Rock Chapel Park
Coaches Code of Conduct
Being a member of the RCP coaching staff is both an honor and a privilege. With this privilege comes an enormous responsibility for the students and our coaching staff.
This handbook is designed to be a resource and guide for our coaching staff and it is the responsibility of each athletic coach to review this document. This handbook has been created to address information that will increase the level of communication to our entire coaching staff.
Player/Coach Responsibilities
Be Responsible to Yourself:
Never compromise one’s character, ethics, sportsmanship and respect for the game. We are all responsible for Pursuing Victory by using our six core principles: trust, worthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and good citizenship. Be
Responsible to Our Park:
Our park’s reputation is being shaped by the way we conduct ourselves. We contribute to our park’s reputation in everything we do, and we should always demonstrate the PRIDE we have in our community.
Be Responsible to Others:
“All Eyes Are On Us” and we have a duty to represent our park and community in an exemplary manner. Our sport programs are an educational experience, and our top priority is to demonstrate our positive character.
RCP Vision: "We Reach and Teach our Youth through Quality Parks and Programs"
Come out today and play!
- be happier
- feel great
- increase community pride
- provide safe places to play
- diminish gang violence
- protect the environment
- create memories
- build family unity
- build self esteem
Rock ChapelPark Bulldog Corporation is responsible for developing our youth in baseball, basketball and football. The three programs main focus is to “Reach one
and Teach one “. Rock Chapel Park volunteers take great pride to enrich the lives of others through quality of the programs, designed and developed so that our youth possess abilities to compete and participate in excellent recreational opportunities.
RCP Mission Statement:
To develop, operate, and maintain a park and recreation system which enriches the quality of life for our youth, residents and visitors alike, and preserves it for future generations.
Goals of RCP Athletics
The common goals of the RCP program at ALL levels of play are:
Have fun.
Develop leadership qualities.
Learn the value of sportsmanship, self-discipline and team responsibility.
Develop their physical, emotional, social and mental skills.
Develop respect for authority, teammates, opponents and themselves.
Develop pride in themselves, their team and community.
Learn to work as a team member towards the attainment of common goals.
Develop team responsibility and dedication.
Learn rules and fundamentals of particular sports.
Coaches Goals
Each coach will:
Supervise practice and games – players will not be left unattended.
Train and educate all athletes.
Communicate expectations and goals clearly and appropriately to players and parents.
Accept accountability for team conduct.
Implement well-organized plans aimed at the overall development of all players.
Serve as a role model by practicing good sportsmanship and self-discipline.
Make decisions that are in the best interest of the program.
Foster an open communication between the coach, player and parent.
Provide opportunities that challenge each player to reach their potential.
Team: ______
Coach Name: ______
Coach Signature: ______
Date: ______