annual InStructional unit plan

UNIT: Film, Television and Video– Applied tech

Please give the full title of the discipline or department.
You may submit as a discipline or department, as is easiest for your unit.

CONTACT PERSON: Scott Hernandez

Due: May 23, 2014

Please send an electronic copy to:
Interim Vice President, Academic Affairs
Dr. Susan Mills at
and send an electronic copy to your divisional dean.

Form Last Revised:April 7, 2014

Web Resources:

Instructional Unit Plan

Please retain this information for your discipline’s/department’s use (or forward to your chair). A database will be created and distributed to the relevant councils and committees as requested.

The Unit Plan is conducted by each unit at the college and consists of an analysis of changes within the unit as well as significant new resource needs for staff, resources, facilities, and equipment. It should be submitted or renewed every year by mid Mayin anticipation of budget planning for the fiscal year, which begins July 1 of the following calendar year.

Data sets are availableon the Program Review website. Please consult with your Department Chair or Myung Koh or assistance interpreting the data relevant to your discipline. Also, review the course retention and success data provided at

The data are disaggregated by gender, ethnicity, age, socioeconomic status, and delivery method (hybrid, online, face-to-face). Within these categories, course data are further disaggregated by transfer, CTE, and developmental categories. Note that you are only required to mention data relevant to your analysis or requests. Please utilize these data or data collected by your discipline to assess your goals and as rationale for resource requests.

The questions on the subsequent pages are intended to assist you in planning for your unit. The forms that follow are separated into pages for ease of distribution to relevant offices, councils and committees. Don’t let formatting concerns slow you down. If you have difficulty with formatting, the Administrative Support Center can adjust the document for you. Simply add responses to those questions that apply and forward the document to the Administrative Support Center with a request to format it appropriately.

If you cannot identify in which category your request belongs or if you have general funding request questions, please contact Business Services at 951-222-8307. Within each resource request form, a recommended contact person is listed to assist you with estimating the cost of your requests. It is vital to include cost estimates in your request forms. Please cite the source for the cost estimates and indicate if the costs are one-time or recurring. If the costs are recurring, provide cost of a service contract and length of time needed. Also, please indicate if grant funds have been sought and denied. FAILURE TO PROVIDE COST ESTIMATES MAY RESULT IN YOUR REQUEST NOT BEING CONSIDERED. Please see Unit Plan Rubric for the prioritization criteria. TO ACHIEVE MAXIMUM POINTS WRITE YOUR RATIONALES BASED ON THE RUBRIC CRITERIA. IF CRITERIA ARE NOT ADDRESSED IT WILL BE GIVEN ZERO POINTS.

The college mission is available on the RCC home page, and the goals and strategies are available at

Instructional Unit Plan Update

  1. Trends and Relevant Data

The mission of the Film, Television and Video Certificate and Associate Degree Program is:

To provide a practical, industry-relevant technical educational experience that prepares students for continued education, self-employment or entry-level careers in film production, television and video production, and audio engineering.

The FTV Program enables students to achieve individual goals in a broad range of the constantly emerging media production field by focusing on the development of:

  • technical skills in the use of industry-recognized equipment, hardware and production methods;
  • problem-solving skills using situational analysis and critical thinking;
  • industry expectations of work ethics, reliability, teamwork and communication skills.

The Program curriculum is structured to maximize students’ options to make flexible, individualized education and career decisions. Students may take a single course to upgrade skills for a particular project. Or, they may complete a certificate option that prepares them for entry-level employment in industry-recognized concentrations. Students may also earn an Associate’s Degree with transfer options and continue formal education at the Bachelor’s level.

The Program is learner-centered and designed to help students develop the confidence in their skills and to function effectively in the production workplace

  1. What is your unit’s mission statement? FTV’s mission is to help students achieve their goals and “To provide a practical, industry-relevant technical educational experience that prepares students for continued education, self-employment or entry-level careers in film production, television and video production, and audio engineering”.
  1. Has there been any change in the status of your unit? (if not, skip to #3)

Yes, FTV hired one full-time faculty member.

  1. Has your unit shifted departments?


  1. Have any new certificates or programs been created by your unit?


  1. Have activities in other units impacted your unit? For example, a new nursing program could cause greater demand for life science courses.


  1. How have environmental demographics and external factors affected your discipline’s enrollment? If there have been significant changes, please indicate those changes. If there are no significantchanges in your unit’s opinion, indicate “None” and skip to question #4.


  1. In reviewing your unit’s enrollment data, does your unit have plans to improve any aspects of enrollment management (ex: persistence, scheduling patterns, etc.)? If your plan necessitates resource changes make sure those needs are reflected in the applicable resource request sections. None
  1. Please report on the progress made on any of your 2013-2014 unit goals, including any goals/strategies to improve student achievement that were included in your Comprehensive Institutional Program Review (CIPR) Targets Addendum.
  1. Please indicate your 2014-15unit goals and/or strategies. You may insert relevant information from your CIPR Targets Addendum and/or your CIPR. Please include the needed support on the resource request forms along with the supporting rationale.

FTV’s 2014-15 Goals / Progress Toward Goals
To continue to develop and grow the FTV Program and make sure the program remains an education and career option at RCC.
  • Keep the curriculum current, flexible and make sure it meets industry-standards.
  • Do more recruitment and outreach to the community and local high schools.
/ -Significant curriculum work was completed to streamline the FTV certificate and degree options. Obsolete classes were deleted. New CORs were created to replace course repetitions and new SLO’s were updated for all courses offered.
Develop and maintain a teaching and learning space that is, to the extent possible, consistent with the ever changing industry.
  • Advocate for budgetary considerations that give equipment-based programs a basis for planned replacement of obsolete equipment.
  • Explore reasonable options for long term solutions to space issues.
  • Continue to seek long-term solutions to space issues
/ -FTV expanded into TCH A building in fall 2012. The expansion gave FTV much-needed classroom space and critical secure storage.
-There has been no progress made toward modification of general fund budget processes to afford equipment- and technology-based programs such as FTV a systematic mechanism to replace obsolete equipment.
-FTV had long anticipated that the School for the Arts would provide long-term solutions to space issues due to planned construction of a shared digital project-based teaching and learning facility. The focus of the School for the Arts appears to have shifted more toward the performing arts and less toward the media production. The shift leaves FTV without immediate prospects to solve long-term space needs. In an ideal world, the media production disciplines (FTV, ADM, PHO) would share classroom, production and lab space.
Increase the efficiency rating for classes.
  • Implement strategies with the consult of Institutional Research, e.g. adjust lecture class capacity
/ FTV worked with adjunct faculty to better explain the importance of enrollment management in classes, including dropping inactive students before assignment of grade.
Increase the number and success of non-traditional students who participate in the program.
  • Implement outreach to non-traditional students.
/ FTV has conducted outreach activities to introduce students from feeder high schools to the FTV program. Full-time faculty will visit local high schools for outreach.
Provide Supplemental Instruction Leaders in production classes. / FTV emphasized the value of SI leaders in production classes and advocated on behalf of SI program at every opportunity. FTV is pleased that the program remained in place for the 2014-15 academic year. The SIs in FTV make a significant impact on student success.
  1. In the Comprehensive Instructional Program Review (CIPR) Targets Addendum, your discipline developed strategies to improve or maintain students’ levels of achievement in course retention, course success, persistence, and program completion. What goals and/or strategies has your discipline set to improve student achievement for the academic year 2014-15?

FTV has set the following goals and/strategies for the 2014-15 academic year to improve student achievement:

  • One goal is to continue to restore sections and class scheduling options that were lost due to the fiscal crisis over the last 5 years. The reduction in courses and schedule options has made it very difficult for students to complete program requirements on time. FTV has consistently had large waiting lists for required classes in the FTV certificate and degree pattern. Students have been turned away due to limited availability, thus creating roadblocks to program completions. Also we want to add two new courses in the spring quarter.
  • To continue the use of Supplemental Instructional Leaders in all production classes. The presence of the SI leaders has had a positive impact on student success, including retention and grades.
  • To continue to offer professional networking opportunities to students that will enable them to meet working professionals, develop a professional network, participate in internships and learn about production work environments. This activity has been funded by Perkins Grants that enable FTV to provide special programs of this nature to students.
  • Develop the FTV Model Curriculum that will enable students to more easily complete certificate and degree requirements that will also meet the requirements for transfer.
  1. In addition to completion, the college has identified improving student-faculty interaction as a priority. What goals and/or strategies has your discipline set to improve faculty-student interaction for the academic year 2014-15?

FTV has set the following goals to improve student-faculty interaction in academic year 2014-2015:

  • A new media lab is now in place for students to write, edit, and create sound design for their films. FTV will continue to update and maintain that space. FTV will continue to monitor student use and needs for that space.
  • Veteran faculty members will continue to mentor the full-time faculty member through his 2nd year to provide guidance and support. Retired and veteran adjunct faculty members will support and ensure that he has time, opportunity and energy to maintain effective interaction with students.
  • FTV will try to locate and provide a dedicated office space for adjunct faculty members to share. The vast majority of FTV classes are taught by part-time adjuncts that have no dedicated space to meet with students to discuss grades or projects. FTV will identify a shared office space equipped with a computer and assigned multiple log-ins; the space will be allocated for use by adjuncts to meet with students and to meet the online reporting requirements such on WebAdvisor such as enrollment, early alert, census, and grades.
  1. Are there other goals aligned to college goals your discipline is pursuing in 2014-15?


  1. Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Summary and Update

As a matter of good practice and in alignment with Accrediting Commission of Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) standards, RCC faculty participate in ongoing and systematic efforts to assess courses, programs, and degrees. Reports on specific assessment projects undertaken by individual faculty or groups of faculty in your discipline should be referenced here, but the primary purpose of this update is to provide an overview of your discipline’s assessment activities (data, responses to data, results, reports, etc.) since your last unit plan update as well as your current plans for assessing student learning. Please note, since unit plans are completed during the spring semester, we are asking you to report on the previous spring semester data along with the current spring semester plans.

  1. Course-level Student Learning Outcome (SLO) Assessment Report(s)

The Riverside Assessment Committee and the Office of Institutional Effectiveness developed a process to reportand store Course-levelSLO assessment information. Upon completion of a Course-level SLO assessment project please utilize one of the two methods listed below for reporting and/or summarizing your results.

  1. Enter into a Survey Monkey report at, or
  2. If faculty in your discipline/department have already entered assessment information into another format, it is not necessary to re-enter the information, simply send your documentation to
  1. Program-level Learning Outcome (PLO) Assessment Reports

The Riverside Assessment Committee and the Office of Institutional Effectiveness developed a process to reportand store Program-levelPLO assessment information. Upon completion of a Program-level PLO assessment project (Career Technical Education) please utilize one of the two methods listed below for reporting and/or summarizing your results.

  1. Enter into a Survey Monkey report at, or
  2. If faculty in your discipline/department have already entered assessment information into another format, it is not necessary to re-enter the information, simply send your documentation to .

  1. Course-level Assessment Summary Spreadsheet

Please summarize the current status for assessment of all the courses in your discipline using the Course Assessment Summary spreadsheet. Please indicate for each course onthe Course Assessment Summary spreadsheet:

  1. Assessment Status
  2. Most Recent Assessment (Year)
  3. Assessment Method for Most Recent Assessment
  4. Next Planned Assessment (Year)
  5. Faculty Lead (s)

Course / Assessment Status / Most Recent Assessment Yr. / Assessment Method / Next Planned Assessment Yr. / Faculty Lead
FTV 12 – History of Film / Complete / 2011 / Direct - exam / 2014 / Hernandez
FTV 38 – FTV Production Project / Complete / 2011 / Direct – project / 2014 / Hernandez
FTV 41 – Intro Telecom / Complete / 2011 / Direct – exam / 2014 / Hernandez
FTV 42 – Writing for Broadcast / Data collected / 2012 / Direct – project / 2015 / Hernandez
FTV 43 – Television Studio & Equip / Analyzed / 2011 / Direct – project / 2014 / Tedesco, F.
FTV 44 – Television Production / Designed / 2011 / Direct – project / 2014 / Hernandez
FTV 45 – Intro Television News Prod / Complete / 2011 / Direct – project / 2015 / Hernandez.
FTV 48 – Short Film Prod / Complete / 2011 / Direct – project / 2015 / Hernandez.
FTV 64 – Digital Editing Principles / Data collected / 2011 / Direct – exam / 2015 / Giornalista
FTV 65 – Director’s Art in Filmmaking / Data collected / 2011 / Direct – project / 2014 / Hernandez
FTV 66 – Adv. Digital Editing / Data collected / 2011 / Direct – project / 2015 / Giornalista
FTV 67 – Intro to Video Production / Complete / 2011 / Direct - exam / 2014 / Hernandez
FTV 68 – Story Development / Designed / 2011 / Direct – exam / 2014 / Edwards, Skerbelis
FTV 71 – Sound Engineering / Designed / 2011 / Direct – project / 2014 / Tedesco, F.
FTV 72 – Intro Lighting Design / Data collected / 2011 / Direct - project / 2015 / McLean
FTV 73 – ProTools / Analyzed / 2011 / Indirect - survey / 2015
FTV 74 – Production Planning / Analyzed / 2011 / Direct – project / 2015 / Hernandez

Please contact Jim Elton ator (951) 222-8264 for your spreadsheet so that you may simply cut and paste here.

  1. Please answer the following Course-level SLO questions:
  1. Please describe your discipline’s dialogue on assessment results. Where would one find evidence of this dialogue?

Out of necessity, the dialogue on assessment results has taken place on a person-to-person basis. In years past, Sharon Gillins coordinated the assessment activities for the discipline. Now that FTV has a full-time faculty member, Scott Hernandez will continue to conduct dialogue related to assessment implementation with individual faculty members. He will discuss all implementation and results face to face with each faculty member.

  1. Please summarize what your discipline learned from your assessments. How does yourdiscipline plan to use the results toimprove student learning?

The assessments of FTV’s course-level SLOs revealed that students are meeting the stated learning outcomes in the course. This data is confirmed by the highest-quality productions, and professional looking productionsproduced and showcased each semester for industry professionals, the RCC community. Work has been completed on all the CORs to align CORs with PORs and everything has been updated on CurricUNET.

  1. Please answer the following Program-level PLO questions:
  2. Please explain what steps your program has taken to map and alignyour PLOs with your course SLOs (Curriculum Mapping Exercise).

Each faculty member was given a copy of the course outline of record for the class(es) they teach. They were asked to review the course SLOs to identify which PLOs are achieved in that class when compared to the SLOs. Once the mapping of SLOs to PLOs was completed, the distribution of PLOs to courses was reviewed to ensure that 1.) all PLOs were covered in the required courses and 2.) that introductory, developmental and mastery PLOs were distributed in corresponding class levels.