers and/or email addresses from two other students to contact in the event of an absence.
  2. For an excused absence, make-up work will receive full credit if completed within two (2) days of returning to class. Unexcused absences will receive no credit or make-up opportunities. It is YOUR responsibility to contact me about missing assignments. If you know you will be gone, let me know in advance. Excused absences will require proof (e.g. doctor’s note, jury duty summons, military orders, etc.) Failure to comply will result in a zero (0) for all missing assignments/exams/quizzes.
-Homework and assignment make-up policy:If the absence is unexcused, no make-up is offered, and a grade of 0 is given for classroom participation, homework, assignments, and tests. Latehomework and assignments are accepted only for EXCUSED absences. You must submit assignments in class on the due date. This means that I will not accept your assignments by appointment or in my office box.
-Exam make-up policy:Any student who misses a test will not be allowed to make up that test unless one of the following situations applies (oversleeping, not having child care, or having towork are not accepted excuses). Be aware that a proctor rather than the instructor may administerthe make-up test.
a. Medical emergency: The student must bring a written release (from a doctor, Casper College
nurse, emergency room, Instacare, etc) to the instructor on the same day the student returns to class. The student must take the missed test(s) within two days of returning to class at a time convenient to the instructor. Failure to comply will result in a grade of 0 for each missed test.
b. Jury duty: The student must bring a copy of the summons to the instructor on the same day the
student returns to class. The student must take the missed test(s) within two days of returningto
class at a time that is convenient to the instructor. Failure to comply will result in a grade of0 for
each missed test.
c. Funeral leave: The student must bring some written evidence (the memorial card from the
service, a copy of the obituary, a letter from the funeral home director, etc.) to the instructor on
the same day the student returns to class. The student must take the missed test(s) within two
days of returning to class at a time that is convenient to the instructor. Failure to comply will
result in a grade of 0 for each missed test.
d. Military duty: The student must bring a copy of the written orders to the instructor on the same
day thestudent returns to class. The student must take the missed test(s) within two days of
returning to class at a time that is convenient to the instructor. Failure to comply will result in a
grade of 0 for each missed test.
e. Religious holidays & school functions: Please make arrangements in advance with the
instructor as you will know in advance when these events are scheduled.
Casper College may collect samples of student work demonstrating achievement of the above outcomes. Any personally identifying information will be removed from student work.
Required Text, Readings, and Materials:
Genki: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese, 2nd ed. by Banno, Ikeda, Ohno, Shinagawa, and Tokashiki
Genki: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese Workbook, 2nd ed. by Banno, Ikeda, Ohno, Shinagawa, and Tokashiki
Genki: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese Answer Key, 2nd ed. by Banno, Ikeda, Ohno, Shinagawa, and Tokashiki
Class Policies: Class Policies:
1. Last Date to Change to Audit Status: November 12, 2015
Any student who audits will abide by the agreement made between her/him and the instructor. If the student does not follow the terms of the agreement, the instructor will initiate the student’s withdrawal from the course. Any student who audits is expected to attend every class, complete all assignments, participate in class, and make all presentations (in other words, the same requirements as a “for-credit student”).
2. Withdraw with a “W” Grade that will appear on your transcript:November 12, 2015
3. Particularities to this class:
a. No phone calls/pages, gaming, texting, or emailing will happen during class time. If you are expecting a cell phone call dealing with an emergency that has arisen, you must inform the instructor of the emergency prior to the start of the class period.
b. Drinking water is allowed in this class, but eating in this class is prohibited.
c. It is forbidden to copy files or any material by any means (electronic or otherwise) in the language lab and from the language lab computers as this is illegal according to the copyright agreement Casper College has with the textbook publisher. Students caught copying files or performing other illegal tasks will be withdrawn from the class by the instructor.
d. Participation is absolutely necessary. You have to try, and remember, we’re all in this together. Therefore, there will be no making fun of or in any way making another student feel uncomfortable about trying to learn a new language. This is tough enough without someone making you feel self-conscious about it. If you do this, you will leave.
Student Rights and Responsibilities: Please refer to the Casper College Student Conduct and Judicial Code for information concerning your rights and responsibilities as a Casper College Student.
Chain of Command: If you have any problems with this class, you should first contact the instructor to attempt to solve the problem. If you are not satisfied with the solution offered by the instructor, you should then take the matter through the appropriate chain of command starting with the Department Chair/Program Director, the Dean, and lastly the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Academic Dishonesty:(Cheating & Plagiarism) Casper College demands intellectual honesty. Proven plagiarism or any form of dishonesty associated with the academic process can result in the offender failing the course in which the offense was committed or expulsion from school. See the Casper College Student Code of Conduct for more information on this topic.
Official Means of Communication: Casper College faculty and staff will employ the student's assigned Casper College email account as a primary method of communication. Students are responsible to check their account regularly.This is also where you will find course evaluation links during course evaluation periods.
ADA Accommodations Policy: If you need academic accommodations because of a disability, please inform me as soon as possible. See me privately after class, or during my office hours. To request academic accommodations,students must first consult with the college’s Disability Services Counselor located in the Gateway Building, Room 344, (307) 268-2557, . The Disability Services Counselor is responsible for reviewingdocumentation provided by students requesting accommodations, determiningeligibility for accommodations, and helping students request and useappropriate accommodations.
Calendar or schedule indicating course content:
Tutoring: The World Languages Lab also offers free tutoring by our lab aids; see Brianna for help in Japanese. A schedule of the tutors’ hours will be posted in our classroom (LH 283) and on the lab door (LH 291).
Week / Day / Date / Schedule
1st week / Mon / Aug. 24 / Course Introduction/ Significance of learning Japanese/ Introduction to Japan
Tues / Aug. 25 / Characteristics of Japanese Language
Wed / Aug. 26 / Review: Hiragana and Katakana
Thurs / Aug. 27 / Review: Greetings, Numbers
2nd week / Mon / Aug. 31 / Quiz (1)/Review: Self-introduction
Tues / Sep. 1 / Review: Lesson 1
Wed / Sep. 2 / Review: Lesson 2
Thurs / Sep. 3 / Review: Lesson 2
3rdweek / Mon / Sep. 7 / Labor day (No Class)(2)
Tues / Sep. 8 / Quiz (2)/ Review: Lesson 3
Wed / Sep. 9 / Review: Lesson 3
Thurs / Sep. 10 / Review: Lesson 4
4th week / Mon / Sep. 14 / Quiz (3)/ Review: Lesson 4
Tues / Sep. 15 / Preparation for Presentation
Wed / Sep. 16 / Review: Lesson 5
Thurs / Sep. 17 / Review: Lesson 5
5thweek / Mon / Sep. 21 / Quiz (4)/ Review: Lesson 6
Tues / Sep. 22 / Review: Lesson 6
Wed / Sep. 23 / Presentation
Thurs / Sep. 24 / Review: Lesson 7
6th week / Mon / Sep. 28 / Quiz (5)/ Review: Lesson 7
Tues / Sep. 29 / Review
Wed / Sep. 30 / Japanese History: World War Ⅱ(1)
Thurs / Oct. 1 / Japanese History: World War Ⅱ(2)
7th week / Mon / Oct. 5 / Current Issues in Japan
Tues / Oct. 6 / Midterm Examination
Wed / Oct. 7 / Review of Midterm Examination/Lesson 8
Thurs / Oct. 8 / Teacher’s attendance at conference (No Class)
8th week / Mon / Oct. 12 / Quiz (6)/ Lesson 8
Tues / Oct. 13 / Lesson 8
Wed / Oct. 14 / Lesson 8
Thurs / Oct. 15 / Lesson 8
9th week / Mon / Oct. 19 / Fall Break (No Class)
Tues / Oct. 20 / Fall Break (No Class)
Wed / Oct. 21 / Lesson 8
Thurs / Oct. 22 / Lesson 9
10th week / Mon / Oct. 26 / Quiz (7) / Lesson 9
Tues / Oct. 27 / Lesson 9
Wed / Oct. 28 / Lesson 9
Thurs / Oct. 29 / Lesson 9
11th week / Mon / Nov. 2 / Quiz (8)/ Lesson 9
Tues / Nov. 3 / Lesson 10
Wed / Nov. 4 / Lesson 10
Thurs / Nov. 5 / Lesson 10
12th week / Mon / Nov. 9 / Quiz (9)/ Lesson 10
Tues / Nov. 10 / Lesson 10
Wed / Nov. 11 / Lesson 10
Thurs / Nov. 12 / Lesson 11
13th week / Mon / Nov. 16 / Quiz (10)/ Lesson 11
Tues / Nov. 17 / Lesson 11
Wed / Nov. 18 / Lesson 11
Thurs / Nov. 19 / Lesson 11
14th week / Mon / Nov. 23 / Quiz (11)/ Lesson 11
Tues / Nov. 24 / Lesson 12
Wed / Nov. 25 / Thanksgiving (No class)
Thurs / Nov. 26 / Thanksgiving (No class)
15th week / Mon / Nov. 30 / Lesson 12
Tues / Dec. 1 / Review
Wed / Dec. 2 / Preparation for presentation
Thurs / Dec. 3 / Preparation for presentation
16th week / Mon / Dec. 7 / Presentation
Tues / Dec. 8 / Teacher’s attendance at conference (No class)
Wed / Dec. 9 / Teacher’s attendance at conference (No class)
Thurs / Dec. 10 / Teacher’s attendance at conference (No class)
17th week / Dec. / Final Examination
- The class schedule is subject to change in accordance with students’ needs and interests.
- Any suggestions about class schedule and content are welcomed. However, it does not mean that
the suggestions are always accepted.
- Any changes will be announced in class.

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