Robson Ranch Women’s Club Luncheon Meeting
June 2, 2014
The regular general membership luncheon meeting was held Monday June 2, 2014 in the beautifully decorated clubhouse. The luncheon attendees were a pretty sight in their wedding finery arriving for the Women’s Club Wedding Day fashion show.
President Mala Bowdouris gave a 10-minute warning at 11:48 and asked the ladies to introduce themselves to their tablemates. At 11:56 Mala welcomed everyone to the luncheon. She then asked all members who celebrated their birthday in June to be rise and be recognized. First time attendees were then asked to stand and introduce themselves. Mala also asked that new members and members who joined in May to please stay after the luncheon to have their picture taken.
President Mala Bowdouris made the following reports:
- She reported for Chris Melo Hospitality thanked the Red HatRanchers for the table decorations and the Material Girls for the wedding ring quilts on display in the ballroom.
- Reporting for Secretary Linda Overfield that the approved May luncheon minutes are posted on the HOA website as well as the club’s website.
- Reporting for Treasurer Donna Ross there were receipts of revenue in the amount of $895.00. These were for deposits from vendors for the Holiday Market. There were operating expenses of $381.70 and pass through expenses of $9,704.33 associated with the San Antonio Trip. This leaves a balance of $9,219.47. This includes overall deposits of $2,625.00 in vendor deposits for the Holiday Market.
- Reporting for 1st Vice President Membership that there are 367 members.
Service Liz Dinkins reported that Friends of the Family collected $945.00 in checks and cash and other items.
President Mala Bowdouris reported that the Board of Directors chose the Community Closet and Hearts for Homes to receive the funds from the Holiday Home Tour and that Woman to Woman and Ann’s Haven will divide the funds from the Holiday Market. Mala also directed the membership to the pink forms on the tables for anyone needing a card from Sunshine Jan Wallace.
Ways and MeansJudy Ruggiero reported that the Holiday Market will be October 11, 2014 and asked the membership for other vendor suggestions that may want to attend.
Door prizes were drawn and given to the winners.
Luncheon CoordinatorJoan Krause asked the membership to put their guests full name on the check for the luncheon reservation and to also separate the luncheon check and membership dues. Two different checks are required. The membership dues are to be given to 1st Vice President BJ Watson. Joan announced the meal for July would be a salad bar.
Greeter CoordinatorJanice Brown thanked the greeters for the day. They were Barbara Casazza, Barbara Geiser, Geraldine Gawle, Carole Johnston and Joy Keteltas.
Door prizes were again drawn and given to winners.
2nd Vice President Darla Mahan announced the name of the July program is “Annie Get Your Gun.” Darla encouraged the membership to wear their western clothing. Before the Wedding fashion show began Darla thanked all of the ladies who donated dresses and all other participants in the show and in supporting roles. Before the models started down the aisle Darla discussed a dress on a mannequin which dated back to 1905 and worn again by women’s club member Dorothy Pointer.
The following were the original bride and gown owner/donor:
- Bernadette Fideli’s mother’s dress
- Janet Dage Kendrick Utzman (2)
- Peggy Crandell
- Melba Beckham
- Micki Zartman
- Mala Bowdouris
- Darla Mahan
- Barbara Runner
- Lynn Kosmak
- Bernadette Fideli
- Paula Monroe
- Pat Weber
- Kathy Heberlein
- Kay McKie
- Carol Cieslik
- Deborah Harwell
- Tina Hoffenberg
- Kami Wagner/daughter of Micki Zartman
- Joanie Price
- Suzann Utzman Woodard/daughter of Jan Utzman
- BK Nicklas
The following were models:
- Evelyn Harris
- Emily Davis
- Bobbi Hardt
- Lauren Hirsch
- Mary Jo Belding
- Karen Reynolds
- Bekah Clinton
- Sandy Welch
- Lori Slocum
- Whitney Hart
- Beverlee Deardorff
- Nancy Toppan
- Pete Toppan
- Denise Mansusk
- Kathy Heberlein
- Sandy De Vincenzo
- Morgon Burford
- Deborah Harwell
- Kayla Darnell
- Cindy Shepard
- Joanie Price
- Suzann Utzman Woodard
- BK Nicklaus
Escorts: Wally Sagui, Adam Chorba, Pete Toppan and Charles Utzman. Ring boy Sawyer and Flower Girl Savannah Rose grandchildren of Kathy Heberlein.
President Mala Bowdouris thanked Darla Mahan 2ndVice-President Programs and Barbara Runner table decorations and presented them both with flower bouquets. Mala reminded the members about the Hubby Boxes and pictures for new members.
Meeting adjourned at 2:02
Submitted by Linda Overfield Secretary