Robert R Rojas Elementary

February 29th to March 4th, 2016

February 29th to March 4th / Book Fair / Read Across America
Monday, February 29th / 7:30-3:30

Come and shop for great books to add to your home library.
You can also place on order online. / Get Your Groove On

Classes take the Reading Oath
Tuesday, March 1st / 7:30-4:00
Donuts with Dads
Fathers can come to the Book Fair and enjoy shopping for books with their children.
All fathers will receive a donut and some juice when they come to the book fair today.

Tie Dye Shirt Day
Students can wear their favorite Tie Dye shirts / Bulletin Board Contest with favorite class book

Classes will stop everything and read a favorite book in a favorite spot.
8:30 AM
2:30 PM
Wednesday, March 2nd / 7:30-4:00

Don’t forget to bring come by and get a book to read during intersession.
Is it time for a new Puppy Poster or maybe a Race Car?
Come to the Book Fair and don’t miss out on the great finds.
Spring Pictures
(Free Dress)
Come dress in your party best. / There is No App to Replace Your Lap
Read With Your Child Day
Parents will be invited to come and read in their children’s classroom.
Dress your finest for the Spring Pictures.
Thursday, March 3rd / 7:30-4:00

Only one day left to make your purchase happen.
Read ON and Peace ON

Our Staff is a colorful
mix of fruit
Read and White Day or a READ Shirt:
This is a shirt that has a positive slogan or statement related to reading or about a book.
Or a red and white shirt to celebrate Dr. Seuss’s Birthday. / Buddy Reading

Upper grade students will be paired up with a lower grade group of students and will read a book with them.
Teachers will participate in a Fruit Salad Showdown.
Who will make the best fruit salad??

Celebrate Dr. Seuss’ Birthday
Friday, March 4th / 7:30-12:00

Today is the last day of the book fair. Come in early, bring your parents, your grandparents, your favorite uncle or aunt.
Books, books, and more books are available to you.
  • If you are unable to come by and purchase the books you needed for your child go online and place on order. The books will be sent to the school and we will deliver them to your child as soon as they arrive.
/ Favorite Book Character Parade
Students and staff will dress up like their favorite book character.
The school will have a Book Character Parade at 8:30 AM.

3rd Nine Weeks AR Celebration Dance
All students in grades 1st to 5th who have reached their AR reading goal for the 3rd Nine Weeks will be invited to attend an AR Celebration Dance at 2:00 PM.