114 Varsity Circle Off. 574-968-1001
Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Res. 407-788-8613
· Senior executive achieving dynamically improved financial and operating results in under performing and start up companies
· Skilled in strategically assessing markets and producing growth through strategic acquisitions, product repositioning and new product introductions
· Adept at negotiating, cultivating employee enthusiasm, and enhancing customer relations
· Consistently developed and secured new domestic and international business
· Over eighty speeches and seminar presentations nationally and internationally on health care financing and insurance, information systems, and public accounting issues.
PRINCIPAL, Health Network Services, Baltimore, MD 1999 – Current
§ Developed business plan and managing operations and expansion of a private community health information exchange for connectivity to over 1,100 physicians and clinical users
§ Reviewed and revised the Revenue Cycle of two large multi-specialty physician groups and reviewed, analyzed and renegotiated payer contracts producing a cash turnaround
§ Reviewed and consulted on e-Commerce business plans and funding strategies
§ Negotiated OEM and Distributor arrangements from application service providers
PRESIDENT & CEO, H P America, Inc./HealthPlans of America Holdings, Inc 1997 - 1999
Maitland, Fl
§ Directed two start-up HMO plans achieving first year combined enrollment of 37,000
§ Presented to and interfaced regularly with bankers, stockholders, venture capitalists, and regulators
§ Secured third round financing of $4 million
PRESIDENT & CEO, Care Choices HMO /Mercy Health Plans 1991 - 1996
(Subsidiaries of Trinity Health Services), Farmington Hills, MI
§ Directed across four states HMO, PPO and POS plans and third party administrator services
§ Introduced five new products, enhanced utilization and outcomes reporting, grew enrollment 122%
to 280,000 and revenues 82% to $307 million, and achieved increased profitability
§ Member of the strategy development and merger and acquisition groups of the parent health system
PRESIDENT & CEO, Options Health Care, Inc. 1990 - 1991
(Subsidiary of Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound, Seattle, WA)
§ Conceptualized as an offensive marketing strategy a point-of-service health care plan and secured parent company approval and financing
§ Managed its incorporation and start-up to first-year enrollment of 6,000
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Robert J. Flanagan
PRESIDENT & CEO, Group Health Enterprises 1986 - 1991
(Subsidiary of Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound)
§ Guided turnaround and expansion of the four consumer product businesses through 41 retail outlets
§ Achieved 244% and 885% increases in revenues and net income to $13 and $1.8 mil. respectively
EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT & CAO, Group Health Cooperative 1986 - 1990
§ Oversaw development and implementation of IT strategy, operations and action plans
§ Developed and managed financial plan that reversed declining profitability
§ Directed developed of successful marketing strategies that reversed market share losses
§ Conceived and directed development of competitor behavior simulation model
PRESIDENT & CEO, Pacific Health Resources and subsidiaries 1982 - 1986
(Subsidiary of UniHealth America), Los Angeles, CA
§ Operated Data Center shared service
§ Assessed needs, improved operations, downsized by 30% and grew the business to achieve sales growth of 78% to $24.5 million and improved cash flow
§ Spearheaded development of several commercial software products
§ Developed domestic and international marketing plans and participated in U.S. and Asian software sales
§ Expanded into new lines of business through two acquisitions and five successful start up ventures
§ Increased sales to non-related entities from 20% to 52%
§ Structured and negotiated acquisition of six European hospitals
GROUP VICE PRESIDENT & TREASURER, American Hospital Association and subsidiaries
Chicago, IL 1978 - 1982
§ Managed the financial reorganization from an operating deficit of $730,000 to an operating profit of $1 million over a fifteen-month period
§ Oversaw IT functions and implementation of many new applications
§ Performed various new venture analyses and proposals
§ Managed start up of a professional liability reinsurance company and established treaty arrangements
PARTNER - IT Consulting, C.W. Amos & Company 1976 - 1978
Baltimore, MD
VICE PRESIDENT - FINANCE, Maryland Hospital Association 1974 - 1976
Lutherville, MD
AUDIT MANAGER, Coopers & Lybrand 1970 - 1974
Chicago, IL
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Robert J. Flanagan
Ph.D., Accounting, Quantitative Systems and Finance, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
M.S., Accounting, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
B.A., Accounting, Grove City College, Grove City, PA
Certified Public Accountant, Illinois and Maryland
Past Memberships and Appointments:
Advisory Board, School of Business, University of Central Oklahoma
Member, American Association of Health Plans' Policy Advisory Council,
Federal and State Legislative and Regulatory Forums and Finance
Committee, Federal Amendments Subcommittee, and Task Force on Dues
Board, Private Initiatives in Public Education
Board, Health Options, Inc
Instructor, John Hopkins University Evening College, Graduate Division, Baltimore, MD
Associate Clinical Professor, University of Washington, Health Services School, Seattle
Teaching Assistant, Arizona State University
Member, Economic Development Council, King County Transportation Task Force