Group #5:
Robert Aberdeen
Holly Deegan
Kristina Gallo
Homosexuality is one of the most controversial issues in today’s society. The origin is one that continues to perplex scientists and religious leaders alike. Through the exploration of the scientific hypotheses, historical backgrounds, and religious documentation, this paper will uncover the mysteries surrounding homosexuality.
One of the most important issues in modern science is the question of whether sexual orientation is fixed in the early stages of life or can it be changed or chosen in adolescence and adulthood. When exploring these two areas, many hypotheses have been developed to help support each of the arguments. There are two main areas which focus on the studying of the theories: Early Fixation Hypothesis and Choice Hypothesis. Both of these categories can be broken down further to encompass a range of topics including:
- Early Fixation Hypothesis
- Fetal Development
- Masculinization/Feminization
- Birth Order
- Imprinting/Critical Period
- Exotic becomes erotic
- Chance Events
- Choice Hypothesis
- Changing Sexual Orientation Through Therapy
- Moral and Religious Consideration
This paper will focus on a broad overview of the Early Fixation Hypothesis and its three main hypotheses.
Early Fixation Hypothesis poses the question “If sexual orientation is fixed early in life, when exactly does that happen and how?” (Wikipedia). Scientists have researched greatly into this question and have developed three main scenarios in which the early fixation hypothesis could be true. The first scenario is fetal development. Scientists theorize “the womb may contribute to some subset of homosexual behavior.” (wikipedia). This theory, though not completely proven, does hold some controversy because some scientists believe that “certain individuals can be genetically predisposed to be vulnerable to such events, and the conditions inside the mother’s reproductive systems are of course influenced by her genetics” (wikipedia).
The second scenario that scientists theorize is the masculinization/feminization. This is a popular hypothesis which developing brains of homosexual men are insufficiently masculinized, which would mean that they are partially feminized and vice versa with homosexual females being masculinized. Scientists believe that “one possible mechanism is differential fetal hormone exposure, especially to testosterone (and a compound it is transformed into estrodiol) and lutenizing hormone is proposed as the mechanism. The concentrations of these chemicals are thought to be influenced by “fetal and maternal immune systems, maternal consumption of certain drugs, maternal stress, and direct injection” (wikipedia). Though this hypothesis is very promising, scientists still have much research to prove if this is true.
The third and final scenario is that of birth order. Studies have shown that “homosexual men have, on average, a larger amount of older brothers than do heterosexual men” (wikipedia). Research has shown that a chemical, “histocompatibility Y-antigen, has been found on the surface of male mammal cells. They believe that the mother, in response to this chemical, produces more antibodies and the antibodies somehow trigger different brain development, either through breast milk or the uterus” (wikipedia).
The next main hypothesis is the Imprinting/ Critical period. This theory states that“the formation of gender identity occurs in the first few years of life after birth” (wikipedia). Scientists compare imprinting to that of a baby duckling hatching. The duckling is genetically programmed to imprint to its mother but it actually imprints to the first thing that it sees. They believe that young children observe the roles of gender behaviors in adults and are somehow imprinted causing them to possibly alter their sexual orientation.
The second scenario, exotic becomes erotic discusses how “the influences of biological factors on sexual orientation may be mediated by experiences in childhood” (wikipedia). They believe that children who are attracted to activities of the opposite sex will then look to those of the same sex as different and may be aroused by their differences.
The last and final hypothesis is that of chance events. Scientists believe that because the human brain is so complex, random events occur in certain human beings based on chance events causing them to become homosexual. Scientists base this on the random variations of apple trees and how the slightest variation in harvesting can cause one tree to grow 49 apples and the one next to it grows 51.
Though there are many hypotheses as to why certain individuals are homosexual, and scientists continue to work hard to find the answers to this perplexing question. With all the advancements in technology, the answer may be much closer then many believe. One question still remains, if the origin of homosexuality is discovered, how will society handle the reality of knowing what makes a person gay?
Homosexuality has a rather long existence but a short history. The actual term “homosexuality” with its corresponding definition has only existed for around 130 years, since 1869, to be specific. “Its first appearance was by that of Karl-Maria Kertbeny in a German pamphlet 143 des Preussischen Strafgesetzbuchs und seine Aufrechterhaltung als 152 des Entwurfs eines Straftgesetzbuchs fur den Norddeutschen Bund” (wikipedia 2). The actual term may not have been around for long, but “there are older terms that have fallen out of use such as hemophilia and inversion” (wikipedia 2). Some of the significant and early material pertinent to a culture’s sexuality and sexual practices range from the “dialogues of Plato, such as the Symposium, to plays by Aristophanes, and Greek artwork and vases” (Pickett 1). The Greeks are the first recorded culture to practice and acknowledge themselves of a sexuality that we would deem as homosexuals. The vast majority of Greece, such as “Elis and Boiotia approved of and even celebrated the practice of same-sex acts, but some areas of the empire, such as parts of Ionia, had general strictures against same-sex eros” (Pickett 1). During these times, “to be attracted to men was often taken as a sign of masculinity” (Pickett 2). “Plato, in the Symposium, argues for an army to be compromised of same-sex lovers” (Pickett 2).
Rome followed the same general principle of same-sex lovers as the Greeks did. “Due to social and economic turmoil, Roman society slowly became more negative in its views towards the sexuality” (Pickett 2). Since the decline of homosexual acts in the Roman Empire, tolerance towards same-sex acts have declined more and more, especially during medieval times, where intolerance spiked. The next several centuries in Europe were harsh for homosexuality, which was referred to as sodomy during these times, with severe penalties including death and even denial of the bodies to be buried. Accordingly, prosecution varied with each region and reinforcement was mostly episodic, where “some regions would experience decades without any prosecutions” (Pickett 3).
“Modern Western gay identity as it is currently understood is largely a product of 19th century psychology as well as the years of post-Stonewall gay liberation” (wikipedia 10). In the majority of Asian, European, and South American regions, with the integration of homosexuality in their cultures from past ages, the sexual orientation of one with someone of the same sex is the norm in many of these societies. Through generations and various cultures becoming more associated with one another, the practice and acceptance of homosexuality has increased. Not only has it become more common among males, but extremely more common among females, as opposed to the times of the Greek empire.
Statistics show the increase of the homosexual population, but it could be the fact that those who are homosexual are more comfortable with their sexual orientation in today’s time, with a minimal chance of being persecuted. It was only “in 1973 the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Psychiatric Manual of Psychiatric Disorders (DSM) removed homosexuality as a mental disorder from the manual” (wikipedia 13).
Contrary to the history of homosexuality, not all countries recorded practices or have even heard of homosexuality until recently. “Thailand had never heard of homosexuality until the late 20th century” (wikipedia 13). “The Thai society is generally accepting of a third gender designation referred to as kathoey, or ladyboys (male cross dressers), although the family is often disappointed“(wikipedia 13). Thailand is so accepting towards homosexuality they even have a male transvestite contest, in the same manner of the United States’ Miss America competition.
Homosexuality has been in documented works throughout human history, though it was not always directly referred to. The most arguably influential piece ever written in human history not only speaks about homosexuality, it condemns it. This work that has been translated into every written language and distributed worldwide is the Bible. Due to the large following of believers, the Bible has been a pivotal guide in the formation of government policies and common moral standards in many modern countries. Many people view homosexuality as wrong due to the study of, and cultural standards developed by Christianity.
Homosexuality has been deemed incompatible with Christian teachings because of many passages in the Bible (Homosexuality). Many Christians take the Bible so literally that they feel homosexuals are committing a sin and should be shun from the Church. The Bible clearly speaks of homosexuality as a damning sin and even one deserving of death.
Romans 1:18-27
For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. (Rom. 1:26-27)
Leviticus 18 and 20
You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination. (Lev. 18:22)
If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. (Lev. 20:13)
Others believe that the Bible is not really the word of God, but a human translation of his teachings (Gudel). Furthermore exclusion of homosexuals from the Church is an act of “bigotry” (Homosexuality). Although the Church condemns acts of homosexuality, they have been avid supporters of gay rights. They consider this to not be in support of their way of life, but in support of basic social justice (Nelson). The Church recognizes that homosexuals continue to be discriminated against today in employment, housing, education, and public accommodations (Nelson). They offer support groups and outreach programs to homosexuals in hopes to guide them back to the Church through the scriptures (Gudel).
Some offer a more tolerant approach. Homosexuals are sisters and brothers of all Christians that should be able to seek the Churches full acceptance without judgment on the basis of sexual orientation, which we have been unable to prove, is chosen. The Church also needs to take some responsibility for shaping, supporting, and transmitting negative attitudes about homosexuality (Nelson).
No matter the stance taken by an individual it is evident that this issue will not go away and will continue to divide the Church. Some in the Church hope that scientific evidence will prove whether homosexuality is a choice, so the Church will have to accept all people as God made them (Homosexuality). Others acknowledge that homosexuality is still not largely accepted by the masses, they are a minority still fighting for acceptance, which makes the Church’s current stance very popular (Nelson). Perhaps once public opinion changes, the Church in turn will change with the times.
Homosexuality can be observed through many different perspectives, but the question still remains after multiple scientific studies, religious research, and historical hypotheses, what constitutes homosexuality? Through the increasing technology in today’s society, the mysteries of homosexuality may be revealed and understood either by old-fashioned techniques or newly found avenues.
Annotated Bibliography
Duberman, Martin. About Time: Exploring the Gay Past. New York: Meridian, 1991.
This book looks at homosexuality and it’s past. It explores the evolution of homosexuality and the different stages that it has taken over the years.
“Environment, Choice, and Sexual Orientation.” Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 7 February 2005. <
This website offered an abundance of information regarding the science of homosexuality. It offered the main points that are used in the science and homosexuality portion of the paper.
Gudel, Joseph P. “That Which Is Unnatural: Homosexuality in society, the Church, and Scripture.” 1992. Christian Research Institute. 7 February 2005. <
Joseph P. Gudel is the author of a two part series on homosexuality. Mr. Gudel approaches this topic not by attacking homosexuals, but by defending biblical teachings. He feels he can guide people in this lifestyle and help them out of it, through those biblical teachings. He is a regular author on the Christian research institute’s website.
“Homosexuality Issues Underlie Consultation on Biblical Authority.” 10 December 1999. News media contact: Thomas S. McAnally. The United Methodist Church Online News Service. 7 February 2005. < 4EED-8...}>
This article was posted on The United Methodist Church official website without a sited author. This website posts all conference news and the Churches’ views on any and every subject. Many of the Bishops in the MethodistChurch submit their beliefs on this website for their followers to review. Much of the material found is directly taken from scripture.
Isay, Richard. Being Homosexual, Gay Men and Their Development. New York: Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1989.
This book discusses the psychoanalytical point of view regarding gay men. One of the main points within this book is the fact that it does not label homosexuality as an illness but rather as innate.
Murphy, Timothy. Gay Science: The Ethics of Sexual Orientation Research. New York: ColumbiaUniversity Press, 1997.
This book is a wonderful reference to use when researching the ethical questions surrounding sexual orientation. The research was conducted by a bioethicist, Timothy Murphy who presents an unbiased viewpoint of both gay men and women.
Nelson, James B. “Homosexuality and the Church.” 1977. Religion Online. Feb. 7 2005. <
Dr. Nelson is a professor of Christian ethics at the United Theological Seminary of the Twin cities in New Brighton, Minnesota. This article first appeared in the Christianity and Crisis in 1977. He teaches that homosexual or not we are all human beings. We are here not to judge but to love one another.
Pickett, B. ChadronState College. 2002. 10 February 2005.
Mr. Brent Pickett definitely had done his research when establishing the website section of homosexuality for Chadron State College. There was extensive detail as to the earliest beliefs of when homosexuality existed, how it has been integrated into the natural laws of several cultures, and its development and growth within certain societies. It is a very unbiased, well researched and documented piece discussing homosexuality and its origins.
Wikipedia. 7 February 2005. 7 February 2005. <
The wikipedia online encyclopedia was very informative with an official defining of the term “homosexuality”, its lateral translation along with the first appearance of the term, historical recordings, its influence on art, older and related terms, and its role in different cultures and countries. The information included in the website gave us insight towards finding more detailed descriptions pertaining to homosexuality’s history.