FEI EventingDressage JUDGING Form
forEventing National Judges for “Level 2” Transfer
Candidate’s full name,
Responsible NF:
Name & Level/Date of
Shadow Officiating:
/Active GJ member:
Name of Level 3foreign
/Clearly understands the requirement
/Understandsthe requirements to a limited extent
/Understanding is below the requirements
How would you say that the Judge performed her/his activities during the following phases: Please tick the relevant box
Horse Inspection
/Cross Country
Course Walking
/Cross Country
/Show Jumping Course Walking /
/Jumping /
/Any specific you would like to describe her/his activities/ involvement
during the following phases:
Horse Inspection
/Click here to enter text.
/Click here to enter text.
/Cross Country
Course Walking
/Click here to enter text.
/Cross Country
/Click here to enter text.
/Any specific you would like to describe her/his activities/ involvement
during the following phases:
Show Jumping Course Walking /Click here to enter text.
/Jumping /
Click here to enter text.
/Disciplinary Measures /
Click here to enter text.
/At the Event:
Communication among the team of Officials
/Risk Management: do you believe the candidate feels involve with the prevention of the risks related to the Sport and would apply measures in the following cases:
Aware but no measures
/Aware/Decisive enough
/Fully aware/
Strong measures
Dangerous Riding
/Abuse of Horse
/After a rider fall
(medical check)
/General Comments
Click here to enter text. /Signature of the Senior Judge: Click here to enter text.
Assessment from Responsible Judges:
The Judges responsible for Shadow Judging confirm with their signature, that the above-mentioned FEI national Judge is able to recognize the basic faults/training problems and mistakes; possesses the technique/terminology/knowledge of the test and knows the basics of the “Training Scale”; is able to assess the paces and the collective marks in using the full scale of marks with the appropriate comments.
Please return Form to: Fédération Equestre Internationale, Eventing & Olympic Dpt.,
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