Robins August PTO meeting

Date: 8/13/15

Location: Library

Time meeting start time: 4:06 PM

Time meeting end time: 5:06 PM

Board Members present: Marie Soliz, Hyacinth Dubinko, Lupita Ortega

Present during meeting:

1.  Lauren Gatlin

2.  Ruth Nicol

3.  Vikki Romero

4.  Christina Dentel

5.  Kristy Melendez

6.  Brianna Wilheim

7.  Riley Maxwell

8.  Patricia Small

9.  Nadia Siqueiros

10. Elis Castillo

11. Linda Marinos

12. Pamela Miller

Approval of minutes:

Kristy moves to approve meeting minutes from 5/29/15. Hyacinth seconds the motion, 0 appose. Last meeting’s minutes approved are approved.

Upcoming events: Kristy-9/8-9/18 will last for 2 weeks.

Dinner & Movie night-Hyacinth-tickets for $2 per person need movie approval to show. Food: Olive Garden pasta.

Event reports: no report

Unfinished business: bleachers were purchased for Middle School with Apex money-there is no delivery time for bleachers. Follow up with Annette will need to be done.

Newsletter- business advertisement $20, business card size add-Christina Dentel is the main contact.

Budget: Annette not present

Action items:

Secretary will need to be updated on PTO bylaws.

Box Tops competition this year- Contest for students who bring in the most 10/23 Kindle fire ht tablet. Will need help counting/labeling will be put on information board. Classroom party also as an incentive.

Yearbook chair-Lauren-will work with Ms. Bell

Open forum:

PTO help request: able to sign up in volunteer sign in book at front office.

$30 approved for student?

Business liaison Patricia: re-enroll Fry’s card, Target enrolls.

Checks donated to PTO: need to specify Robins PTO, if not it goes to school. If this happens the school will do a purchase order to pay PTO.

Volunteer sheet to send home:

Parent teacher conference day: set up table, bag of popcorn

Librarian-needs help for organizing books, needs a shelf. PTO will purchase shelf.

Kristy-moves to purchase supplies for Lilly. Marie seconds the motion. 0 oppose. Supplies will be purchased for Lilly/front office.

Ms. Nicol: Positive behavior program-roadrunner rocks tickets/name called over intercom-other schools have a store-free homework pass, going to lunch early.

Need 50 $10 gift cards as incentives. Other ideas would be a moveable store (cart) with prizes.

Asking for $50

Kristy moves to approve the purchase of $50 worth of gift cards. Hyacinth seconds the motion. 0 oppose. $50 worth of gift cards will be purchased for prizes.

Other ideas for MS-Kristy-2 page catalog-collegiate teams

Need to purchase lunch carts (3)

Kristy moves to approve the purchasing of 3 total lunch carts. Marie seconds the motion. 0 oppose. 3 lunch carts will be purchased.

Mrs. Thomas: 3 new teachers that need their shirts, Flyer sent out for additional shirts out

Pam Miller: Need balls for teams, will purchase at Play it again Sports, need knee pads. Will provide receipt.

Kristy moves to approve purchase of balls for P.E. Hyacinth seconds the motion. 0 oppose. The purchasing of balls for P.E. has been approved.

Hyacinth-positive behavior-20 jars for each teacher, each class has individual jar, need marbles, every time a purple slip is earned by a student the slip goes into jar and the class will receive a prize.

Marie moves to approve purchase of marbles and jars. Kristy seconds the motion. 0 oppose. The purchasing of marbles and jars is approved.

Linda-MS Glow dance-new DJ-Ms. Kristy Melendez’s husband. 10/2 6-8pm.

Parents can help decorate and serve the food, but must be on PTO volunteer list.

Discussed link for constant contact-Roxanne Medina –Constant contact chair

Lane Mendell-volunteer coordinator-runs sign up genius

Home room parent coordinator-Elise Castillo

Teacher Appreciation day-may be shortened 10/8

Next meeting is scheduled for 9/8 from 4pm-5pm.

Meeting ended 5:06PM meeting adjourned

Minutes completed by Lupita Ortega