RNIB Evidence & Service Impact
Notes of the Dementia and Sight Loss Interest Group meeting on 11 January 2012
1.0 / Welcome and Introductions / Action1.1 / Attendees
1.1.1 / Rebecca Sheehy (RS) - RNIB - Chair
Sarah Buchanan (SB) – Thomas Pocklington Trust (TPT)
Andrew Ketteringham (AK) - Alzheimer's Society
Paul Ursell (PU) - Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon - TELECON
Linda Lawson (LL) – Alzheimer’s Society (AS) - TELECON
Juliette Taylor (JT) - RNIB
Eleanor Ogilvie (EO) - RNIB - TELECON
Matt Broom (MB) - Vision 2020Amanda Reeves (AR) - Macular Disease Society
Philippa Simkiss (PS) - RNIB
Pam Turpin (PT) - ARUP - TELECON
Mathew Athey (MA)
Stuart Duncan (SD) - minutes secretary
1.2 / Apologies
1.2.1 / Ansley Workman - Wales
1.3 / Notes from last meeting
Action points were gone through from the last meeting and status of actions for follow up are as follows:-
3 Oct 2011 /
- Creating awareness of preventative measures - research papers
Update on action:
- Send to Pam Turpin in addition
- Further research to look at. Macular function on ageing being looked at by external professor re: light and cognitive function and sleep wake cycle. Better natural light access improves sleep patterns.
- DOCET training materials
Pending / EO
- Helpline training and action plan
Update: SB and AR to look at a related article in Optometry Today and feedback on this. (Subject is accessible helpline tool). / RS
- Invitation to Matt Broom to attend meeting
3 Oct
2011 /
- Eyes right tool
Update: EO to look at how this functions for people with learning difficulties / EO
3 Oct 2011 /
- AK article in Optometry Today
Pending (accreditation for article now sought)
AKsaid that the article they wanted was too detailed and eye health focused so they declined the opportunity, however, he would send what is written to date to RS and MA to review as may be an opportunity for someone at RNIB to write the article. / AK
3 Oct 2011 /
- Clive Evers replacement
AK has taken up the position until June when he will retire too,so he can attend this and the meeting in March. In the meantime he will be looking for an appropriate replacement. / AK
2.0 /
Network development / DaSLIG Micro site and Vision 2020
(Mat Broom / Juliette Taylor)2.1 / Vision 2020UK
2.1.1 / Vision 2020 Microsite to host DaSLIG networking documents.
Example of website provided by presentation. Appended.
Key points:
2.1.2 / Access to information is on registration via page: Interest Groups and Committees
The Vision 2020 website has 155 registered users across related bodies and charities that then disseminate further.
2.1.3 / DaSLIG summary page is up to date.
2.1.4 / Categories: Library, news, contacts, events, discussions.
News items can go on front page of Vision 2020 website in addition.
Committee papers are accessed in doc library only if people are part of the committee.
2.1.5 /
- A facebook page mops up items which do not fit other categories or groups and people who never go to the actual website often access this.
- Twitter ditto (400 followers)
- Access to specific interest group docs from Facebook and Twitter is still through notification to register on actual site.
- Social media is therefore a marketing tool which links additional audiences to Vision 2020 groups.
2.2 / Network Development
2.2.1 / Action: Chris Smith to post suggested item automatically after allowing two weeks response time for any exceptions. It is necessary to give Chris scoping instructions.
Also suggested that the group think about having an event in 2013 to promote issues but that also by that time there will be projects and research to promote. This idea to be reviewed in June. / CS
2.2.2 / Action: Notifications of new items which come to inboxes should highlight which interest group they relate to. MB
For example: AK highlights 7-10 March - Alzheimer's conference and Dementia Congress November 2012 also highly relevant to DaSLIG. / MB
2.2.4 / Action: Pass Dementia Congress event details to Chris Smith to add to Vision 2020 site interest group.
Action: Further input from Alzheimer's Group into Vision 2020 interest group items. / PT/CS
2.2.5 / Action: Scotland events to be promoted via Vision 2020 website. / EO
2.2.6 / Action: Each member of DaSLIG provides info on two events to Chris Smith to flag up on interest groups on Vision 2020 website. / All
2.2.7 / Meeting notes that Thomas Pocklington Dementia poster won prize at 2011 UK Vision Strategy conference so these methods are effective.
2.2.8 / Meeting notes it is necessary to add new items of interest when promoting events, ie. Pam's PhD, Pathways in Leeds, EO PhD research etc.
2.2.9 / Agreement: Events to take focus 2013 and Vision 2020 networking to take focus in 2012
3.0 /
Developments on dementia and sight loss in Wales
(Ansley Workman)3.1 / Item deferred to a future meeting
4.0 / NIHR Bid - Leeds City Council, VILD, BradfordUniversity
4.1 / Eye care pathway and improved referral routes on learning disability and sight loss in Leeds, was the focus.
4.1.1 / Dementia commissioner is on board as are AFB Leeds and Scotland VILD and BradfordUniversity.
4.1.2 / However, 16 Jan NIHR deadline very tight so partners are instead committed to work up a bid for future reference if other funding or NIHR deadlines appear in future.
4.1.3 / NIHR do log interest for future years and will feedback on draft bids in the interim. Alzheimer's Society might be able to respond to bids for funding in future years via Steve Dewer. Thomas Pocklington Trust welcomed this opportunity.
4.1.4 / Vision 2020 web forums via the discussion function can focus on these issues.
4.1.5 / Who are the frontline practitioners amongst the 155 interest group members on Vision 2020?
4.2 / Points arising from further general discussion:
4.2.1 / Action: Develop fact sheets on routine enquiries starting with cataract surgery and people with Alzheimer's for meeting in Summer. Target care home providers. / All
4.2.2 / Action: Write two position statements over calendar year and target: Martin Green - English Community Care is a key contact as are BUPA and Sunrise living. Consider event to promote this issue to these groups. / AK/AR/SB
4.2.3 / Action: Article in New Beacon to attract good practice in Cataracts. / PS
4.2.4 / Action: Promote spectacle issues (26 March Alzheimer's society meeting with spectacle retailers involved and SB can feed into this) / SB/AK
4.2.5 / Action: RS to put together a work plan for the group for the next year capturing the work discussed. / RS
5.0 / SCIE - update of work
5.1 / 31 Jan meeting in place with SCIE to discuss content for their website. (5 key messages with illustrations).
5.2 / Links will be made to other sections of SCIE where cross referral is relevant.
6.0 / Research - any updates from colleagues
6.1 / Thomas Pocklington Trust: Prevalence data on concurrence by eye condition - this research may receive funding notification shortly from NIHR.
6.2 / Housing and dementia consortium (including sight loss input) working with York, Worcester and Birmingham.
6.3 / Eye Research Agenda - prospective work from Vision 2020 with James Lind Alliance (medical research) is due and MB will notify group when this happens. / MB
6.4 / Action: DaSLIG is a signed up partner to work on research on visual hallucinations. Check next steps. / SB
7.0 / Conferences - feedback from attendance and conferences
coming up (COT conference)
7.1 / End of Life Seminar - 60 people - consultation meeting supported by ARUP with sight loss focus. Feb 7th 2012. Invites to be issued shortly.
7.2 / June 12 - 14 Occupational Therapy conference - Thomas Pocklington Trust to lead workshop. Meeting notes OT's picking up ROVI tasks and this is relevant to this type of conference audience so there is a debate about what message we are sending OT's. RS comment need to engage with OT's as sight loss is so common in older people and they should be assessing for it and being aware of provisions for sight loss, and in this respect does not clash with issue around rehab - need to engage to encourage referral to ROVI.
AR to have stall at conference.
7.3 / Action: Draft key message to OT's raising awareness of sight loss/dementia issues. / SB
7.4 / Vision 2020 Conference June 12, 2012, QE2 London. MB to highlight interest in further Alzheimer component of events. / MB
7.5 / RoyalCollege of Optometrists
RoyalCollege of Nursing Ophthalmic Congress
8.0 / Any other business
8.1 / AK will seek a replacement for future DaSLIG meetings but can be present March and June meetings hopefully. / AK
8.2 / Environmental section of report on Promoting Mobility for people with Dementia by Alzheimer's Society can be copied by AR. / AR
9.0 / Next meting date - 27 March 2012 (London)
9.1 / March chair TBC - Rebecca to ask Pam Turpin / RS
9.2 / Further meetings in 2012: (London)
June 26
Sept 25