(Summary from proceedings)
Kitakyushu, an industrial and port city, is located midway between Tokyo and Shanghai, China, with a population of one million. In 1901, the first modern steelworks in Asia began operation in Kitakyushu, marking the start of a period of modernization. As one of the four major industrial areas in the country, Kitakyushu supported the high growth of the economy of Japan. Due to rapid industrialization, environmental pollution became a serious problem; Dokai Bay was known as the “Sea of Death”. However, with the efforts of citizens, businesses, universities and the administration united together, the city has been able to recover its beautiful sky and sea.
I would like to show an example of how the city overcame air pollution. Concerned housewives took the initiative and requested improvements in the conditions of industries and the administration, with their slogan, “We want our blue skies back”. This was really the start of anti-pollution measures on a full-scale. In this regard, citizens, industries, universities and the administration formed a partnership to take measures against pollution. The administration undertook eight major activities. First, an organization to deal with pollution measures was formed. At the time of the inauguration of Kitakyushu in 1963, there were only four members. In 1965, a research institute was established, after which the number of persons was increased. As a result, in 1977, the total number of members for the organization increased to 120. Through training, a highly competent staff with practical knowledge was developed.
One additional point I would like to mention is the transfer of responsibility to the local administration for items such as environmental quality standard, as well as reduction standards, which had previously been under the responsibility of the central government. Additionally, the local administration of Kitakyushu established stricter regulations than those of the national government. The uniform regulations throughout the nation were not as effective as previously thought. In other words, since the pollution measures were unable to be implemented, Kitakyushu decided to enact its own pollution control ordinance, which was much stricter than the national standard. The city requested that enterprises abide by the agreement on environmental pollution control concluded between the administration and the businesses. For emergencies, we also provided administrative guidance to solve problems. Through administrative guidance, SOx decreased by 70%.
In the 1960’s, regulations for air pollution started full-scale. However, at that time the majority of businesses did not know what kind of measures to take. In this regard, Kitakyushu city cooperated with university professors and specialists to conduct diagnosis for plants and provide technical guidance. Thus far, the administration has provided guidance to 230 plants and 1,500 facilities. Additionally, when companies establish pollution control facilities or relocate their factories, the city provides a tax incentive as well as a low interest rate loan. Since 1968, Kitakyushu has provided 2.5 million dollars as subsidies to small and medium-sized companies who are taking actions against pollution. An organization in which the administration and enterprises can conduct discussions has also been established so that there can be closer communication to take measures against air pollution. In those areas where houses and factories are situated in close proximity, the administration promotes plant or housing relocation as part of urban planning.
In the 1960’s, the industrial structure of Kitakyushu was based on the steel and chemical industry, which emits atmospheric pollutants in large volumes. However, in recent years, the processing and assembly industry has taken hold in Kitakyushu, which does not emit many pollutants. Companies are trying to respond quickly to regulations by developing environmental management systems, reviewing production processes and raw materials used, renovating production policies and operations, and developing energy conservation policies. As a result, production has been enhanced and pollution emissions decreased. This technology is called Cleaner Production.
The volume of SOx emitted was drastically reduced in a short period of time by conversion of fuel from coal to heavy oil to gas (leading to a 40% improvement in energy efficiency). Anti-SOx measures taken by steel works was drastically reduced by 99.98% from 1970 to 1990 and total volume reduced by 27,000 tons; 89% of that was reduction from fuel conversion and energy conservation. In order to rectify pollution problems, the city spent more than 20 years and over 7 billion dollars. Thirty percent of that was provided by private companies and the remaining 70% was covered by the local government.
To date, Kitakyushu has been able to develop the technology, human resources and a network of industries, academia, government and the private sector. In the 21st century, Kitakyushu hopes to become a city looking towards a better environment in the future by fully utilizing these assets. The basic concept for this is to establish a resource recycling society in which the environment and industrial activities can exist. A variety of activities are currently being carried out within that concept. One such activity is the Eco-Town project. In the 21st century, life have become affluent however, we are now facing environmental problems caused by mass consumption. In order to solve this problem, we must change our lifestyles as well as industrial structure. Waste must be utilized as a recycling resource, with the recycled products widely used by the citizens.
In order to establish a resource circulation society in Kitakyushu, the city is now promoting the Eco-Town project to achieve “zero emissions”. We hope we will be able to have a new phase of development in the city in the 21st century. Kitakyushu has a very clear plan for the Eco-Town project covering a variety of areas including research, technological development, demonstration and commercialization. This is the start of new businesses in the area of the environment. Through the process of overcoming pollution, we have, so far, been able to establish a network of industry, academia, and private and public sectors. With that network, we have developed the concept that waste is a resource and based upon that concept we are now trying to eliminate anxiety of the citizens. Towards that end, the administration is now trying to take accountability for the citizens and the council, with businesses making their facilities open to the public. Each year, approximately 40,000 people come to Eco-Town to tour the facilities.
Eco-Town is located in one corner of the reclaimed land of 2,000 hectares in the northern part of Kitakyushu. Technological development and demonstration are conducted in an area of 16 hectares. In total, there are 18 facilities in operation, with two additional facilities under construction. There is also a final disposal site, as well as a port facility being developed in the area in which 60,000 ton container ships can anchor. With regard to education and basic research on recycling, there is a site located approximately 10 kilometers from the above area. That is where the academic research city area is located where environmental policy concepts and basic research and human development are conducted. The comprehensive complex, with a space of 25 hectares is the commercial aspect of the project. Each business is now closely collaborating with one another so that the environmental industry complex can achieve the goal of “zero emissions”. Those businesses are now aiming to become the base of the environmental industry. There are five recycling plants for PET bottles and electrical appliances. Additionally, the city is now developing water source and water service in other facilities from an existing industrial complex. The area is then ready at a very competitive price.
The PET bottle recycling company has a capacity of 8,000 tons per year. First, PET bottles are melted and broken into flakes. These flakes are then used to make the materials for clothes and other bottles. The necktie I am wearing now is actually made of recycled PET bottle flakes. The recycling plant for used automobiles is the reverse concept of an assembly line for automobiles. The line extends for 60 meters during which a 400 to 500 kilogram cube will then be made. These will be used as raw materials for steel and removed parts can be reused in new automobiles. In order to have a successful recycling project, we must have a good recycling circle comprised of consumption, waste, collection, and manufacturing. In this regard, the local administration is now heavily involved in not only environmental policies but also consumption policies and industrial policies.
In the process of overcoming environmental problems, Kitakyushu has been able to accumulate a variety of knowledge and expertise. Through the network we have been able to establish with industries, academia and the public and private sectors, the city is now proactively promoting international cooperation and measures for environmental industries. We are now aiming at the environmental improvement of cities in the Asia-Pacific region and hope that we will be able to establish a sustainable society throughout the region.
Additional Information:
Cleaner Production in Reducing Pollutants