Vera Trujillo / Pojoaque Valley Schools / Eileen Schwettmann
Principal / 1574 State Road 502 / 8th- Counselor
455-2238 / Santa Fe, NM 87506 / 455-2239
Priscilla Cordova / 455-2238 / Fidel Torrez
455-2238 / 8th-Counselor
Life Science Course Syllabus
Mrs. Koski
7th Grade
Dear parents/guardians,
Welcome to a new school year here at PVMS. Our focus this year is to improve student achievement and improve school culture through the practice of data collection and reflection as well as student participation in both the classroom and school related functions and activities at our school. With the combination of communication between student, parent and teacher we hope to achieve great gains in the coming school year.
This year marks the beginning of my 20th year of teaching and 11th here at PVMS. My past experience includes grades 4th, 8th and kindergarten at Holy Cross Catholic School and Peoria School District in Phoenix, Arizona. I received my BS from New Mexico Highlands University and am currently a level II teacher with K-8 certification with qualification in the area of science. Although I have taught all subject areas, my passion and interest has always been science. I am looking forward to working with all of my students this year!
Course Description: An introduction to basic ideas in biology and environmental science, using hands-on and inquiry based approaches. The topics presented may include the characteristics that are the basis for classifying organisms and the environments of organisms, and health.
Course Supplies: composition notebook, pocket folder for binder use, colored pencils, highlighters, markers, glue stick, textbook is provided for home use.
Grading policies:
< Grades are based on a point system. Each assignment will vary in the point value based on the difficulty and length of the assignment.
< Late work will only be accepted in the case of excused absences. As per district policy, a student who has an excused absence will be given as many days as missed to complete assignments. The student must refer to the homework/Do Now binder for missed assignments and Do Now’s. All other work that is turned in late will be scored as follows: 1 day late 25% off the total points, 2 days late 50% off the total, and 3 days late not credit.
< Tests will be given over chapter content approximately every 5 weeks depending on the length of the chapter and student progress. Vocabulary tests will be given weekly over the words that are being studied within the week.
< Students will participate in group projects and labs throughout the year and are responsible for completing their assigned part as well as helping with the completion of the overall product.
<Notebooks will be checked at two week intervals to evaluate student notes and summaries of concepts learned as well as vocabulary and drawings.
Course Schedule
The units of study will be covered in the order they appear but are subject to change. Each chapter takes approximately 5 weeks from start to finish.
*August- January chapters 6-9
*February- May chapters 3,5 then 10-11
Classroom discipline
All students will be expected to maintain the following standards:
*Use good manners with both teacher and peers
*Be considerate and helpful with others
*Use an appropriate tone when addressing the teacher. No talking back out of disrespect.
*Use appropriate language at all times
*Respect peoples space and belongings
*Absolutely no cell phones out or in use in class unless allowed by teacher.
The student will be redirected a maximum of 3 times if misbehaving. If classroom consequences have not yielded improvement in student behavior after the 3 attempts: The teacher will notify Security or Counselor. A student discipline report/write up will be sent to the discipline officer for further disciplinary action to be taken.
*Students will be issued a textbook costing up $85.00, at no charge. Should the book not be returned at the end of the course, the student is responsible for the replacement cost.
You may contact me via email at:
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns or need clarification on procedures, policies or to discuss student progress. If visiting my class, please adhere to the visitor’s policy of stopping by the office for a guest pass and sign in.