Friday February 14, 2014

Rogers Lions help carry on Carrie’s legacy

Create Carrie Lorman

Memorial 5K partnership



The Rogers Lions Club is helping make sure that a young woman’s tragic death was not in vain and that her legacy will continue.

Carrie Lorman was 22 years old when she died in a car crash in December 2009 on icy Interstate 94 roads on the way back to Rogers from her retail job in Maple Grove. She was also the mother to a 3-year-old daughter, Brooklynn.

“She was truly a happy and carefree person,” said organizers of the Carrie Lorman Memorial 5K Run. “A wonderful mother, daughter, sister, niece and friend. Full of spunk and adventure and love.”

The Carrie On 5K and Brooklynn’s Brigade Kiddie Run were founded by Angie Volk, a friend of the Lorman family, to Carrie On her memory. The original purpose of the race was a fundraiser to help establish a trust fund for Brooklynn.

Now, each year the Lorman family has first awarded one or two scholarships to selected seniors at the Rogers High School where Carrie attended school and then the remaining proceeds were directed to the trust. This year a decision was made to change the entire focus of the race and after some research and discussion, the Lorman family chose to partner with the Rogers Lions Club to help get the race proceeds distributed to a local charity and/or to other needs that the Lions can identify in the community.

This year the race committee specifically asked the Lions to distribute the remaining race proceeds (after the scholarships were funded) to the CROSS Food Shelf and to families in Rogers suffering from hardship.

“The race committee and the Lormans are very proud of this annual memorial race and are pleased to have partnered with the Lions,” as well as with corporate sponsors, organizers said.

They said the race has served to help her family deal with her loss in a meaningful way each August, as well as benefitting the community.

The 5th annual Carrie On Memorial 5k Run is Aug. 9. Search for race registration on shortly after the first of the year, or check out the race website at

“The reason for the partnership between the Lions and the Carrie Lorman run was created simply because our Lions club has the exposure to the needs of our community like no other,” said Lion Bruce Gorecki. “People seek us out looking for help.”

The Rogers Lions Club is partnering with the Carrie On 5k Run that is hosted yearly in honor of Carrie Lorman, who was 22 years old when she died in car crash in 2009, leaving behind then 3-yr-old daughter, Brooklynn. Left to right are Brooklynn Lorman, Shelli Lorman (Carrie’s mother), Rogers Lion Tim Jordan, Daisy Barton (CROSS), Stephanie Lehman (CROSS), Rogers Lion Dave Hansen and Sue Stensrud (Carrie’s aunt).

He said the process is simple:

* The Lions and the Carrie Lorman Run coordinators will meet in January of each year, the Lions will give the coordinators its view as to the best options for possible recipients to receive donations from the upcoming run which occurs in August of each year.

* Once the recipient(s) have been chosen the next step is then promotion. The Carrie Lorman group becomes a Rockin Rogers (summer festival) sponsor so the run can be promoted in Rockin Rogers advertising and by operating a booth at the event all of Rockin Rogers weekend. The promotional material will state where the proceeds from the run for that year will go.

* The Rogers Lions Club with its 130 plus membership will actively promote the run throughout the year as well as help out at the run as needed. “We all want to see this run Carrie On and become a staple in our community drawing runners from all over Minnesota,” Gorecki said. “What better way to keep the memory of Carrie alive.”

* After the run is over and the numbers are crunched the Carrie Run coordinators will donate two $500 dollar scholarships to the Rogers High School and the balance will be donated to the Rogers Lions Club. The Club will then donate that money to the predetermined recipients