


Course Description:

This course is designed for students with no previous knowledge, or very limited knowledge of the Arabic language. In this course, students are trained, through the use of an audio/visual method, to speak, understand, read and write Modern Standard Arabic, the form of Arabic shared by all Arab countries. Classroom time is devoted to conversation (skits and discussions) and grammar exercises (including skim-reading tasks) stemming from the video material. Consistent emphasis is placed on authentic materials that derive from the living cultural context. This course is no open to native Arabic speakers or to students with more than two years of Arabic in high school, except by instructor approval.



Credits: 4 Lecture Credits: 4Lab Credits:

Lab Hours:

Required Materials:


Alif-Baa with DVD’s: Introduction to Arabic Letters and Sounds, 2nd Edition; Kristen Brustad, Mahmoud Al-batal, Abbas Al-Tonsi, Georgetown University Press, 2004.

ISBN: 1-58901-102-3

Al-Kitaab with DVD’s: A Textbook for Beginning Arabic (Part 1), 2nd Edition; Kristen Brustad, Mahmoud Al-batal Al-Tonsi, Georgetown University Press, 2004.

ISBN: 1-58901-104-X

Textbooks, with accompanying DVD’s are available in the college store.

Additional Time Requirements:

Oral Test (3 per semester) and written tests (5 per semester in Testing Center) – outside class time.

Intended Course Learning Outcomes/Course Goals:

A successful Arabic 101 student will be able to speak, understand, read and write Modern Standard Arabic at the elementary level, will know basic elements of Arabic culture and will understand the development of the Arabic Writing System.

Intended Unit Outcome [Unit Objectives:

Alif-Baa – Unit 1

Arabic Letters

Saying Hello, Arabic Dialects

Short Vowels and Long Vowels

Alif-Baa Textbook, pages 9-27

Unit 2

Arabic Letters

Creating pauses/syllables

Alif-Baa Textbook, pages 28-39

Unit 3

Arabic Letters

Meeting and Greeting People

Alif-Baa Textbook, pages 40-50

Unit 4

Arabic Letters/Symbols

Genders in Arabic

Alif-Baa Textbook, pages 51-66

Unit 5

Arabic Letters/Symbols

Forms of Address

Alif-Baa Textbook, pages 67-85

Unit 6

Arabic Letters

Alif-Baa Textbook, pages 86-102

Unit 7

Arabic Letters

Coffee Time!

Complete Arabic Chart

Arabic Numerals and Numbers (1-10)

Alif-Baa Textbook, pages 103-120

Unit 8

Dagger Alif

Using the expressions

Making words definite

Sun and Moon Letters

Alif-Baa Textbook, pages 121-130

Unit 9

Arabic Symbols

Arab Countries of the Middle East & Visiting People

Alif-Baa Textbook, pages 132-140

Unit 10

One-Letter Particles

The Development of the Arabic Writing System

Nunanations in Arabic

Alif-Baa Textbook, pages 141-151

Al-Kitaab – Lession 1

Arabic Names

Masculine & Feminine, The Definite Article, The Nisba adjective,

The Question

Al-Kitaab Textbook, pages 1-20

Lession 2

Pronouns, The Plural, Interrogative Particles

Al-Kitaab Textbook, pages 21-38

You must complete a series of drills for each unit in the Alif-Baa and Al-Kitaab book. This includes listening to and watching video scenes on the set of DVD’s that accompany the textbooks. Listening comprehension is a very important element of the entire course. The more you listen, the better your comprehension.

Core Competencies:

This course satisfies the following core competency:

Community and Workplace

The student will demonstrate cultural sensitivity within the context of the contemporary, diverse, global community. The student will demonstrate ethical conduct and effective teamwork.

Grading Standard:

The grading policy follows a point system. There will be 2 Oral and Written Quizzes for 25 points each, 2 Written Exams for 100 points each, and a Final Oral and Written Exam for 100 hundred points each, a total of 350 points. Attendance will count a maximum of 30 points, Class Participation = 35 points, and

Homework = 35 points, for a total of 450 points.

In this course, you may achieve a grade of:

A90% - 100%405to450 points

B+86% - 89%385to404points

B80% - 85%360 to384points

C+76% - 79%340to359points

C70% - 75%315to339points

D65% - 69%292to314points

Fbelow 65% 0to291points

Department Policies:

Students lose one point per missed class. Being late twice counts as one absence. Class participation points are based on willingness to participate in group and individual interactions in class. Homework must be completed in a timely manner.

All written tests and quizzes are to be taken at the Testing Center, in the NAS building. Test and quizzes must be taken within one week of the date on the semester plan. Failure to do so will result in the loss of 5 points for every week a test is not completed (2 points for a quiz).

If you don’t pass an oral or written test the first time you take it, you may re-take it once.

Please note that re-testing is principally designed to help those who fail a text or quiz. The maximum grade that can be achieved on a re-test is a 79%. Students with grades lower than 79% on the first version of the test or quiz would like to raise their grade to a maximum of 79% are also eligible for a re-test if desired.

College Policies:

For information regarding:

 Brookdale’s Academic Integrity Code

 Student Conduct Code

 Student Grade Appeal Process

Please refer to the Student Handbook and BCC Catalog.

Notification for Students with Disabilities:

Brookdale Community College offers reasonable accommodations and/or services to persons with disabilities. Students with disabilities who wish to self-identify, must contact the Disabilities Services Office at 732-224-2730 or 732-842-4211 (TTY), provide appropriate documentation of the disability, and request specific accommodations or services. If a student qualifies, reasonable accommodations and/or services, which are appropriate for the college level and are recommended in the documentation, can be approved.

Additional Support/Labs:

Individual and small group tutoring is provided in the Language Department. The instructor will provide all necessary information at the beginning of the semester.

Information can also be obtained from the Language Department secretary in LAH 233, telephone 732 – 224-2489, during regular office hours Monday through Friday.


September 2004