Matthew Abraham
EID: mabra42
Role Profile
Role Profile of Jacque Chirac
Jacque Chirac was elected President of France in 1995 and has served in that office since then winning re-election in 2002. As President, Chirac has much power in Foreign Policy as well as the responsibility of receiving Foreign Ambassadors. Most importantly, he is the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces and in charge of National Defense. His country has special power in the UN as a member of the Security Council with veto power.
Part of Chirac’s political platform consists of harsh punishments for domestic terrorists. One of his first actions as president was to resume nuclear weapon testing in the interest of strengthening his country’s military might. He ceased testing in 1996 to abide by the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. Chirac has been one of the leading voices of opposition against President George W. Bush and the US intervention in Iraq. He threatened to veto any UN Security Council resolutions dealing with Iraq until UN Inspectors were allowed more time to conduct their inspections. He was also suspected of dealing in arms with Saddam Hussein after his defeat in the 1991 Persian Gulf War. Thought there is no proof of this, there are accusations of fraud awaiting Chirac after he leaves office due to his immunity from prosecution while President. These political stances show that Chirac is either a proponent of diplomatic solutions, he has something to hide, or that he simply refuses to go along with a US led decision.
As for his dealings with Israel and Palestine, Chirac was the first world leader ever to address the elected Palestinian Legislative Council in 1996. In this address, he spoke about the solution to the Palestinian territory dispute, saying that the solution could not be entirely religiously based. This position plus the secular society of France, showcases Chirac’s obvious position of secular politics and governing. France also possesses a high level of anti-Semitism, leading one to believe that Chirac and his nation may side with Palestine in the conflict. Chirac has been critical of the US and Israel and their actions against other Middle East Nations. He has also spoken out in support of an independent Palestinian state as long as it is run democratically. One main goal of his is to have the EU play a role in the peace process. He views their proximity to the Middle East to be strength.
It is likely that Chirac will be allies with most Palestinian leaders, as well as most democratically elected Arab Leaders. In Europe, he will probably ally with Russian President Putin and Chancellor Schroeder of Germany. His opposition will be based in Israel as well as his obvious opposition from the UK and US. Otherwise, extremists such as Osama bin-Lade and Abu Musab al-Zarqaw.
Chirac was born on November 29, 1932 in Paris, France. He was educated at Lycée Carnot and Lycée Louis-le-Grand in Paris before becoming a Graduate of the Paris Institut d'Etudes Politiques (Institute of Political Science), and of the Harvard University Summer School (USA). He’s had a prestigous and successful political careere including holding the office of French Prime Minister, President of France, and Mayor of Paris. He’s had many works published including plans for the Port of New Orleans.