Name: ______

The Great North American Road Trip

Step 1: Identify Places to Visit

  • Use the Internet to research the geography of North America and help you identify at least 10 places you might want to visit.
  • You will visit 7 places total! Make sure to includethe following types of locations:

Requirement List: / Places you are going to go:
1 major city with a population more than 5 million
1 National Park
1 sports stadium / venue
1 National Historic Site
2 interesting physical features (think landforms) /
  • .
  • .

2 other places of interest in the US /
  • .
  • .

2 other places of interest in Canada /
  • .
  • .

Step 2: Complete a flow line map to show the route of travel to each destination

  • Label each destination on your map. If it is a physical feature, you may need to draw this.
  • Draw a line to represent the route of travel you took to each destination.
  • Don’t forget—Your starting AND ending point is Atlanta, Georgia. Label Atlanta, but Atlanta does not count as one of your destinations.
  • Make sure to use COLOR for your route of travel.
  • Map is part of this packet
  • HINT: go ahead and label the locations as you find them ;)

Step 3: After you have chosen where you are going, you will need to plan your route

  • Look at the locations of each of your destinations and plan your route. On your route, calculate the distance between locations in miles. You will START and END your trip in Atlanta, GA! (use google maps)
  • HINT: work on your flowline map at the same time ;)

Location / Distance from Previous Location
START: Atlanta, Georgia / 0
END: Atlanta, Georgia / -

Step 4: Research Destinations & Write Postcards Home

  • As you visit each location, you will write a postcard home about your visit. Use powerpoint or google slides to make your postcards (look at the example of Atlanta) Your postcards should include the following:


●How long you have been at the location?

●Description of the location

●An image of the location

●What did you do at your location?

●1 full paragraph with the items listed above (5-7 sentences)

Step 5: Give Credit

  • Keep track of the websites you use as you do your research. Add as you go! (you should have at least 1 source for each location) Google is not a source…but you can use Google to FIND sources  (use the chart to keep track of your findings)

Website Title / URL (
Location 1:
Location 2:
Location 3:
Location 4:
Location 5:
Location 6:
Location 7:
Location 8:
Location 9:
Location 10:

This will count as a LONG TERM PERFORMANCE TASK!!!! Make sure you put enough time and effort into this project!