Department of Psychology
316 Physics Road
East Lansing, MI48824-1116
Program evaluation theory and practice; community research methods; HIV/AIDS prevention; sexual and ethnic minority health; AIDS community-based organizations; dissemination and implementation of evidence-based HIV prevention innovations.
1994New YorkUniversity. Ph.D., Psychology. Minor: Quantitative Methods.
Dissertation: Safer sex maintenance among gay men.
Marybeth Shinn, Chair.
1988New YorkUniversity. M.A., Psychology.
Masters Thesis: Changing adolescent contraceptive attitudes and knowledge.
Edward Seidman, Chair.
1983SarahLawrenceCollege. B.A., Liberal Arts.
2015 – presentChair, Ecological-Community Doctoral Program, Department of Psychology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.
2013 – presentFounding Co-Director, Master’s Degree Program in Program Evaluation, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.
2010 - presentProfessor, Ecological-Community Psychology, Department of Psychology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan
2005 - 2010Associate Professor, Ecological-Community Psychology, Department of Psychology, MichiganStateUniversity, East Lansing, Michigan
2004 - 2009 Affiliate Scientist, Intervention and Dissemination Core, Center for AIDS Intervention Research, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
2002 - 2005Associate Professor, Division of Community and Prevention Research, Department of Psychology, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.
1995 - 2002Assistant Professor, Division of Community and Prevention Research,
Department of Psychology, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.
1993 - 1995Director: Department of Evaluation Research, Gay Men's Health Crisis, New
1990 - 1993Assistant Director of Education for Research Programs, Department of Education, Gay Men's Health Crisis, New York.
1989 - 1990Coordinator of Evaluation, Department of Education, Gay Men's Health Crisis, New York.
1990Adjunct Faculty, Psychology, StateUniversity of New York, EmpireState College, Metropolitan Regional Center, New York, New York.
1990 Adjunct Faculty, Social Sciences New York University, School of Continuing Education, Liberal Studies Program, New York, New York.
1987 - 1989Co-Coordinator, Black School Districts, School Based Study, "Adolescent Pathways Project;" Edward Seidman, Christina Mitchell, LaRue Allen, & J. Lawrence Aber, Principal Investigators, New York University.
1984 - 1986Coordinator of Student Affairs for Housing andStudent Activities: SarahLawrenceCollege.
1983 - 1984Student Activities Assistant: SarahLawrenceCollege.
2011Robert Ingle Service Award for contributions to the evaluation profession, American Evaluation Association.
2010Toward positive youth development: Transforming schools and community programs, (contributor), 2010 Social Policy Edited Book Award, Society for Research on Adolescence.
2009Certificate of Appreciation, Society for the Psychological Study of Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Issues (Division 44), American Psychological Association.
2007Fellow, American Psychological Association.
2007Fellow, Society for Community Research and Action (Division 27), American Psychological Association.
2001Teaching Recognition Program Award, Council for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, University of Illinois at Chicago.
2000Humanitarian Research Award, Illinois Psychological Association.
1999Certificate of Appreciation, Task Force AIDS Prevention.
1998Living the Mission Award for outstanding volunteer service, The Night Ministry.
1996Marcia Guttentag Award for outstanding career promise, American Evaluation Association.
1995Honorable mention, Dissertation Award, Society for Community Research and Action, American Psychological Association.
1993Racially mixed people in America (contributor), outstanding book on subject of human rights, GustavusMyersCenter for the Study of Human Rights in the United States.
1993Student presentation award, Fourth Biennial Conference on Community Research and Action.
1989Foremost-McKesson Minority Opportunity Fellowship.
1998 - 1991New York University Scholarship, Psychology.
Miller, R. L. (Co-Investigator). ATN 130: Assessing the engagement of gender minority youth across the continuum of HIV care. (G. W. Harper, Protocol Chair. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institute of Drug Abuse, and National Institute of Mental Health. $444,907. 3/15-2/17.
Miller, R. L. (Co-Investigator). ATN 116: Enhancements to the Strategic Multi-site Initiative for Linkage- and Engagement-to-care (SMILE) Program. (J. D. Fortenberry, Protocol Chair). National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institute of Drug Abuse, and National Institute of Mental Health. $6,020,427. 8/12-7/15.
Miller, R. L. (Co-Investigator). ATN 095/105: Enhancement of Connect to Protect (C2P) to Increase Structural Change and Reduce HIV Risk: Phase IV. (J. Ellen & C. Boyer, Protocol Chairs). National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institute of Drug Abuse, and National Institute of Mental Health. $9,927,000. 3/11-2/16.
Miller, R. L.. (Principal Investigator). Evaluation of the AIDS Partnership Michigan Prisoner Re-entry Program. AIDS Partnership Michigan. $39,008. 3/11 to 9/11.
Miller, R. L. (Consultant). Implementation, Effectiveness, and Cost-effectiveness of an HIV Prevention Intervention. (S. Pinkerton & J. Owczarzak, Principal Investigators). $54,320 (MSU Direct). 9/10 to 12/14.
Miller, R. L. (Co-Investigator). ATN 090:Development of a Secondary Prevention Intervention Targeting HIV+ Black Young MSM.(P. Wilson, Protocol Chair). National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institute of Drug Abuse, and National Institute of Mental Health. $314,992. 1/10 to 6/11.
Miller, R. L. (Co-Investigator). ATN 093: CDC-ATN/NICHD Testing and Linkage to Care Project.(J. D. Fortenberry & J. Ellen, Protocol Chairs). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institute of Drug Abuse, and National Institute of Mental Health. $2,053,069. 9/09 to 8/11.
Miller, R. L. (Co-Investigator). ATN 096: Identifying Undiagnosed Asymptomatic HIV Infection in Hispanic/Latino Adolescents and Young Adults: Focusing on Young Men Who Have Sex with Men, At-Risk Latinas, and Intravenous Drug Users. (C. Boyer, Protocol Chair). National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institute of Drug Abuse, and National Institute of Mental Health. $3,400,000. 9/09 to 8/11.
Miller, R. L. (Protocol Chair). ATN 079:Contextual Influences on Success in Achieving Structural Change. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institute of Drug Abuse, and National Institute of Mental Health. $281,791.4/09 to 3/11.
Miller, R. L. (Principal Investigator). Statewide Needs Assessment of Young African American Men Who Have Sex with Men. Michigan Department of Community Health. $161,748. 8/08 to 8/09.
Miller, R. L. (Principal Investigator). Adapting FIO to Youth at Risk. Families and Communities Together Coalition. $50,000. 4/08 to 3/10.
Miller, R. L. (Principal Investigator). Phase I Evaluation of Mpowerment Detroit.Michigan AIDS Fund. $87,268. 1/08 to 6/09.
Miller, R. L. (Co-Investigator). ATN 040, 040b, 041: Connect to Protect (C2P): Partnerships for youth prevention interventions, phase III full evaluation., Phase III limited evaluation, and Phase III adaptation and implementation of CDC programs. (J. Ellen, Protocol Chair). National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institute of Drug Abuse, and National Institute of Mental Health. $7,755,000. (1/07 to 2/11).
Miller, R. L. (Investigator). Community and Prevention Leadership Group, Adolescent Medicine Trials Network for HIV/AIDS Interventions. (C. Wilson, Principal Investigator). National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institute of Drug Abuse, and National Institute of Mental Health. $26,708,584. 3/11 to 2/16.
Miller, R. L. (Investigator). Community and Prevention Leadership Group, Adolescent Medicine Trials Network for HIV/AIDS Interventions.(C. Wilson, Principal Investigator). National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institute of Drug Abuse, and National Institute of Mental Health. $11,618,775. 3/06 to 2/11.
Miller, R. L. (Principal Investigator). Prevention of HIV Infection in Youth at Risk: Developing Community-level Strategies that Work. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. $5,251,873. 9/98 to 8/03.
Miller, R. L. (Co-Principal Investigator). Prevention Research Training Program in Urban Children’s Mental Health and AIDS Prevention. (R. P. Weissberg, Principal Investigator). National Institute of Mental Health. $1,726,620. 8/99 to 7/05.
Miller, R. L. (Principal Investigator). Chicago HIV Prevention Evaluation Demonstration Project. AIDS
Foundation of Chicago. $50,000. 9/97 to 6/00.
Miller, R. L. (Co-Principal Investigator). Prevention Research Training Program in Urban Children’s Mental Health and AIDS Prevention. (R. P. Weissberg, Principal Investigator).National Institute of Mental Health. $301,658. 7/98 to 6/99.
Miller, R. L. (Co-Principal Investigator). Prevention of HIV Infection in Youth at Risk. (J. P. Stokes, Principal Investigator). Centers forDisease Control and Prevention. $1,923,994. 10/96 to 9/98.
Miller, R. L. (Principal Investigator). Prevention Technology Transfer Among AIDS Organizations. University of Illinois at Chicago Campus Research Board. $11,860. 7/96 to 6/97.
Miller, R. L. (Principal Investigator). The Hustler Network. American Foundation for AIDS Research.
$50,000. 6/93 to 5/94.
Miller, R. L. (Principal Investigator). Keep It Up!: An Evaluation of a Safer Sex Relapse Reversal Program for Gay Men. Health Services Improvement Fund. $70,000. 4/91 to 3/93.
Miller, R. L. (Principal Investigator). The Hustler Project. American Foundation for AIDS Research. $70,000. 6/92 to 5/93.
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles and Reports
*Student co-author.
Reed, S. J.* & Miller, R. L. (2016). Thriving and adapting: Resilience, sense of community and syndemics among young Black gay and bisexual men. American Journal of Community Psychology, in press.
The Oral History Study Team (Miller, R. L., King, J., Mark, M., Caracelli, V.). (2016). The oral history of evaluation: An interview with Robert Stake. American Journal of Evaluation, in press.
Miller, R. L. (2016). On messes, systems thinking, and evaluation: A response to Patton. American Journal of Evaluation, in press.
Miller, R. L., Janulis, P.*, Reed, S. J.*, Harper, G. W., Boyer, C. B., Ellen, J. and the Adolescent Medicine Trials Network for HIV/AIDS Interventions. (2016). Creating youth-supportive communities: Outcomes from the Connect-to-Protect ® (C2P) structural change approach to youth HIV prevention. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 45, 301-315.
The Oral History Study Team (Miller, R. L., Mark, M., King, J.). (2015). The oral history of evaluation: An interview with Ernest House. American Journal of Evaluation, 36, 270-282.
Miller, R. L. (2015). Community psychology, evaluation, and social critique. American Journal of Evaluation, 36, 89-99.
Boyer, C. B., Robles-Schrader, G. M., Li, S. X., Miller, R. L., Price, G. N, Torres, C. M. R…. and the Adolescent Trials Network for HIV/AIDS Interventions. (2014). Use of social and sexual network-based strategies for screening at-risk Hispanic/Latino adolescents and young adults for undiagnosed asymptomatic HIV infection. Journal of Adolescent Health,55, 765-773.
Miller, R. L., Forney, J. C.*, & McNall, M. A. (2014). Recent sexual partnerships among adolescent and emerging adult Black men who have sex with men in Michigan. Journal of HIV/AIDS and Social Services, 13, 252-270.
Reed, S. J.*, & Miller, R. L. (2014). The benefits of youth engagement in HIV-preventive structural change interventions. Youth and Society, 46, 528-545.
The Oral History Study Team (Miller, R. L., King, J., Mark, M., Caracelli, V.). (2014). The oral history of evaluation: An interview with George Grob. American Journal of Evaluation, 35, 261-273.
Reed, S. J,*, Miller, R. L., & Francisco, V. (2014). The influence of community context on coalitions’ formation and achievement of HIV-preventive structural change. Health Education and Behavior, 41, 100-107.
Miller, R. L. (2013). Logic models: A useful way to study theories of evaluation practice? Evaluation and Program Planning, 38, 77-80.
Miller, R. L., Reed, S. J.*, & Francisco, V. (2013) Accomplishing structural change: Identifying intermediate indicators of success. American Journal of Community Psychology, 51, 232-242.
Miller, R. L., Reed, S.J.*, McNall, M., & Forney, J. C.* (2013). The effect of trauma on recent inconsistent condom use among young Black gay and bisexual men. Journal of HIV/AIDS and Social Services, 12, 349-367.
The Oral History Study Team (Miller, R. L., King, J., Mark, M., Caracelli, V.). (2013). The oral history of evaluation: An interview with Joseph Wholey. American Journal of Evaluation, 34, 113-124.
Reed, S. J.*, Miller, R. L., & the Adolescent Medicine Trials Network for HIV/AIDS Interventions. (2013). Connect to Protect and the development of AIDS-competent communities. AIDS Education and Prevention, 25, 255-267.
Timm, T., Reed, S. J.*, Miller, R. L., & Valenti, M. T.* (2013). Sexual debut of young Black women who have sex with women: Implications for STI/HIV risk. Youth and Society, 45, 167-183.
Forney, J. C.*, & Miller, R. L. (2012). Risk and protective factors related to HIV-risk behaviors: A comparison between HIV-positive and HIV-negative young men who have sex with men. AIDS Care, 24, 544-552.
Miller, R. L., Forney, J.C.*, Hubbard, P. K.*, & Camacho, L.* (2012). Reinventing Mpowerment for Black men: Long-term community implementation of an evidence-based program. American Journal of Community Psychology, 49, 199-214. (Published online on July 23, 2011).
Miller, R. L., Reed, S. J.*, Francisco, V., & Ellen, J. (2012). Conflict transformation, stigma, and HIV-preventive structural change. American Journal of Community Psychology, 49, 378-392.
Reed, S. J.*, Miller, R. L., Nnawulezi, N.*, & Valenti, M. T.* (2012). Erecting closets and outing ourselves: Uncomfortable reflexivity and community-based research. Journal of Community Psychology, 40, 11-26.
Miller, R. L., Levine, R. L., McNall, M. A., Khamarko, K.*, & Valenti, M. T.* (2011). A dynamic model of client recruitment and retention in community-based HIV prevention programs. Health Promotion Practice, 12, 135-146.
Reed, S. J.*, & Miller, R. L. (2011) Identity and agency: The meaning and value of pregnancy for young Black lesbians. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 35, 571-581.
Reed, S. J.*, Miller, R. L., & Francisco, V. (2012). Programmatic capacity and HIV structural change interventions: Influences on coalitions’ success and efficiency in accomplishing intermediate outcomes Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community, 40, 118-130.
Reed, S. J.*, Miller, R.L., Valenti, M. T.*, & Timm, T. M. (2011).Baby’s daddies, dick dykes, and good gay females: Black lesbian community norms and the acceptability of pregnancy. Culture, Health, and Sexuality, 13, 751-765.
Trickett, E.J., Beehler, S., Deutsch, C., Green, L.W., Hawe, P., McLeroy, K., Miller, R.L., Rapkin, B.D., Schensul, J.J., Schulz, A.J., & Trimble, J.E. (2011). Advancing the science of community-level interventions. American Journal of Public Health, 101, 1410-1419.
Miller, R. L. (2010). Developing standards for empirical examinations of evaluation theory. American Journal of Evaluation, 31, 390-399.
The Oral History Study Team (King, J., Mark, M., Miller, R. L.). (2010). The oral history of evaluation: An interview with Marvin Alkin. American Journal of Evaluation, 31, 266-277.
The Oral History Study Team (Miller, R. L., King, J., Mark, M.). (2010). The oral history of evaluation: An interview with James R. Sanders. American Journal of Evaluation, 31, 118-130.
The Oral History Study Team (Miller, R. L., King, J., Mark, M.) (2009). The oral history of evaluation: An interview with Eleanor Chelimsky. American Journal of Evaluation, 30, 232-244.
APA Task Force on Appropriate Therapeutic Responses to Sexual Orientation. (2009). Report of the Task Force on Appropriate Therapeutic Responses to Sexual Orientation.Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Miller, T.*, Nigg, J., & Miller, R.L. (2009). African Americans and Attention Deficit Disorder: A review. Clinical Psychology Review, 29, 77-86.
The Oral History Study Team (Miller, R. L., King, J., Mark, M.). (2008). The oral history of evaluation: An interview with Daniel Stufflebeam. American Journal of Evaluation, 29, 555-571.
Sumartojo, E., Lyles, C., Choi, K., Clark, L., Collins, C., Guenther-Grey, C., Lin, L. S., Peterson, J. L., Remafedi, G. the Community Intervention Trial for Youth Study Team. (2008). Prevalence and correlates of HIV testing in a multi-site sample of young men who have sex with men. AIDS Care, 20, 1-14.
Easton, D., Iverson, E., Cribbin, M., Wilson, E., Weiss, G., the Community Intervention Trial for Youth Study Team. (2007). Space: The new frontier in HIV prevention for young men who have sex with men. AIDS Education and Prevention, 19, 465-478.
Miller, R. L., & Campbell, R. (2007). Taking stock again results in the same conclusions: A reply to Fetterman and Wandersman’s defense of empowerment evaluation. American Journal of Evaluation, 28, 579-581.
Bakeman, R., Peterson, J. L., the Community Intervention Trial for Youth Study Team. (2007). Do beliefs about HIV treatments affect peer norms and risky sexual behavior among African American men who have sex with men? International Journal of STDs and AIDS, 18, 105-108.
Hirsch, G. B., Levine, R. L., & Miller, R. L. (2007). Using system dynamics modeling to understand the impact of social change initiatives. American Journal of Community Psychology, 39, 239-253.
The Oral History Project Study Team(King, J., Miller, R. L., Mark, M.).(2007). The oral history of evaluation: An interview with Michael Q. Patton. American Journal of Evaluation, 28, 102-114.
Pierce, S.J.*, Miller, R. L., Morales, M. M.*, & Forney, J.C.*(2007). Identifying HIV prevention service needs of African American men who have sex with men: An application of spatial analysis techniques to service planning. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, January (suppl.), S72-S79.
Miller, R. L., & Campbell, R. (2006). Taking stock of empowerment evaluation: An empirical review. American Journal of Evaluation, 27, 296-319.
Miller, R. L., Forte, D., Wilson, B. D.M.*, & Greene, G. J.* (2006). Protecting sexual minority youth from research risks: Conflicting perspectives. American Journal of Community Psychology, 37, 341-348.
The Oral History Project Study Team. (Mark, M., Miller, R. L., King, J.).(2006). The oral history of evaluation: An interview with Carol H. Weiss. American Journal of Evaluation, 27, 475-484.
Guenther-Grey, C., Varnell, S., Mathy, R., Weiser, J., O'Donnell, L., Stueve, A., Remafedi, R., the Community Intervention Trial for Youth Study Team. (2005). Trends in sexual risk taking among urban young men who have sex with men 1999-2002. Journal of the National Medical Association, Supplement to July 2005, 97(7),38-43.
Miller, R. L., & Shinn, M. (2005). Learning from communities: Overcoming difficulties in dissemination of prevention and promotion efforts. American Journal of Community Psychology, 35, 169-183.
The Oral History Project Study Team (Miller, R. L., King, J., Mark, M.). (2005). The oral history of evaluation Part III: An interview with Michael Scriven. American Journal of Evaluation, 26, 378-388.
Hart, T., Peterson, J. L., the Community Intervention Trial for Youth Study Team. (2004). Predictors of risky sexual behavior among young African American men who have sex with men. American Journal of Public Health, 94, 1122-1123.
The Oral History Project Study Team (Miller, R. L., King, J., Mark, M.). (2004). The oral history of evaluation Part II: An interview with Lois-ellin Datta. American Journal of Evaluation, 25, 243-253.
Mashburn, A.J.*, Peterson, J.L., Bakeman, R., Miller, R. L., Clark, L.F., & the Community Intervention Trial for Youth Study Team (2004). Influences on HIV testing among young African American men who have sex with men and the moderating effect of social context. Journal of Community Psychology, 32, 45-60.
Roberts, G., & Miller, R. L. (2004). Intervening in the HIV/AIDS epidemic: The role of Black psychologists. Journal of Black Psychology, 30, 138-160.
Miller, R. L., Bedney, B. J.*, Guenther-Grey, C., & the Community Intervention Trial for Youth (CITY) Project Study Team (2003). Assessing organizational capacity to deliver HIV prevention services collaboratively: Tales from the field. Health Education and Behavior, 30, 583-600. (CHES continuing education credit article)
Miller, R. L. (2003). Adapting an evidence-based intervention: Tales of The Hustler Project. AIDS Education and Prevention, 15 (Suppl. 1), 127-138.
The Oral History Project Study Team (Miller, R. L., King, J., Mark, M.). (2003). The oral history of evaluation Part I. Reflections on the chance to work with great people: An interview with William Shadish. American Journal of Evaluation, 24, 261-272.
Wilson, B. D. M.*, & Miller, R. L. (2003). Integrating culture into HIV prevention research: A review. AIDS Education and Prevention, 15, 184-202.
Barton-Villagrana, H.*, Bedney, B.J.*, & Miller, R. L. (2002). The function of peer relationships among HIV prevention providers. Journal of Primary Prevention, 23, 217-236.
Miller, R. L., & Kelly, J. G. (2002). Community-level approaches to preventing HIV: Guest editors’ introduction. Journal of Primary Prevention, 23, 153-158.