Help your school by submitting your name for a 2017-18 Nimitz/STEM PTA office! The Nominating Committee, elected by our PTA membership, is charged with presenting our membership with their recommended slate of officers at the April PTA general meeting. Elections will be held during the Tuesday, April 11th, 6:00 pm general meeting.
If you are interested in serving in one of our officer positions, please complete this form and return it to Veronica Moore, Nominating Committee Chair. You can email the form to
. Or put in an envelope marked “Nimitz/STEM PTA Nominating Committee” and drop it in the front office. Please return this form no later than Friday, March 10.
The Nominating Committee will contact each interested person before submitting a slate of officers for voting at the April Meeting.
Contact Information:
Name: ______
Phone #: ______
Email: ______
Elected Officer Position of Interest:
☐ President ☐ 1st VP - Aide & Programs ☐ 2nd - Fundraising
☐ Secretary ☐ Treasurer
Appointed Officer Position of Interest (appointed by newly elected President):
☐ Parliamentarian
If you have questions regarding any of the officer positions, you may speak directly to the person currently holding that position. Email for current officer contact information.
President - The president coordinates the work of the officers and the committees of the association in order that the purposes may be promoted. The president presides at all meetings of the association. The president acts as a representative for the Nimitz/STEM Middle School PTA at the council, district and state level. .
1st Vice President (Aide/Programs) - The 1st vice president aides the president and is in charge of the Welcome Back Packet.
2nd Vice President (Fundraising) - The 2nd vice president is in charge of fundraising activities including Greenback Night Silent Auction and Donations.
Secretary - The secretary attends all meetings and records minutes of all meetings of the members and of the executive board. The secretary is also in charge of correspondence.
Treasurer - The treasurer has custody of all funds of the association. The treasurer keeps the books of accounts and records including bank statements, receipts, budgets, invoices, paid receipts and cancelled checks. The treasurer prepares monthly financial reports and fills out all tax forms.
Parliamentarian (appointed) - The parliamentarian advises the presiding officer on questions of parliamentary procedure.