AGM Agenda – January 20th 2018 10AM

Forest Lawn Library 10 - 12:30

  1. Called to order at 10:10

Roll call – All Teams Represented (Sabres by proxy)

  1. Accept minutes from 2017 – motion Rob Reid, second john Vestrum - carried
  2. Agenda – ask for additions – none
  3. Reports

a) President Report (Paul)


50th season

b) Park report (Brent)

Will focus on the outfields, possible new fencing from a grant, need doors, walkways, etc.

Donations accepted, connect with Brent

New tractor is needed, looking for grant for a new/used

Review mats in the pitching catching area

c) Website (Calvin)

Scoring was improved by teams adding their own scores

Can use the Website for team communications

d) Men’s Division Report (Brent)

Thanks to the 3 division reps, Dylon – Div C, Roger – Div A, Glen – Div B, thanks to Paul as President

Division Adjustments, Brewers and Chiefs to A, X-men and Pirates to B

Rosters are needed by May 6

A division – 6

B Division – 5

C Division – 5 (to be confirmed)

Crossover interlocking discussion:

A teams – do you want to crossover with B? not much need with 6 teams

B teams – do you want to crossover with A?

C teams – do you want to crossover with B?

No Crossovers in A, cross

e) Ladies Division Report (Kathy)

3 teams confirmed for 2018

Interest from 3 others

Expecting the conversation with Airdrie for crossover games

Slo-pitch wooden bat tournament in honor of Sheila Kabatoff

f) Umpire Report (Daryl)

Umpire recruitment

Clinic April 7-9th to be confirmed

Issues on umpire – looked after by league on the diamond.

Rule changes – trial 1 year, (2018 not a rule change year)

- Technical bulletin, define a strike zone more clearly, send link to Calvin, must be in for the top and bottom and touching for side of plate

- Pitching rule change – Back foot does not have to be touching the pitching plate, front foot to remain stationary (men and women)

- No change for bat rules, see website for clarification, look for stamps

- There is an umpire disciplinary committee to deal with umpire situations, have been put in place

- Coaches welcome to attend the umpire clinic for rule

- CSUA – will provide training to teams to help teams

  1. Financial Report

a) Budget – for approval (Calvin)

Financial position is improved and stabilized

Field rentals improved revenue

Tournaments, need sponsorship to make money, need tournament coordinator

Fees - $2800 for all men’s teams to cover 2nd umpires for most games; $2500 for ladies team

Motion to approve 2018 budget Jessie Phalen, second Jay Derrington, in favor all, opposed - none, Carried

Suggestion of a go fund me page for League tractor

b) Cash statement – for information

  1. Bonds and Fines – teams will be informed that outstanding money Elections

Request for Election Scrutineer – John Vestrum

  1. President (2 year term) – current Paul

Nominations for president

Paul Hickey nominated by John Vestrum, accepted, appointed by acclamation

  1. Treasurer (1 year of term remaining) – current Ritchie

Nominations for treasurer

Jessie Phalen nominates Calvin Daling, accepted, by acclamation

  1. Secretary (2 year term) – current Ted

Nominations – none, vacant

  1. Men VP (1 year remaining in term) - Brent
  2. Men’s A rep (1 year remaining in term) – Roger

Jessie Phalen nominated by Calvin, accepted, acclaimed

  1. Men’s B rep (2 year term election) – current Glen

Nominations for B rep

Glenn Heatley nominated by John Vestrum, accepted, acclaimed

  1. Men’s C rep (2 year term election) – current Dylon

Mark Miguez nominated by Malcolm Eyjolfson, accepted, acclaimed

  1. Ladies’ VP (2 year election) – current Allyssa

Dianne Battams nominated by Brent Zorn – one year interim

  1. Ladies’ Director (1 year remaining) – Dianne
  2. Scheduler (1 year remaining in term) – Kathy
  3. WebMaster (1 year remaining) – Calvin
  4. Tournament Committee Coordinator (1 year term)

Jay Derrington will be tournament coordinator

  1. General Business

a) League dates (no change)

- League Fees: April 7th

- Diamond Clean-up day: April 21st

- Opening day: Tuesday May 1st

b) Schedule (Kathy)

- Requests due April 13th

- Ensure communication of rescheduled games

c) Tournaments (Brent)

1) Spring Fling – $250/team, April 28/29, 4 games per team. 8 men, 4 ladies

2) Stampede Stomp – $550 /team, June 22/24, 16-18 teams

3) Provincials – July 20/22

Men’s Sr A/B, Men Int B/C, Masters Men and Women

Looking for diamonds to augment

4) Slo-pitch tournament – Wooden Bat – August

5) Memorial tournament (Mike Kimmel) – August

d) League Rules Review

Player eligibility rules: Catchers down a division, Pitchers within your division, clarify existing rules (Calvin) – no change

Motion: 3 hour shift per team to support provincials, penalty of $100 off the bond. By Paul Robb, second Jessie Phalen, Carried

Playoff Draw Discussion – top 4 per division, bracket playoff, best of 3

  1. Other New Business

a) Poster for promotion, please take and promote the league

b) Spare list option for people from within our league who would like to play more

c) New jerseys – contact Mark Miguez

  1. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn John V, Second Malcolm

Executive meeting scheduled Feb 26th at 7 PM


Team Name / Contact / Phone # / Email
A’s / Jay Derrington / 403-371-7747 /
Aces / Adam Mass / 587-830-6450 /
Black Sox / Paul Robb / 587-435-4511 /
Brewers / Brent Zorn / 403-875-8890 /
Buffalos / Glenn Heatley / 403-861-1442 /
Bulldogs / Matt Walton / 403-612-9641 /
Bulls / Evan Moore / 403-585-6714 /
Storm / Paul Hickey / 403-923-8477 /
Carnalz / Jonie BigOldMan / 403-324-3127 /
Eagles / Dianne Battams / 403-519-0339 /
Jets / Barry Stobbs / 403-818-8821 /
Marines / Kathy Ervin / 403-863-5441 /
Pirates / Dylon Silver / 403-835-4457 /
Raiders / John Vestrum / 403-275-1555 /
Sabres (Regrets) / Allyssa Webster / 403-560-4868 /
Smoke / Shawn Small / 403-263-0845 /
Chiefs / Arnold Jerry / 403-803-7829 /
Tropics: renamed Cubs / Mark Miguez / 403-922-1373 /
X-Men / Rob Reid / 403-463-9885 /