/ B184, Brindley Building /
Leek Road / t: 01782 294178
Stoke on Trent / e:
ST4 2DF /

Criteria for selecting proposals

Each proposal should meet most or all the following criteria:

  1. It provides a clear rationale that is consistent with meeting the outcomes and outputs of the transition funding projectas defined in the HEFCE Workforce Development Transition Funding bid
  1. The project will benefit work based learners and their employers
  1. There is evidence of need through client business requirements, market research, regional data or other information
  1. There is evidence of engagement with employers in the private sector
  1. The project is innovative and would not take place except through ‘For Business’, or has a clear demonstrable impact
  1. The costs of implementation are realistic both in terms of outputs, and the resources available to ‘For Business’
  1. There are clear targets and monitoring procedures identified throughout the life-cycle of the project which will be directly linked to the release of funding
  1. Leadership and management of the project are clear, and a project plan is in place
  1. Projects may be complementary but duplication should be avoided from other projects
  1. The project is sustainable

August 2012

Project Proposal Application

Project Name
Name of Project lead
Date of Application
Project Code (office use only)
Project Overview and rationale for requesting funds (include relevant linked businesses, market research and other available data or consultations that have taken place to demonstrate need.)
What will be the benefits of this project
Where appropriate include information about income and/or student numbers
Management of the project
Who will manage the milestones? How will they be monitored?
Project Outcomes and Outputs
How will your project contribute to the transition funding outcomes (outlined in the HEFCE Workforce Development Transition Fundingbid)?
When responding in this section please clearly state which outcomes will be addressed (by checking each applicable box) and identify how it meets each one.
*= A call will be announced to launch the application process for funds relating to this output
Work Package 1 – Marketing and Sales
Develop twelve strong employer case studies to qualify and quantify return on investment and demonstrate the impact of higher level skills
A minimum of 25 new private sector employers engaged in 2012-13 and a further 10 in 2013-14 with a 100% increase in income from private sector businesses overall in 2012-13 and a further 50% in 2013-14
Work Package 2 –Curriculum Development and the Student Experience
Roll out of TransAPEL to employers and pilot of TransAPEL in one additional area of the curriculum*
Industry advisory panels in every Faculty*
A full review and roll out of the existing negotiated framework to all university faculties
An additional 400 new students recruited on accredited and non-accredited programmes throughout the funding period
Programmes developed for delivery in blended or distance modes
Existing programmes modularised into certificates of CPD*
Employer focused curriculum development
Work Package 3 – Staff Development
Fifteen small research grants awarded for research into and dissemination of good practice and impact in workforce development activities*
Pilot of industrial placements*
Staff development fund
Please provide the names of any partners you are working with and define their role on the programme.
What income do you expect the project to achieve in the 2012/13 academic year?
Project Phases and Delivery
Anticipated start date: / Completion date:
Month and year / By Whom / By When / Outcome or output achievement/contribution

You will be required to provide an update on the progress of each milestone the month following the agreed deadline

Project Risks
State any risks of the project not delivering its outputs
What is the risk? / Impact
low/med/high / Probability
low/med/high / Mitigation
What are we doing to reduce the risk? / Contingency
What else can we do to prevent the risk occurring?
Please include all anticipated costs / FOR OFFICE USE ONLY
Item / Amount / Cost Centre / Transfer date

I have attached a copy of our approved External Project Form (EPF). Applications can be discussed in principle before the submission of an EPF, however final approval will not be granted until the EPF has been submitted.

What criteria will be used to measure the success (or otherwise) of the project? E.g. Number of employers engaged, number of potential learners identified, innovative delivery, research outputs, event outcomes etc.
How will the evidence be gathered? (where the project involves direct engagement with businesses it is expected that a commitment will be sought from the business representatives to provide a statement or access to learners to demonstrate impact of the funding).
Job Title:
Contact details
Mobile :


Name of Coordinator:
Agreed Budget:
Staged Release of Funds: Payment
Date to
be released:
Payment Conditions:

Please return this form to:

Jodie Cataldo, Employer Engagement Coordinator


Tel: 01782 294008

Appendix 1 -Decision making process and monitoring

  1. Projects are considered in the first instance by the Employer Engagement Manager and Employer Engagement Coordinator. Bids for more than £10,000 will be also be scrutinised by the Project Board (by correspondence). Bids are to be presented on the standard proposal form and will be considered against agreed criteria (see above)
  1. Those preparing bids are to seek guidance and advice from the Employer Engagement Manager/Employer Engagement Coordinator at an early stage. No bids will be considered without consultation with the Manager /Employer EngagementCoordinator.
  1. Following review by the Board, proposals will be approved, rejected or sent back for revisions

3.1Accepted proposals to be forwarded to ‘For Business’ for final authorisation, rejection with stated reasons or return for revision (via minutes of the Board meeting)

3.2For proposals where further work is required, these are to be re-presented to the Project Board within 1 month

  1. Monitoring reports are sent to the ‘For Business’ at specified times and summary reports of progress are compiled by this group and summary reports received by the Project Board.
  1. Funds to be allocated and monitored in accordance with financial arrangements as stipulated by the University.