RNSA (Portland Branch)

Minutes of Committee Meeting 2015/01

OnWed 18th Feb at the Fox and Hounds, Cattistock

Present:Peter Goss (Branch Captain/Chairman),Jacquie Shears (Social Secretary), Wayne Elkin (Branch Secretary) (Membership Secretary)Ian Bowker (Racing Secretary), Brendan Moore (Cruising Secretary)

Alun Read (Heron Sailing Club representative)


Alan Clifton (Treasurer),John Hasker (Mooring Secretary)

1 / Minutes of last meeting 2014/06 on 10th Dec
The minutes were agreed.
No Actions outstanding.
2 / Correspondence and Secretary’s items
  • Yearbook Submissions - Committee were reminded of the requirement to have individual submissions to Peter Stone as per the Yearbook Worksheet.
  • ‘RNSA the future’ paper was discussed with a view to identifying RNSA Portland actions, if any.Alun offered an up to date perspective and no immediate actions were seen.Secretary offered to put together a ‘compare and contrast’ table to see if we can identify areas where we can help.
  • Fox and Hounds, Secretary checked to see if Jacquie is still happy to continue booking venue for committee meetings.

3 / Finance
Treasurer submitted accounts ahead of the meeting. No comments received other than a statement the central finance funds for branch bids have not been seen, Peter will pursue.
4 / Cruising
Cruising programme issued dates yet to be finalised, just waiting for a WPCA programme check. Current programme will be put on to the RNSA website, Brendan and Alun agreed to coordinate information into the Heron Sailing Club.
The idea to focus the Friday Night series at Castle Cove with BBQ etc. looks to be gaining support. Ian commented the introduction of IRC rating to Weymouth may point towards more support for the relaxed Friday Series RYA approach.
There was a short discussion on the Peter/Wayne Shirley proposal to move dinghy sailing from Castle Cove to WPNSA and the security concerns around that.
Alun pointed out that he viewed the dinghy sailing at Castle Cove as an RNSA activity therefore any request could be accommodated.
There are currently 3 dinghies available for use.
5 / Moorings and Marina
The main business of the evening was approving Marina requests, each application was discussed and approved or not, details will be supplied to Mooring Sec.Brendan Moore abstained from the voting process of Marina Berth allocation. It was though necessary to build a guideline for the committee process and criteria. The start point to be the note from Alan 17th Feb.
Key points:-
Marina allocations are an annual exercise based on
- D & R berth availability.
- History of (at least) 1 year on a swinging mooring.
- Support for the branch
- Health/ability to get to/from the moorings.
Peter will write a note to marina berth recipients emphasising the key points.
One bid was not successful, Peter will write the letter.
Two requests were provisional based on payment issues, Sec has written to both parties.
Mooring Sec submitted other questions ahead of the meeting but committee felt unable to discuss in his absence, moved to next meeting.
6 / Social
Fitting out supper 11th April at Castle Cove
Boat Jumble information coming soon.
Decision taken not to issue hand written invites to CTP except to special guests.
7 / Chairman
Journal submission complete, Peter attending AGM in Dartmouth
8 / Membership
We have had 5 members stand down but remain with a healthy membership list of 69 members, 3 of whom are honorary members, 42 are full members and 24 are associate members.
9 / AOB
Peter to raise the following two issues at the AGM.
  • Voting and perceived Status of Associate Members.
  • Membership Card needs a re-think or updating with expiry date information.

10 / Next Meeting
The next meeting will be on Tuesday 17th March at 18.30 in the Fox and Hounds.

Action next meeting

Confirmation of guests to invite to the CTP as an agenda item at the next meeting.