Rivers and Beaches (3/5 credits)
Lecture:M, W & F 1:30 - 2:20Room 075, Johnson Hall
Lab (for 5 credits)W 2:30 – 3:20Room 011, Johnson Hall
Chuck Nittrouer Dave Montgomery Mike Turzewski
111B MSB/543-5099 341 JHN/685-2560 423 JHN/517-927-5430
COURSE FEE:$30/$50 for 3/5 credits
Date LectureSubjectLab
9/25 1Introduction (DM, CN)Orientation for Field Trip A
9/27 2Beyond the Beach (CN)
9/30 3The Floor of Puget Sound (CN)
10/2 Field Trip A— Puget Sound Cruise on the Thompson (no lecture)
10/4 4Mountains: Weathering (DM) & Introduce Field Trip B
10/7 5Mountains: Soil (DM)
10/9 Field Trip B1 – Nisqually River Watershed (no lecture)
10/11 6Mountains: Erosion (DM)
10/14 7Rivers: Materials and Sediment Transport (DM)Report for Field Trip A due
10/16 Field Trip B2 – Nisqually River Watershed (no lecture)
10/18 8Alluvial Rivers (DM)
10/19&20Field Trip C – Tour around Olympic Peninsula Beaches
10/21 9Bedrock Rivers (DM)Report for Field Trip B1 due
10/23 10Marine Sedimentation: Particles (CN)Discuss Field Trip A
10/25 11Marine Sedimentation: Transport (CN)
10/28 12Marine Sedimentation: Global Perspective (CN)Report for Field Trip B2 due
10/30 Mid-Term Examno lab
11/1 13Floodplains (DM)
11/4 14Human Impacts on Rivers (DM)Report for Field Trip C due
11/6 15 Estuaries: Processes (CN)Discuss Field Trip B
11/8 16Estuaries: Sedimentation (CN)
11/11 Veteran's Day (no class)
11/13 17River Deltas (CN)Discuss Field Trip C
11/15 18Beaches: Processes (CN)
11/18 19Beaches: Sedimentation (CN)
11/20 20Channel Response (DM)no lab
11/22 21River Restoration (DM)
11/25 22Beaches around the World (CN)
11/27 23Beaches around Washington (CN)no lab, Thanksgiving
12/2 24Dirt and King of Fish (DM)
12/4 25Human Impacts on Deltas (CN)Review Session
12/6 26Review Session (DM, CN)
12/9Final Exam2:30 – 4:20
For 3 credits: midterm = 40%; field trip/report = 20%; final exam = 40%
Participation in Field Trip B is required
For 5 credits: midterm = 35%; field trip/reports = 30%; final exam = 35%
Participation in all Field Trips is required
Field-Trip Reports: due on dates indicated in schedule above
credit for report will be reduced, if 1 or 2 days late; no credit for >2 days late
Please Note – The course puts a high premium on the learning that comes from field observations.
Participation in field trips is required to get credit for field trips.
There are no make-up trips or extra work to substitute for trips. If you miss one, your options are:
3-credit registrants who miss Field Trip Bcan:1) participate in Field Trip C; 2) take a zero for the
field trip; or 3) drop the course.
5-credit registrants who miss a trip can: 1) drop to 3 credits; 2) take a zero in the missed trip; or 3) drop
the course.
Field Trip A will be held on Wednesday, 2 Oct. Field Trip B will be held twice on Wednesdays
(Oct 9 & 16). If you need a note explaining absence from another class, contact Chuck or Dave at least
one week before the field trip.
Contact Mike Turzewski () to sign-up for Field Trip B on either 9 or
16 October. Reservations will be limited for each day, and will be accepted on a first-come basis.