DIVISION NO. «Cs_CurrentDivision»
STATE OF MISSOURI, / )Plaintiff, / )
) Case No. «Cs_CauseNumber»
vs. / ) PA#: «Cs_FileNumber»
«Def_FirstName» «Def_MiddleName» «Def_LastName» «Def_NameSuffix» / )
Defendant. / )
The Court, sua sponte, finds that there is reasonable cause to believe that the accused has, or might have, a mental disease or defect, now makes the following order:
IT IS ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the Director of the Department of Mental Health, or his designee, cause the accused to be examined in an inpatient setting.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that those examining the accused report the results of such examination within 60 days of the date of this order, in writing and in triplicate to the Clerk of this Court. Such report shall include:
1. An opinion as to whether the accused, as a result of a mental disease or defect, lacks the capacity to understand the proceedings against his or to assist in his own defense; and,
2. An opinion as to whether at the time of the alleged criminal conduct the accused, as a result of mental disease or defect, did not know or appreciate the nature, quality, or wrongfulness of his conduct or as a result of mental disease or defect was incapable of conforming his conduct to the requirements of law; and,
3. If the defendant is found to lack mental fitness to proceed, an opinion as to whether there is a substantial probability that the defendant will attain the mental fitness to proceed; and,
4. A recommendation whether the accused should be held in a suitable hospital facility for treatment pending the determination by this Court of the issue of mental fitness to proceed; and,
5. A recommendation whether the accused, if found by the Court to be mentally fit to proceed, should be detained in such hospital facility pending further proceedings; and,
6. Detailed findings; and,
7. An opinion as to whether the accused has a mental disease or defect, and the duration thereof.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the parties provide the examiners forthwith the information cited in Sections 552.045.3 and 552.045.5, RSMo, and any other information requested by the examiners. The examiners may also interview witnesses.
Dated this ______day of ______,2008.