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1. Why is the Suez Canal a vital link in world trade?
2. What was essential to the economic growth of Europe? Why?
3. What two bodies of water does the canal connect?
4. By the mid-19th century, who was not interested in building the canal?
5. Who pushed Muhammad Said of Egypt to build the Suez Canal?
6. What government opposed the building of the canal? Why?
7. How was money raised to build the canal?
8. When was construction on the canal started?
9. How did Egypt lose control of the canal and why is this important?
10. When was the Suez Canal completed?
11. What nation controlled the Suez Canal during both World Wars?
12. Who helped to end the Egyptian monarchy and negotiated the withdrawal of the British from Egypt?
13. How do the Egyptians view de Lesseps?