Astronomy 100

Tuesday, Thursday 2:30 -3:45 pm Hasbrouk 20

Instructor: Thomas Burbine, LederleGraduateResearchTower (LGRT)528


Course Website:

Textbook: Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology, The Cosmic Perspective, 3rd Edition byBennett, Donahue, Schneider, and Voit

InterWrite PRS: You need to have an InterWrite PRS transmitter. They are sold at the Textbook Annex.

Teaching Assistants: Hui Dong andGuilin Liu

Hui Dong is located in LGRT 517H - phone 545-0731 -

Guilin Liu is located in LGRT 815D - phone 545-4261 -

Course Overview:

I have two principal goals for this course, these are:

Get you interested in Astronomy

Have you learn important fundamental concepts in Astronomy

The course is organized into four sections:

The Night Sky

Gravity, Light, and Spacetime

The Nature of Stars

Galaxies and the Universe

Course Philosophy:

My goal in lectures is to emphasize what I believe are important fundamental concepts in astronomy. I will try to promote discussions and show demonstrations in class, so lectures will be an interactive experience. Therefore, both attending class and doing the readings are essential for success in this course.

Course Theme:

The underlying theme of this course will be the question “Is there life elsewhere in the Universe?” and “Can we find it if it does exist?” We will use Astronomy to try to answer these questions.

Course Requirements:

Attendance will not be taken, however InterWrite PRS will be used during class and scores from using PRS will be 10% of your grade.

Reading assignments will be given in class and will be posted on the class website. You will have a reading assignment for each lecture. Reading the assigned materials before each class is important to get the most out of lectures.

Internet access will be required to complete the homework assignments. The homework will primarily be available on the OWL website. Instructions for logging on will be provided on the course website. Each homework assignment will have a due date and no credit will be given for late homework (except for assignments assigned before the add-drop date).

There will be four in-class exams and a final exam. Only the top four exam scores will be part of your grade. The lowest exam score will be dropped. The final exam will be comprehensive. Exam questions will be drawn from both class lectures and the reading assignments. Be sure to bring your ID and a #2 pencil to all exams, since we will be using machine-graded forms.

You must notify me in writing of any conflicts between exams and other university-sponsored activities or religious observances at least a week in advance of the one-hour exams and at least two weeks prior to the final exam. Makeup exams for a missed examwill be given only for documented medical or family emergencies or by prior arrangement. Cheating on an exam will result in a grade of zero for that exam and a report to your academic dean.

General courtesy is also expected of all students. Please turn off cell phones, arrive on time, and do not chatter during class. Blatant and rude disruptions of class will result in expulsion from class.


The highestfour scores from the results of the five exams (four in-class exams and the final) will each count 20% of the grade. The homework will be 10% of the grade. In-class results from using PRS will be 10% of the grade.


20% Highest exam score

20% 2nd highest exam score

20% 3rd highest exam score

20% 4th highest exam score

10% Homework

10% PRS

To get a perfect homework score, you need to obtain 20 homework points out of a ~30 possible points. The homework score will be computed by dividing your number of points by 20 with a highest possible score of 100%.

To get a perfect PRS score, you need to obtain 20 correct answers out of a ~30 possible points. The PRS score will be computed by dividing your number of points by 20 with a highest possible score of 100%.

Where to go for help:

Come to my office hours: LGRT 528 Tu,Th 1:00-2:00 pm

or make an appointment:

538-2263 (MountHolyoke Number) or

545-3556 (UMASS number)

Go to the Astronomy Help Desk (staffed by Astronomy majors)

Hasbrouck 205 M,Tu,W,Th 7-9 pm

Check our the Textbook website

Class Schedule

Any changes will be announced in class and on the website

Meeting DateTopic Chapter

The Night Sky

1Jan. 29 Thu Course Overview & Scale of the Universe 1

2Feb 1 Tue Patterns in the Sky 2

3Feb 3 Thu Contributions of the Greeks 3

4Feb 8 Tue Copernican Revolution 3

5Feb 10 Thu Timekeeping and Calendars S1

6Feb 15 Tue Exam 1

Gravity, Light, and Spacetime

7Feb 17 Thu Matter and Energy 4

8Feb 22 Tue Newton's Laws of Motion and Gravity 5

9Feb 24 Thu Light 6

10Mar 1 Tue Telescopes 7

11Mar 3 Thu Einstein Revolution S2

12Mar 8 Tue Spacetime and Gravity S3

13Mar 10 Thu Exam 2

No class Mar 15 Tue

No class Mar 17 Thu

The Nature of Stars

14Mar 22 Tue The Sun’s Energy Source 15

15Mar 24 Thu Stellar Properties 16

16Mar 29 Tue Evolution of Stars 17

17Mar 31 Thu Synthesis of the Elements 17

18Apr 5 Tue Stellar Remnants 18

19Apr 7 Thu Exam 3

Galaxies and the Universe

20Apr 12 Tue The Milky Way 19

21Apr 14 Thu Galaxies 20

No class Apr 19 Tue

22Apr 21 Thu Life of a Galaxy 21

23Apr 26 Tue Dark Matter 22

24Apr 28 Thu Cosmology and the Big Bang 23

25May 3 Tue Is there life elsewhere in the Solar System? 24

26May 5 Thu Is there life elsewhere in the Universe? 24

27May 10 Tue Exam 4

28May 12 Thu Review

May 14-20 Final Exam (Comprehensive)

Astronomy 100 – Thomas Burbine

Spring 2005

Student Contract

1. I will carefully read the course syllabus, which was handed out in class and available on the course website.

2. I understand that there will be FOUR in-class exams on Feb. 15, Mar. 10, Apr. 7, and May 10 and a cumulative final exam. The final exam may be scheduled as late as May 20.

3. I will bring a #2 pencil and student ID to all exams.

4. A makeup exam will be given for a missed exam for DOCUMENTED reasons beyond my control.

5. I will arrange to notify the instructor, in writing, of any conflicts between exams and other university-sponsored activities or religious observances at least a week in advance of the one-hour exams and at least two weeks prior to the final exam.

6. I understand that, although attendance will not be taken, I will be responsible for all material covered in class. Note that attending class is important since materials covered in class will be emphasized on the exams and may not be adequately covered in the text.

7. I understand that an important part of the course grade will be web-based OWL homework assignments, thus internet access is required for this course. I understand that no extension will be granted for OWL assignments barring exceptional circumstances (which must be documented in writing). In the event of technical problems with the course web site, I will contact the instructor by email or by phone with a thorough description of the problem.

8. I will not represent anyone else’s work as my own or assist anyone else in submitting work that is not their own unless the instructor has indicated that cooperative work is acceptable. I understand that failure to observe the rules of academic honesty is likely to result in a failing grade for the course.

9. Exam grades will be posted on the OWL website, accessible by your login and password.

10. I understand that my in-class activity grade is based in large part on using a functionalInterWrite PRS transmitter and I will bring my PRS transmitter to each class.

11. No extra credit will be available in this course.

If I do not agree to these terms, I must see the instructor and explain in writing

my objections in order to remain enrolled in this course.

Print Name Clearly ______

My ID Number ______

My Signature ______
