May 2017 Hours

7:30 am – dark, Saturday & Sunday

8:00 am – dark, Tuesday – Friday Course closed Mondays

Reminder: Appropriate Golf Attire is required on the golf course.

Men: collared shirts and NO denim

Women: No denim, and no tank or halter tops.

Couples Night: Couples Nights will begin in June. Let’s plan on starting at 6:00 p.m. and we’ll play 9 holes followed by dinner. June 2, June 16, and June 30. This is open to members and non-members. Call the clubhouse for more information.

Metcalf Ridge Mid-Week Men’s Club

• Let’s try again on May 3rd

• Every other Wednesday, @ 5:30 p.m.

• Games played will change from week to week. For example: 2 man best ball, 2 man scramble, 2 man alternate shot, etc.

Call before noon the day of play to sign up for that evening’s game

• $25.00 up front to register for the club – all monies paid out at the end of the year.

• $15.00 per night covers that evenings game as well as a skins game each night.

• Most games will be based upon a handicap, if you have one – or an estimated handicap if you are not registered

Hey Ladies!

Would you be interested in getting together some evening and playing 9 holes? We could play random golf games, and maybe pair with some new people. It would be a nice way to meet people, and have a little fun on the golf course. If you are interested, let me (Patty) know what night would work best for you, or if maybe Saturday morning or afternoon would work better. It doesn’t matter what your skill level is, I’d just like to get ladies together and play!

Junior Golf: Metcalf Ridge is taking sign-ups for Junior Golf (age 5-16). Sessions will be offered 2 days a week (Wednesday and Thursday) from June 7th through July 27th and will be from 6 pm to 8 pm. The cost is $60 for the first 4 sessions and is payable upfront. Additional sessions can be added later for $5 each. You can pick any days for your child’s first 4 sessions. They do not have to be in the same week. We are hoping to get more participation by creating a more flexible schedule. A sign-up form is available on our website, or we can email one to you upon request. Call 913-837-5476 if you have any questions.

Conversations from the Clubhouse

What a difference a month makes! As I was writing this article last month the sun was shining brightly and we were enjoying early spring golf. Now, the rain is coming down and the evenings are still getting quite cool. We are wishing for some consistent warm weather so that the fairways will finish coming out of dormancy. The Bermuda grass needs consistent warm weather for it to pop. This is the time of year that we try to remember that the summer heat will be here before you know it, so enjoy the spring weather as much as you can.

Thank you choosing to spend your extra time here with us.

Patty and Andy

Metcalf Ridge, 6302 W. 295th St., Louisburg, KS 66053 (913) 837-5476