Mustang Baseball Association

Membership Meeting Minutes-By Tony Capra

Monday April 11, 2016

RVHS Teacher’s Lounge


Roll Call:Rich Rivera, Steve Falconi, Tim Spencer, Marcie Linton, Tony Capra, Troy Leisenring, Leanna Leisenring, Lisa Domenico, Tom Cyr, Josh Downing, Katherine Hunt, Amy Hendrickson, Porsha Ridl

Meeting called to order by President Rich Rivera at 6:05pm

Motion to begin meeting by Troy Leisenring second motion to begin by Tony Capra. All approve

Review Minutes from March 2016 meeting minutes

Motion to approve March 2016 minutes made by Troy Leisenring second motion to approve minutes by Lisa Domenico

President’s Report:By Rich Rivera

Golf cart died! Rich found a new product (Toro 2020 Sand Pro) that would cost $3,700.00 Plus freight to ship it in. Marcie confirmed that we have approximately $5,000.00 to spend on it. Rich passed around a picture of the new product that is made for baseball field maintenance. It allows for other attachments to be bought for it at later dates. Motion to approve purchase up to $4,300.00 by Lisa Domenico, second motion to approve purchase by Troy Leisenring.

Rich discussed the need for Board Members to face and speak up to people who voice concerns and/or complaints regarding the baseball program. Don’t let things fester and become a larger issue-Inform!

Rich introduced Matt Mathews, the photographer who does the still digital pictures and creates the videos for the Banquet. He is offering the same deal as last year. $800.00 commitment from the Board. We sell the videos for $20.00/ea. Matt would offer individual digital pictures for sale on his website. He will get information and link out to the Board. Senior posters were discussed and confirmed to be offered again this year-Price TBD. Motion to approve Matt’s proposal made by Lisa Domenico second motion to approve Matt’s proposal by Marcie Linton. All approve with exception of Josh Downing.

Treasurer:Report byMarcie Linton

Marcie has to leave early, therefore she is doing her report next

Approximately $17,000.00 available and will increase slightly with checks in hand. She paid for the Rockies tickets-$26,600.00. We will profit at least $6,000.00 from this fund raiser. Rich Rivera confirmed that all of the tickets for the first Rockies game were completely sold. Josh Downing brought up a Voucher ticket option with the Rockies tickets. We will look into the specific details of this option for next year.

There are still a couple outstanding checks from Winter Workouts

By next meeting we should have a better handle on where we are with Spirit Wear.

Porsha needs a check for sponsor banners. Katherine needs a check to pay for Level III insurance.

Marcie discussed the option of using the banks accounting software. Someone would need to be taught the program if we decide to use it. She will look into any fees associated with using it.

Field Maintenance:Report byTroy Leisenring

Troy confirmed that everything is in good shape. The Dugouts are done. The safety pads for the Dugouts are on and complete.

Troy had to leave so that he could finish working on the field for tomorrow’s game.

Concessions:Report by Leanna Leisenring

Leanna confirmed that everything is in good shape. She had to replenish some products.

Sponsorships:Report by Porsha Ridl

Porsha is working on the sponsor banners. She is in the process of receiving checks from sponsors. She will have more details at next meeting. Porsha will get a list of major sponsors together so that we can announce them at the home games.

Events/Fundraisers:Report by Lisa Domenico

Lisa is working on the Banquet. Rib City, who provided the food last year, went up slightly from $4.00/ea. to $4.50/ea. If we have them provide salad too it would cost $6.70/ea. Last year we got salad donated from Olive Garden but it was a lot of work. She is working on the salad and dessert. She looked into the Arvada Center venue but it was very costly starting at $19.00/ea. There was a discussion of where to hold the Banquet. Josh Downing brought up the neighborhood Club House in a Westwoods neighborhood. It has a pool and is very inexpensive to use-$35.00. Size and parking were a concern. Lisa will go look at it and decide whether to use this venue or to have it at school again. The Banquet date will be either Saturday June 4th or Sunday June 5th.

Motion to approve using Rib City again by Tom Cyr second motion to approve using Rib City again by Josh Downing.

Spirit Wear:Report by Ingrid Levensteins

(Ingrid not present-Rich Rivera presented)

Second run of Spirit Wear should be in this Wednesday. Ingrid will report more details next meeting.

The program is going to print this week.

Communications:Report by Josh Downing

The website is behind and will be updated. These meetings will be posted on the Events calendar. Josh will also put a “Save the Date” reminder regarding the Banquet on the website once the final date is confirmed.

Tim Spencer will update scores on the website.

The minutes for these meetings are up on the website per Tim Spencer.

Josh was asking if someone had a copy of the procedures for games that was up in the field clubhouse. Tim and Rich were going to look for it on their computer files.

Community:Report by Tom Cyr

The Spring video presentation by Real Recruits was attended by only one person. We need to have better support for something like this or not have it. There are 4 athletes signed up for the video. It is not too late for others to sign up for it. The video cost is $300/ea. Other package options are available through Real Recruits for other services.

The Golf Tournament is set for Sunday June 26th. Cost is $130.00/person. Ingrid is working on sponsors, sign up, and other things for the tournament.

Fall Ball:Report by Tony Capra

We eliminated this position as a result of not offering a Fall Ball Program. Rich and Kara Hauptman asked Tony to move over to the Secretary position. Tony accepted but was unsure when his position would start. He recorded the meeting minutes tonight in Kara’s absence.

Level III:Report by Katherine Hunt/Tim Spencer

Everything is good with Level III. We just need to inform people on the Level III program with regards to cost and what the program offers. We will look at the program each year to try and improve the Level III Program.

Coach’s Report:Report by Steve Falconi

The Summer baseball Schedules are set. They will not be playing league games on Saturday’s and Sunday’s. Everything is during the week except for travel tournaments. The coaches are pretty much set. Steve would like to have a conversation with regards to paying coaches again after this year.

We need to get information out to players and parents regarding Summer Programs to get commitments and deposits. There was a discussion to have an online sign up and credit card payment option for Summer Ball. Katherine and Tim will look into it.

Summer tryouts may or may not happen for upper grades depending on weather and timing. We will have tryouts for incoming 9th graders by mid- May.

Uniforms and hats were discussed. No final decisions were made. We will probably use existing hats since we have so many of them.

Unfinished Business:None

New Business:None

Motion to adjourn meeting at 8:10pm by Tony Capra second motion by Porsha Ridl-All approve. Next Membership meeting-Monday May 9th 2016