Updated April, 2012
Robotics Rules and Regulations
- In order to exhibit in the Robotics division, the 4-H member must be enrolled in:
Virtual Robotics - Virtual Robotics DVD PUB – 08340 or
Junk Drawer Robotics 1– Give Robots a Hand PUB - 08431or
Junk Drawer Robotics 2– Robots on the Move PUB – 08432 or
Junk Drawer Robotics 3 – Mechatronics PUB – 08433 or
Robotics Platform – Robotics Platform DVD PUB - 08434
- See General Project Guidelines.
- Projects exhibited must be made by the 4-H member during the current 4-
- Table displays are limited to 2’wide by 15” deep. The maximum poster size for hanging is 22” by 30”.
- Edgar County 4-H and 4-H Association will not be responsible for stolen, lost, or damaged robots. Members may remove their robots from the fairgrounds at the completion of judging for security reasons. If the robot is removed, the member must provide a photo of the robot to leave with the exhibit tag, scoring sheet, and ribbon/sticker.
- If applicable for their class and display, exhibitors must bring their own computers for demonstration purposes; computers will not be provided. Internet access will not be available.
- County may submit two (2) entries for State Fair from these classes.
Virtual Robotics: Activities are conducted in an online environment. Every module has Virtual Robotics Notebook pages with prompts and questions to guide youth. Pages should be printed and kept in a binder. Additional blank or lined paper may also be used to record thoughts and sketches of design ideas. Exhibitors will be judged on the detail and content of explanations in the Robotics Notebook. No computers or other equipment are required.
Class 01 - Level 1: Exhibit your robotics notebook to demonstrate what you learned about the robotics design and programming by completing at least one of the design challenges in Modules 1- 4. Explain how you redesigned your robot to better complete the challenge and what you learned from that process. Include answers to the question prompts from at least one module.
Class 02 - Level 2: Exhibit a robotics notebook to demonstrate what you learned about robotics design and programming by completing at least one of the challenges in Modules 5-8. Provide details on the pseudo-code or program you wrote and explain changes you made to help your robot complete the challenge. Include answers to the question prompts from at least one module.
Class 03 - Level 3: Bring a robotics notebook to demonstrate what you learned about either robotics communication (Modules 9-10) or the engineering
design process and programming (Modules 11-12). Explain your experience with trying to complete the assigned challenge and include answers to the question prompts from at least one module.
Junkdrawer Robotics: All exhibits should be original designs made with everyday objects and materials. Exhibits with purchased kits will not be accepted.
Class 04- Junkdrawer Robotics 1 - Exhibit a balance beam design you have created; OR Exhibit a created design for a robot arm that has at least two of the three axes of movement; OR Exhibit a created design for a gripper for your robot arm.
Class 05- Jukdrawer Robotics 2 - Exhibit a built can-can robot that will make drawings on paper; OR Exhibit a built a rover
(Es-Car-Go) with a gear train that is able to climb a ramp; OR Exhibit a design for an underwater ROV that can be powered to go up and down in a tank of water.
Class 06- Junkdrawer Robotics 3 - Exhibit a designed and built or modified machine that will travel forward and backward using electrical power; OR Exhibit a designed mechanism that will sense a barrier (both front and back) and change motor or wheel direction; OR Build and compare at least two types of circuits; OR Design an original robot that can perform a specific task.
Robotics Platform- Exhibitors should bring a robot designed with a commercial robotics kit. 4-H does not promote any platform over another, but some of the
more common robotics kits available to the general public include: LEGO® MINDSTORMS, TETRIX® and VEX. Exhibitors are also required to bring a robotics Notebook in which they have recorded their engineering design experience. Note: This curriculum is designed for small group use but can be adapted for individual use. State fair exhibits for this class are individual only.
Class 07 - Robotics Platform I (Modules 1-5) - Exhibitors will build and program a robot for basic movement that includes a simple arm capable of picking up an item. They will bring their robot and Robotics Notebook to share what they learned about the engineering design process.
Class 08 - Robotics Platform II (Modules 6-10) - Exhibitors will design, build and program a robot that uses sensors and programming to complete a task. They will bring their robot and Robotics Notebook to share what they learned about the engineering design process and programming with sensors.
Class 09 - Robotics Platform III (Module 11) - Exhibitors will design, build and program a robot that uses sensors and programming to complete one of the provided challenges. They will bring their robot and Robotics Notebook to share changes they made to the robot and/or program along the way and to describe their experience with completing the challenge.