Regional Programme
Competent Registered Nurse Level Guidelines


We acknowledge the following in the development of the PDRP Guidelines:

National Framework for Nursing Professional Development & Recognition Programmes & Designated role Titles (December 2005). Report to the National Nurses Organisations from the National Professional Development and Recognition Programmes Working Party

Professional Development and Recognition Programme (PDRP) Evidential Requirements Working Party Report (November, 2009). Report developed through joint sponsorship of Nurse Executives of New Zealand and New Zealand Nurses’ Organisation (NZNO).

Their assistance is sincerely appreciated.

·  The PDRP RN Competent Guidelines is current at the time of printing, and is subject to regular review. It is bound by the constraints of Nursing Council of New Zealand (NCNZ) and NZNO with regard to legislative or employment changes.
·  All efforts will be made to publicise significant changes, however any concerns or issues may be raised with the PDRP Advisory Committee.

Table of Contents







Registered Nurses

Registered nurses utilise nursing knowledge and complex nursing judgment to assess health needs and provide care, and to advise and support people to manage their health. They practise independently and in collaboration with other health professionals, perform general nursing functions and delegate to and direct enrolled nurses, healthcare assistants and others. They provide comprehensive assessments to develop, implement, and evaluate an integrated plan of health care, and provide interventions that require substantial scientific and professional knowledge, skills and clinical decision making. This occurs in a range of settings in partnership with individuals, families, whanau and communities. Registered nurses may practise in a variety of clinical contexts depending on their educational preparation and practice experience. Registered nurses may also use this expertise to manage, teach, evaluate and research nursing practice. Registered nurses are accountable for ensuring all health services they provide are consistent with their education and assessed competence, meet legislative requirements and are supported by appropriate standards. There will be conditions placed in the scope of practice of some registered nurses according to their qualifications or experience limiting them to a specific area of practice.

The Competent Registered Nurse:

§  Develops partnerships with clients that implement Te Tiriti o Waitangi in a manner which the client determines is culturally safe

§  Effectively applies knowledge and skills to practice

§  Has consolidated nursing knowledge in their practice setting

§  Has developed an holistic overview of the client

§  Is confident in familiar situations

§  Is able to manage and prioritise assigned client care/workload

§  Demonstrates increasing efficiency and effectiveness in practice

§  Is able to anticipate a likely outcome for the client5 with predictable health needs

§  Is able to identify unpredictable situations, act appropriately and make appropriate referrals

Applicant (please print)
First Name Surname
Employee number
Nursing Council Registration Number
Work area
Ward / Dept, Location / Hospital / Division
Telephone contact
Work (Internal Extension) Home / Cell-phone
Email contact
If transferring from another PDRP
Name of PDRP Programme & DHB / organisation
Date of last assessment (if applicable)
□  I have completed the checklist form in the guidelines
□  I have notified my Line Manager of my intent to apply for PDRP, before submitting my Portfolio
□  I have met with PDRP Resource Person prior to submitting my portfolio
Name Area Signature
Signature of Applicant

To be signed no more than 2 weeks prior to submission.

1.  I declare that I have assessed myself against the competencies for the Registered Nurse scope of practice (Nursing Council of New Zealand 2007, reprinted May 2012) and I meet the required standard of competence.

2.  I declare that I have maintained the NCNZ requirements related to practice hours, professional development hours and standards of practice.

3.  I declare that the personal portfolio I have presented as evidence contains my own work, or, where I have submitted joint work, I have fairly and accurately described my personal contribution.

4.  I declare that the submitted evidence relates to current practice situations, which have occurred in the previous three years, and relate to my current scope of practice.

5.  I understand that my portfolio may be audited for purposes of authentication.

6.  I understand that my portfolio may be subject to internal moderation by the PDRP Facilitator or an external moderator, i.e. other South Island DHB PDRP assessors.

7.  I understand that none of my work will be used for other purposes unless it has my specific consent. I understand, however, if during the assessment process an assessor identifies any issues of potentially unsafe or concerning practice, they will discuss this with the Nurse Coordinator-PDRP in the first instance and the issue may be followed up further.

I attest that I am not currently under Performance Management or being investigated by Nursing Council of New Zealand for any reason.

By signing I declare the information I have given is true and correct.

Applicant Signature: / Date:

All documents enclosed are verified as photocopies of originals.

Manager* Signature: / Date:
Print Name / Designation:

* May be nominated other by the Line Manager e.g. NE, CNS, NC

RN Competent Level PDRP Guidelines July 2012 endorsed by Regional Committee


1.  /   Hours of practice
Hours worked* validated by Nurse Manager
*Minimum of 450 hours nursing practice in previous three years
2.  /   Annual Practicing Certificate
Current copy
3.  /   Performance Appraisal / Review (Must be within the last 12 months)
a) Measured against NCNZ competencies
b) Line manager is a registered nurse and
c) Includes a Self Assessment
*One piece of evidence for one indicator in each competency is required.
Example is to be from current area of practice and be within the previous 12 months. It should describe how the nurse’s day to day practice meets the indicator for the competency at competent level of practice
  Each competency has been commented upon
  Performance Appraisal / Review (Must be within the last 12 months)
a)  Is not measured against the NCNZ competencies or
b)  Line manager is not a registered nurse then also provide the following:
  Peer review by a registered nurse
Measured according to NCNZ competencies
*One piece of evidence for one indicator in each competency is required.
Example is to be from current area of practice and be within the previous 12 months. It should describe how the nurse’s day to day practice meets the indicator for the competency at competent level of practice
  Self assessment verified by a registered nurse
Measured according to NCNZ competencies
*One piece of evidence for one indicator in each competency is required.
Example is to be from current area of practice and be within the previous 12 months. It should describe how the nurse’s day to day practice meets the indicator for the competency at competent level of practice
4.  /   Professional Development and competencies
*Minimum of 60 hours over last three years, including organisational mandatory (e.g. CPR, Fire training)/essential requirements. E.g. training and competency database printout and certificates if not listed on printout
  Reflection on PD
Must include an overall statement of learning including 3 key activities attended within the last 3 years. You need to explain what you did, what you learned and how each activity affirmed or influenced your practice. Validation by someone who can verify your attendance, certificate or organisational education record
Reflection Tools are available on the PDRP internet site
5.  /   Competent level consent form completed and placed in portfolio

RN Competent Level PDRP Guidelines July 2012 endorsed by Regional Committee




·  This section outlines suitable forms of evidence used in the assessment of Nursing Council’s (2007, reprinted May 2012) Competencies for the Registered Nurse Scope of Practice. As a legal requirement of practice, you must demonstrate competency to the Nursing Council of New Zealand in order to receive your Annual Practising Certificate.
·  Some templates have been developed to assist you in this process (also refer to Internet site under PDRP).
·  All documentation within your portfolio should be appropriately numbered.
N. B. Please remember the privacy of others and ensure that there are no identifying names or NHI numbers in case studies, documentation or exemplars. Patient notes, nursing care plans and referrals are not to be included as evidence.
·  One piece of evidence may apply to several competencies (remember to include its number in each relevant competency domain).
·  Column B has been developed as possible suggested forms of evidence you may wish to utilise. However, please do include any other evidence you consider to be relevant.
·  Please complete Column C with the appropriate examples. Please indicate which evidence you are submitting.
·  Please use Column D to reference your assessor to the appropriate page in your Portfolio.
·  Please include ONE STAPLED COPY of the completed competencies form. Completed
·  Please complete the competencies electronically or in INK
It is your responsibility to ensure that you have supplied adequate and appropriate examples and evidence of your practice, however, please see a PDRP Resource person for assistance prior to submitting your portfolio.
Domain 1: Professional Responsibility
Competency 1.1 Accepts responsibility for ensuring that his/her nursing practice and conduct meet the standards of the professional, ethical and relevant legislated requirements
A.  Indicators (Please tick the indicator you have chosen. Only one indicator is required.) / B.  Suggested Examples / C.  My Evidence / D.  Portfolio Page #
q  Practises nursing in accord with relevant legislation/codes/policies and upholds client rights derived from that legislation
q  Accepts responsibility for actions and decision making within scope of practice
q  Identifies breaches of law that occur in practice and reports them to the appropriate person(s)
q  Demonstrates knowledge of, and accesses, policies and procedural guidelines that have implications for practice
q  Uses professional standards of practice / ·  Performance Appraisal / Self Assessment with example from current area of practice within the previous 12 months describing how day to day practice meets the indicator for the competency at competent level of practice
If no nursing line manager then
·  Peer Assessment and Self Assessment with example from current area of practice within the previous 12 months describing how day to day practice meets the indicator for the competency at competent level of practice
Domain 1: Professional Responsibility
Competency 1.2 Demonstrates the ability to apply the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi/Te Tiriti o Waitangi to nursing practice
A.  Indicators (Please tick the indicator you have chosen. Only one indicator is required.) / B.  Suggested Examples / C.  My Evidence / D.  Portfolio Page #
q  Understands the Treaty of Waitangi/Te Tiriti o Waitangi and its relevance to the health of Maori in Aotearoa/New Zealand
q  Demonstrates knowledge of differing health and socio-economic status of Maori and non-Maori
q  Applies the Treaty of Waitangi/Te Tiriti o Waitangi to nursing practice / ·  Performance Appraisal / Self Assessment with example from current area of practice within the previous 12 months describing how day to day practice meets the indicator for the competency at competent level of practice
If no nursing line manager then
·  Peer Assessment and Self Assessment with example from current area of practice within the previous 12 months describing how day to day practice meets the indicator for the competency at competent level of practice
Domain 1: Professional Responsibility
Competency 1.3 Demonstrates accountability for directing, monitoring and evaluating nursing care that is provided by nurse assistants, enrolled nurses and others
A.  Indicators (Please tick the indicator you have chosen. Only one indicator is required.) / B.  Suggested Examples / C.  My Evidence / D.  Portfolio Page #
q  Understands accountability for directing, monitoring and evaluating nursing care by nurse assistants, enrolled nurses and others
q  Seeks advice from a senior registered nurse if unsure about the role and competence of nurse assistants, enrolled nurses and others when delegating work
q  Take into consideration the role and competence of staff when delegating work
q  Makes appropriate decisions when assigning care, delegating activities and providing direction for enrolled nurses, nurse assistants and others / ·  Performance Appraisal / Self Assessment with example from current area of practice within the previous 12 months describing how day to day practice meets the indicator for the competency at competent level of practice
If no nursing line manager then
·  Peer Assessment and Self Assessment with example from current area of practice within the previous 12 months describing how day to day practice meets the indicator for the competency at competent level of practice
Domain 1: Professional Responsibility
Competency 1.4 Promotes an environment that enables client safety, independence, quality of life, and health.
A.  Indicators (Please tick the indicator you have chosen. Only one indicator is required.) / B.  Suggested Examples / C.  My Evidence / D.  Portfolio Page #
q  Identifies and reports situations that affect clients or staff members’ health or safety
q  Accesses, maintains and uses emergency equipment and supplies
q  Maintains infection control principles
q  Recognises and manages risks to provide care that best meets the needs and interests of clients and the public
q  Ensures up to date knowledge / certification relevant to area of practice / ·  Performance Appraisal / Self Assessment with example from current area of practice within the previous 12 months describing how day to day practice meets the indicator for the competency at competent level of practice
If no nursing line manager then
·  Peer Assessment and Self Assessment with example from current area of practice within the previous 12 months describing how day to day practice meets the indicator for the competency at competent level of practice
Domain 1: Professional Responsibility
Competency 1.5 Practices nursing in a manner that the client determines as being culturally safe.
A.  Indicators (Please tick the indicator you have chosen. Only one indicator is required.) / B.  Suggested Examples / C.  My Evidence / D.  Portfolio Page #
q  Applies the principles of cultural safety in own nursing practice
q  Recognises the impact of the culture of nursing on client care and endeavours to protect the client’s wellbeing within this culture
q  Practises in a way that respects each client’s identity and right to hold personal beliefs, values and goals
q  Assists the client to gain appropriate support and representation from those who understand the client’s culture, needs and preferences
q  Consults with members of cultural and other groups as requested and approved by the client
q  Reflects on his/her own practice and values that impact on nursing care in relation to the clients age, ethnicity, culture, beliefs, gender, sexual orientation and/or disability / ·  Performance Appraisal / Self Assessment with example from current area of practice within the previous 12 months describing how day to day practice meets the indicator for the competency at competent level of practice
If no nursing line manager then
·  Peer Assessment and Self Assessment with example from current area of practice within the previous 12 months describing how day to day practice meets the indicator for the competency at competent level of practice

RN Competent Level PDRP Guidelines July 2012 endorsed by Regional Committee