Event Supervisor–Myrren Byers
Event Secretary –Robyn Schmetzer
Precision and Paces Judges
-Garry & Judy Harris
Scorer –Robyn Schmetzer
Cones & Obstacle Judge -
- Myrren Byers
Judges decisions are final
Indoor Carriage Driving - 3 phases
A- Precision & Paces.
Arena 50m x 20m
Indoor driving test No. 2017-1 all classes
B –Cones Driven at 220 metres per minute,approximately fast trot. No stopwatches allowed.
C- Obstacles
Speed Cones – One round-fastest, clear round to win.
Class 1
1.A. Single Pony 91cms & Under 121cms (9hh & Under 11.3 3/4hh)
1.B Single Pony 121cms n.e.149cms (11.3 3/4hh n/e. 14.2 5/8hh )
1.C Single Horse Over 149cms (Over 14.2 5/8hh)
1.D Multiple any Height
1.E FirstSeason Competitor
1.F Joggers allowed @ 125cm Min Wheel Width
Class 2
Speed Cones
2.A. Single any height.
2.B. Multiples any height
9amPrecision and Paces.
Cones to follow
1pm 1st round Obstacles
2pm2nd round obstaclesre-lettered, Drivers have 10 minutes to learn new course.
Tea, Coffee and Sausage Sizzle available..Overnight camping available, showers, toilets.
- The Event will be judged under the current Victorian Indoor Horse Driving Rules dated 1 February 2017 and any additional conditions included in this schedule.
- Drivers must be full members of the ACDS and horses must be ACDS registered.
- All competitors compete at their own risk.
- Junior drivers age 10 must be accompanied in the vehicle by an ACDS adult member (an experienced driving person) seated next to the driver at all times and holding a second pair of reins attached to the bit. Junior Drivers 11-15 must be accompaniedin the vehicle by a ACDS adult member (an experienced driving person).
- Livestock control: Entrants /Owners of livestock are advised that horses must be adequately and securely restrained and controlled at all times.
- Dress code: Marathon gear, gloves and whip. Protective headgear is compulsory in accordance with ACDS rules.
The Saturday is a training day teaching all aspects and rules of the indoor series. Competirors will have the opportunity to gain confidence and knowledge to compete in the trial competition to be held on the Sunday.If there is a lot of interest in this form of competition the club will hold an indoor qualifier in 2018.
Robyn Schmetzer 0458552331
Entry fee $40 or $70 for two days
(inc speed cones)
Camping Fee$0 per head
Yards free
26th May 2017
Indoor Carriage
Driving Competition
Precision, Speed, Excitement.
3rd & 4th June 2017
Murrami Sports Ground
Robyn Schmetzer
Farm 1881 Lodge Road
Murrami NSW 2705
Cheques/Money Orders made payable to the Murrumbidgee Carriage Driving club INC.or if you wish to direct deposit entry fee:
Direct Debit to:
St George Bank
Account No474628078
You can fax entry form to 0269552331
or email to
Entries will not be accepted without payment.