
Friday 2nd December 2016

Dear Parent / guardian

RE – Parent Use of Village Hall Car Park.

As you will be aware the school makes use of the village hall throughout the day for various activities including collective worship, sharing assemblies, lunches and PE. Some after school providers also make use of the village hall to run after school clubs.

The village hall car park has a very limited number of car parking spaces which staff and visitors are permitted to use during the school day. In addition,the school has been granted discretion to allow parents of pupils with specific needs access to use the car park to facilitate safe drop off and collection. This is only the case for parents who have specifically discussed these requirements with Mr Griffiths.

Unfortunately, there have been a number of complaints over the course of this term. The nature of the complaints is that local residents are having their access blocked by parents stopping on Tofts Lane when the car park is full. As well as causing inconvenience this also poses a health and safety risk as residents and emergency services require 24-hour unrestricted access.As a result of these complaints we have had to review our arrangements. We would like to now clarify the arrangements going forward. We have done this in the remainder of this letter.

Blocking the access of local residentscauses a significant strain on our working relationship with the village hall. We rely on maintaining this positive relationship in order to access the hall in a flexible manner that enables us to deliver a full curriculum and a hot meal at lunchtime. It also allows us the flexibility to offer the car park facility to a small number of parents who genuinely need it in order to drop off and collect their children safely.

Our agreed arrangement from this point;only staff, visitors and parents of pupils with additional needs (who have agreed arrangements directly with Mr Griffiths) are permitted to use the village hall car park. No other parents should attempt to use the car park at any time in relation to school pick up and drop off. This also applies to dropping off early for breakfast club and picking up from after school clubs.

I appreciate this will lead to a certain level of inconvenience in finding a space elsewhere and may require allowing for additional time when dropping off and collecting your children. Please be assured we will always supervise children until they are collected and no child or family will be penalised if they run a little late in the morning as a result of having to park a little further away from school.

I would be most grateful if you could share this information with any family members or friends who pick up your child or children so everyone is fully informed.

If you have any questions or queries regarding this, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your support in this matter.

Yours sincerely

Mr P Griffiths – Head Teacher