MINUTES – Retail Market Consultative Forum (RMCF)
MEETING : / 3DATE: / Thursday, 26 February 2015
TIME: / 10.00 AM – 12.00 PM
LOCATION: / AEMOs Offices; Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide or Teleconference
Contact: /
Attendees / Company / Sign inDavid Woods / SA Power Networks / Adelaide
Charles Coulson / Metropolis Metering Services Pty Ltd / Melbourne
Paul Troughton / EnerNOC / Melbourne
Mottel Gestetner / EnerNOC / Melbourne
Craig Memery / ATA / Melbourne
Alex Cruickshank / AGL / Melbourne
Peter Ellis / AusNet Services / Melbourne
Sallie Proctor / Energy Australia / Melbourne
Angela Jaric / Energy Australia / Melbourne
David Lipshut / Energy Reform Consulting Pty. Ltd. / Melbourne
Dianne Shields / Simply Energy / Melbourne
Jenna Polson / ERM Power / Melbourne
Dean Van Gerrevink / Vector Advanced Metering Services / Melbourne
Peter Carruthers / Jarosite Consulting Pty Ltd / Melbourne
Arun Wadhwa / Origin / Melbourne
Stefanie Macri / Lumo / Melbourne
Greg Szot / Powercor Australia / Melbourne
Peter Van Loon / Meridian Energy Australia / Melbourne
David Grove / Origin / Sydney
Ross McAlpine / AUSGRID / Sydney
Brendan McEntee / Endeavour Energy / Teleconference
Dino Ou / Endeavour Energy / Teleconference
Damien Herd / QEnergy / Teleconference
Staff Member / QEnergy / Teleconference
Doug Ross / Ross Technology Consulting Pty Ltd / Teleconference
Charmain Martin / Energex / Teleconference
Tom Cole / Energex / Teleconference
Ty Crowhurst / TasNetworks / Teleconference
Verity Watson / United Energy and Multinet Gas / Teleconference
1. Welcome and Apologies
C. Parr (AEMO) welcomed participants to the RMCF meeting noting that the following participants were in apology:
· Hilary Priest, Pooled Energy P/L
2. Confirm agenda
The revised agenda was confirmed with the following items added to other business:
· Period of Reduced Change Activity (AEMO)
· Access to an AEMO Organisational Chart (P. Ellis, AusNet Services)
3. Administration
Minutes from the previous RMCF meeting were accepted with no further comments from participants. Action items from the previous meeting were also discussed with no additional comments from participants.
Terms of Reference (ToR) discussion
P. Geers (AEMO) discussed the revised RMCF ToR’s with participants highlighting the change from ‘membership’ to ‘attendance’. Participants raised the following feedback in reference to the ToR’s:
· Several participants noted that the ToR’s didn’t adequately define the role/ objective of the group. Clarification and consistent use of terminology was requested to add clarity. Participants also requested that the term ‘consultation’ be clarified.
· D. Shields (Simply energy) expressed that she was under the impression that the RMCF was a decision making body, or that views expressed throughout the RMCF by participants would be fed through to advice etc.
· P. Geers (AEMO) clarified that the objective of the group is to provide information to industry in conjunction with being a ‘lead forum’. P. Geers noted that the RMCF would be an ideal forum to disseminate information through to Industry and receive feedback on processes being run throughout AEMO. The aim of this forum is to reach a broad spectrum of participants, disseminating information to as many participants in the retail space as possible. P Geers highlighted that the RMCF was not designed to be a decision making body but an information session where participants are encouraged to express their views which can in turn be fed through the appropriate forums/ channels.
· S. Proctor (EA) raised the question “how is this group different from GRCF”, and expressed a concern regarding a duplication of work. C. Parr (AEMO) noted that he would take this concern on-board and would discuss it further with participants at the March RMCF meeting.
Next steps – AEMO to revise the ToR’s (adding clarity and consistency of terminology) and circulate to participants prior to the March 2015 meeting. (Action Item 3.3.1)
AEMO also agreed to circulate:
· Draft PoC work plans (Action Item 3.3.2) and
· SMP advice to be sent to COAG to be distributed to the group once finalised. (Action Item 3.3.3)
Customer Access to Data
P. Geers (AEMO) addressed the issue of Customer Access to Data (CAD) apologising for AEMO’s late communication of this information to participants.
P. Geers noted that within the coming weeks, AEMO would be having one on one discussions with participants to discuss CAD in order better inform industry and have a more robust consultation period in the future.
Once these discussions have taken place, the discussion outcomes will be run through the RMCF for consideration and discussion. - AEMO to produce CAD discussion outcomes paper and circulate to RMCF participants prior to the March meeting (Action Item 3.3.4).
P. Geers noted that CAD working groups would will follow these discussions and attendance by industry will be optional.
Participants voiced concerns regarding the tight time frames surrounding this project. AEMO assured participants that they were aware of the time constraints of this project has taken these concerns on board.
Participants were informed that Taryn Moroney would be the AEMO contact for this project. Participants are encouraged to contact her with any queries regarding CAD.
4. Collaborative Retail Working Group Report
The Collaborative Working Group Report was discussed with participants, with updates provided on:
· B2B MSATS Reference Group (BMRG)
· Gas Retail Consultative Forum (GRCF)
· Information Exchange Committee (IEC)
· Meter Data Provider Working Group (MDPWG)
· Metering Services Working Group (MSWG)
· Metrology Reference Group (MRG)
· Retail Business Process Working Group (RBPWG)
· Retail Market Forum Working Group (RMFWG)
5. Multiple Trading Relationships & Embedded Networks (MTREN) update
Roy Kaplan (AEMO) gave an update on Multiple Trading Relationships & Embedded Networks (MTREN) noting the following key points:
· In December of 2014 AEMO submitted a rule change proposal under both NER and NERR.
· AEMO anticipate AEMC will publish a consultation paper in Q2 2015.
6. NSW/ACT Retail Gas Project update (NARGP)
Roy Kaplan (AEMO) gave an update on the NSW/ACT Retail Gas Project update (NARGP) noting the following key points:
· NSW and ACT Retail Market Procedures and Participant Build Pack #5 consultation complete.
· AEMO is currently reviewing and incorporating the participant feedback received prior to publishing the notice of determination.
· Notice of decision determination to be completed by 27 February 2015.
· First Wagga Wagga/Tamworth workshop will also take place on 25 February 2015.
7. Minimum Functionality Shared Protocol update (MF-SP)
Roy Kaplan (AEMO) gave an update on Minimum Functionality Shared Protocol (MFSP) noting the following key points:
· First part of shared market protocol advice to be delivered on 13 March 2015 and will include:
o Scope and form of service levels and performance requirements
o Likely IT requirements, costs and timeframes to implement.
· Second Part of shared market protocol advice to be delivered on 15 May 2015 and will include:
o Incorporation of new services over time
o Opportunities to use SMP to provide additional services.
· MFS advice is complete and is currently being considered in the metering competition rule change.
8. Metrology Framework Changes update
Lee Brown (AEMO) gave an update on the Metrology Framework Changes noting the following key points:
· Effective date of Metrology Procedure must be at least three months after the publication of the Final Determination (Clause 7.14.1(b) of the Rules) – 15 May 2015 chosen to align with MSATS Build.
· Effective date of 1 July 2015 for traffic signal dimming was chosen to provide MDPs sufficient time to make system changes to incorporate the dimming calculation methodology.
9. Retail Market Blueprint update
Chris Muffett (AEMO) gave an update on the Retail Market Blueprint noting the following key points:
· Blueprint is currently being finalised and work on the roadmap is underway.
· Further discussions with stakeholders on the roadmap to take place over the next 2 months.
· Development of the roadmap will take place February 2015 onwards.
· Presentation of the blueprint to the AEMO Board for endorsement will take place in May 2015.
Participants voiced concerns regarding:
· The limited scope of consultation re the development of the Blueprint (selected one on one discussions and one presentation forum)
· The lack of visibility and stakeholder input to the version to be submitted to the AEMO Board. AEMO suggested that further input to the Blueprint would be sought after the Board sign off. Participants suggested that this seemed to be too late.
· Lack of detail of the process and timing for the development of the Retail Market Roadmap.
AEMO stated that they were continuing as they have planned.
10. Other Business
Period of Reduced Change Activity
F. Dykman and A. Carland discussed the period of reduced change activity with participants noting the following:
· AEMO is relocating its Brisbane Office and Control room from Mansfield to the Brisbane CBD. As a result of this move, AEMO is also relocating its Brisbane Data Centre.
· To manage the transition and mitigate any risks there will be a Period of Reduced Change Activity from 3 August 2015 to 4 April 2016 (inclusive).
· There are no changes required to be made by participants.
What is business as usual?
· No planned changes to Production system.
· Participant use of Pre-Production Systems will not be impacted.
· Provision of Network connections between AEMO and Participants are not impacted.
· Participant Registration.
· System Maintenance changes- i.e. add/remove users.
· Adhoc requests of Data via the Support Hub.
· Current Levels of redundancy and resilience of Market Systems are not impacted.
Allowed Changes:
· Business Urgent/ Emergency Changes.
· Standard Changes related to normal business activities.
· Non-Production changes.
· System development work in the pre-production systems.
· There are no current participant changes impact by this reduce change activity.
Org Chart
P. Ellis (AusNet Services) requested that AEMO provide industry with a current Retail Market Org chart to lessen confusion and aid participants’ direct queries more effectively. C. Parr (AEMO) noted this request and agreed to follow up and discuss this matter further with P. Ellis offline. (Action Item 3.10.1)
11. Close and recap of matters arising
Action Item 3.3.1 / AEMO to revise the RMCF ToR’s (adding clarity and consistency of terminology) and circulate to participants prior to the March 2015 meeting.Action Item 3.3.2 / AEMO to circulate draft PoC work plans to participants prior to the March 2015 meeting.
Action Item 3.3.3 / SMP advice to be distributed to participants once finalised.
Action Item 3.3.4 / AEMO to produce CAD discussion outcomes paper and circulate to RMCF participants prior to the March meeting.
Action Item 3.10.1 / C. Parr to discuss Org Chart queries with P. Ellis offline.