Lego Robot Soccer
Software Requirement Specification
IEEE 830-1998
A. Introduction
A.1 Purpose
The robot soccer competition is a popular game that offers a set of challenges for intelligent agent researchers using a friendly competition in a dynamic, real-time, multi-agent domain. Here we are trying to build up a robot with MINDSTORM NXT robotics tool set and coding the robot to make it intelligent.
A.2 Scope
The robot here is only designed for one to one soccer competitions. We are trying to make the robot know what to do automatically rather than be controlled by human beings in the competition. We are trying to design a robot which has a good AI. The number of the team members will be extended in future in order to make the competition more canonicity. And there will be different tasks for each member in the team.
A.3 Definitions
A3.1 Robot: The competitor, which is controlled by pre-set program. The most important aim of it is try to make the goal without committing the rule of the competition
A3.2 Nxtbrick: the core part of the robot which can control all the action of robot either by downloaded program or by virtual controller provided by software.
A3.3 Sensor: the robot parts which are connected to Nxtbrick get the information of the conditions around the robot.
A3.4 Motor: the robot parts which are connected to Nxtbrick make the robot move.
A3.4 NXTsharp: a C# language software which provide a interface for the user can control the robot by sending the control command to the Nxtbrick wirelessly.
A.4 Reference
“IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specifications” (830-1998)
Hiroaki Kitano, Minoru Asada, Yasuo Kuniyoshi, Itsuki Noda, Eiichi Osawa.“RoboCup: The Robot World Cup Initiative”
Hiroaki Kitano, Minoru Asada, Yasuo Kuniyoshi, Itsuki Noda, Eiichi Osawa, Peter Stone, Manuela Veloso, Silvia Coradeschi, Hitoshi Matsubara. “The RoboCup Synthetic Agent Challenge 97”
“LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT ARM7 Bluetooth Interface Specification”
A.5 Overview
This document can be separated into three sections. Section A gives you a briefly introduction of the whole project. Section B talks about the general description of the whole system, like product perspective, product functions, user characteristics and so on. Section C is the most important section in the document. It will introduce you the function and non-function requirements of the project.
B. General Requirement
B.1 Product perspective
“It is an attempt to promote AI and robotics research by providing a common task. Soccer, for evaluation of various theories, algorithms, and agent architectures. ” [Kitano,et al., 1995; Kitano etal., 1997a; 1997b]
B.2 Product functions
This product is aimed at making the robot intelligent enough to attend a one to one competition without human controlling. The one who got the highest goal in a fixed time will be the winner. However you can control the robot by computer if you want to.
The interface of the controller perhaps is the key term if you focus on the robot controlling by human.
B.3 User Characteristics
The robot can know the orientation of the goal by the light sensor, know where the ball is by the ultrasonic sensor, and decide what to do next. In addition, robot can make some pre-set action if it is invoked by the touch sensor. Beside sensors, therobot also has three motors to make the robot run. The NXTbrick is the core of the whole robot, it can load the pre-set code to control the robot. Control commands may also be deliveredto the NXTbrick from a PC via a Bluetooth wireless connection. This allows direct control of the robot from a PC keyboard by a human operator. In this case, you can write code by yourself and put them into software like NXTsharp to modify the interface (virtual controller). This kind of open source software will allow you to control all the sensor parts and motor parts via Bluetooth.
B.4 Constraints
There exist severe memory limitationswith the NXTBrick.Large programs cannot be downloaded into the NXTBrick. The virtual control panel provided by NXTsharp is the solution to this specific constraint.
In so much as this competition is considered to be a soccer competition, competitors should also be held to the rules of said game where possible. Ball handling, fouls, time-outs, and the like should conform to the game of soccer.
B.5 System dependency and assumptions
The system can only use in a especial area. The robots must scan the especial flag in the area by light sensor, ultrasonic sensor, etc. However, you can also use the system in un-special area, if the robot which we will develop in the future would be enough intelligent.
C. Specific requirements
C.1 External interface requirements
C.1.1 User Interfaces
Visibility of system status
The system should always keep users informed about what is going on, through appropriate feedback within reasonable time.
User control and freedom
Users often choose system functions by mistake and will need a clearly marked "emergency exit" to leave the unwanted state without having to go through an extended dialogue. Support undo and redo.
Error prevention
Even better than good error messages is a careful design which prevents a problem from occurring in the first place. Either eliminate error-prone conditions or check for them and present users with a confirmation option before they commit to the action.
Aesthetic and minimalist design
Dialogues should not contain information which is irrelevant or rarely needed. Every extra unit of information in a dialogue competes with the relevant units of information and diminishes their relative visibility.
Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors
Error messages should be expressed in plain language (no codes), precisely indicate the problem, and constructively suggest a solution.
Help and documentation
Even though it is better if the system can be used without documentation, it may be necessary to provide help and documentation. Any such information should be easy to search, focused on the user's task, list concrete steps to be carried out, and not be too large.
C.1.2 Hardware Interfaces
The Bluetooth contains all necessary hardware toe run a completely self-contained Bluetooth node. The main NXT Processor that controls our use interface provides drivers for peripherals and runs user code.
Control Signals
Reset:Active low signal initiated by the ARM7 that reset the Bluetooth Chip.
ARM7_CMD:Active high signal that signals the state of the UART channel seen from the ARM7. Input at BlueCore PIO(11).
BC4_CMD:Active high signal that signals the state of the UART channel seen from the ARM7. Output at BlueCore PIO(10).
SPI Interface
The SPI enables firmware updates of the BlueCore chip through CSR’s DFU-algorithm. The SPI signals are shared with the display.
UART Interface
High-speed full-duplex interface with handshake signals.UART settings used both in stream and command modes:
460.8K Baud
8 bit
No Parity
One stop bit
C.1.3 Communications Interfaces
C.1.3.1 Click on the appropriate checkbox to enable the functionality that you wish to use in the Lego NXT. Enabling a particular section will start the correspondence between your PC and the NXT brick. This will increase the Bluetooth traffic and can slow down the reaction time that your Lego NXT will take so be sure to only enable those parts that you need.
C.1.3.2The motor control variables can be specified by either using one of the existing variables provided in the dropdown list or by typing in a new variable. Once you select a variable you will not be able to manually adjust the motor bar as it will now respond to the value within the variable. Be sure to select the appropriate minimum and maximum values to ensure that the variables do not exceed the motor limits. Note that the values for the motors range from 0 to 255 with 128 being neutral.
C.1.3.3 If you would like to receive information about the rotation of the motor (aka encoder values) then select the rotation checkbox and specify the variables that should contain the values sent by the encoders. If you enable this area and then move the motor by hand you will notice the value field change in accordance to the rotation of the motor.
C.1.3.4 The NXT has several different kinds of sensors. You need to let RoboRealm know which kind is attached to which port. To do so simply select the appropriate dropdown to indicate the type of sensor attached to the port. Then select the variable or type in a new one that is meant to receive the value of that sensor. Be sure to click on the checkbox above the Sensor group to enable reading of sensors. Note that the current sensor value will be shown in the right hand box.
C.1.3.5 If at any time you would like to STOP the robot press the stop button (this can save many crashes). Pressing start will re-enable the motors and reactivate communication with the NXT robot.
C.1.3.6 Communicating with NXT G-Programs
You can use RoboRealm to communicate specific values from the PC to a running program within the Lego NXTbrick. The reason one would do this would be to communicate a specific condition that RoboRealm has picked up on (for example seeing a large red cup) so that the G-Block program can change its behavior based on this information. In this manner RoboRealm is acting like an additional sensor that can be tested for specific conditions.
The way this communication occurs is by using the Lego NXT Mailboxes. These are akin to the "Variables" known in the Lego Mindstorms RCX system (the former Lego system). You will need to add in the G-block "Receive Message" (yellow square menu) to receive messages sent from RoboRealm. In this Block you will have to specify the type of data to be received and which mailbox the message will be received in. The mailbox number MUST correlate with the same mailbox number seen in the mailbox list on the right side of the RoboRealm Lego NXT interface. If these numbers do not match, no values will be received in the correct mailbox. In the RoboRealm interface, specify a variable name (NOT TEXT) in the dropdown/text editable box. RoboRealm will only transmit the contents of variables so be sure to specify a variable that has some content in it. If you are just testing the communication you can select the IMAGE_COUNT variable which will increment by one for each image being processed. Also be sure to select "send" radio button in the RoboRealm interface so that RoboRealm knows to send the contents of the specified variable to the Lego NXT.
To send a value from the Lego NXT back to RoboRealm you can add in the "Send Message" G-Block within the Lego programming interface. You MUST specify the 0 Connection in that G-Block's options. 0 means that when the NXT is acting in slave mode it should buffer the sent messages in outgoing mailboxes that the PC can request the contents of. You can then type in the message and the mailbox that should be used to send the message. Again, the mailbox MUST match one of the mailboxes in RoboRealm and a variable MUST be specified in the RoboRealm interface that will receive this value from the NXT. Note that your NXT must be in slave most with respect to the PC for this to work. In other words, allow your PC to first connect to the NXT rather than use the NXT to connect to the PC. Since the PC is not another NXT the connection option needs to be set to 0 which allows for master/slave communication.
C.2 System features
C.2.1 Light Sensor Module
C.2.1.1 Introduction/Purpose of feature
NXT get the location of goal by light sensor in the robot. It is very important for the NXT to get the exact location of the goal in getting the points.
C.2.1.2 Associated functional requirements
C. Scan the enemy goal location by light sensor
C. Calculate the distance and angle between robot and rival’s goal
C.2.2 Ultrasonic Sensor Module
C.2.2.1 Introduction/Purpose of feature
The robot can get the location of the ball by ultrasonic sensor, and calculate the upright angle and distance between the ball and robot, and execute an order.
C.2.2.2 Associated functional requirements
C. Get the location of the ball by ultrasonic sensor
C. Calculate the upright angle and distance between the ball and robot
C. Get the location that robot should move
C. With light sensor data getting robot’s crank
C. Execute turning and moving
C.2.3 Touch Sensor Module
C.2.3.1 Introduction/Purpose of feature
Robot can deal with the event by touch sensor. When robot touches an object, he will bump it once, if the distance got by ultrasonic sensor is not zero the object is not a ball, then the robot will turn right (90 degrees) and go ahead.
C.2.1.2 Associated functional requirements
C. When robot touches an object, he will bump it once
C. Check the object is either a ball or another
C. If the object is not a ball, turn right (90 degrees) and go ahead
Figure C.
C.3 Performance requirements
Only one individualmay control the robot during the match.
C.4 Design constraints
The system can only be used in a special area. The robots scan the special flags in the area with light sensor, ultrasonic sensor, etc.
C.5 Software system attributes
The software system is applied for MINDSTORM NXT robots. Robots will be used insoccer competition. The software will be developed by Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.
C.6 Other requirements
Project Development Plan
(List of Tasks, Timeline, and Milestones for each member)
Produce robot(s) from Lego boxed set to complete in the following competitions:
1-Soccer competition
2-Map Explorer competition
Team Members:
Jiangchuan Wang (Chase) -- Programmer & Team Lead
Guanting Tang ------Programmer & Milestone I writer
Taiheng Jin (Jackie) ------Web Designer
Weijun Cheng (Frank) ------Negotiator & Technical writer
Richard Brown (Rich) ------Programmer & Milestone I writer
Days 1-2 -- Pre-Design
Days 3-6 -- Design
Days 7-10 -- Build
Days 11-16 – Test
Day 18 -- Competition
Pre-Design – Days 1 & 2 -- Team, parts
Design – Days 3-6 -- Bots, Rules, Software Scheme
Build – Days 7-10 -- Bots, load software
Test – Days 11-16 -- Bots (modifications), software modifications
Pre-Design: (Days 1 & 2)
Inventory and familiarization with Lego boxed set
Classify and separate parts
Decide initial software platform
NXT or Microsoft
Divide team members into specific tasks
Determine work location and install computer
Set-up team meeting schedule
Design: (Days 3 to 6)
Determine play fields and rules
Produce initial task sets, timeline, and member milestones
Basic body designs for each competition
Soccer Bot:
Ball control methods and mechanisms and parts associated
Any other offensive mechanisms and parts associated
Any defensive mechanisms and parts associated
Determine software function concepts
Map Explorer:
Any physical changes from soccer competition design
Remove ball control mechanisms, if any
Remove defensive mechanisms, if any
Add external bumpers
Determine sensor placements
Determine software function concepts
Design (Rules):
Bot size limits
Ball handling Restrictions
Aggression Restrictions
Goal defense Restrictions
In-game Bot modification Restrictions
Design (software):
Select software platform/package (NXT or MS)
Install on selected single computer
Determine software properties
Up-loading to Bot
Transmission issues
Code functions and methods
Offensive and Defensive strategies
Build (Bots, Load coded algorithms): (Days 7 to 10)
Build basic body design concepts to working configuration
Check stability and durability
Build ball control devices to working configuration
Check functionality and durability
Build defensive mechanisms to working configuration
Check functionality and durability
Model basic body designs (both competitions)
Test for stability and durability
Select and produce final basic body design
Model ball control devices (soccer)
Test functionality and durability
Select and produce final ball control device(s)
Model defensive mechanisms (soccer)
Test functionality and durability
Select and produce final defensive mechanism(s)
Model any changes to basic body design used for soccer competition (map explorer)
Test functionality and durability
Test speed to make said changes
Is change practical during competition???
Model sensor placements (map explorer)
Test functionality and durability
Test speed to make said changes
Is change practical during competition???
Model any additional add-ons (map explorer)
Test functionality and durability
Test speed to make said changes
Is change practical during competition???
Load software functions and methods (map explorer)
Test load times, functionality, and accuracy of algorithms
Web page design initialization
Initial page development
Upload and update of team progress journal
Upload “work in progress” images of team efforts
Care given to not revealing any secret team information
Test (both competition design builds): (Days 11 to 16)
Test soccer Bot design in competition environment
Ensure functionality and stability over entire field
Ensure mobility and ball control meet design concepts
Test map explorer in competition environment
Ensure functionality and stability over entire field
Ensure software code and algorithms meet design concepts in competition environment