Engineering Activity Registration (Cont.)
/ OFFICE USE: RefDECISION: Accepted | Rejected
Application for Riverbank Repair Demonstration Site Grant
Before filling in this application form please read:
· Guidance for applicants to the grant scheme for riverbank repair demonstration sites (SEPA website)
The banks to be protected must have been damaged by flooding between 5 December 2015 and 9 January 2016.
All bank protection work must be completed and claims submitted before 1 March 2018
1. Applicant Contact DetailsPlease provide details of the person who is making this application.
Organisation (if applicable)
Postcode / Tel No.
Email / Fax No.
Business Reference Number (BRN) / Is the business an SME? / Yes / No
Have you received design funding under the Riverbank Repair Scheme?
If you answered YES, you do not need to complete sections 2 and 4 unless any details have changed / Yes / No
2. Land Ownership Status
Please tick the appropriate box:
I am the Landowner
Please provide proof of ownership including a plan that outlines in red the property owned by the applicant and identifies the proposed bank protection site / Attached? / Yes / No
I am the Tenant
Tenancy agreement end date
Please provide proof of tenancy, including a plan that outlines in red the proposed bank protection site and written consent from the landowner. / Attached? / Yes / No
3. Written Consents
Do you own the riverbed and banks where the works are located? / Yes / No
Do you own the riverbed and banks adjacent to the works? / Yes / No
Do you own the Salmon Fishing rights? / Yes / No
Do you own all affected structures in the river? / Yes / No
If you have answered NO to any of the above questions please ensure when applying for installation costs that you submit with this form, written consents from the owner for undertaking the activity.
Does anyone hold a security over the land in question? / Yes / No
Will anyone using water abstracted from the river, be affected by the project? / Yes / No
Are there any burdens or servitudes inhibiting the proposed works? / Yes / No
4. Site Details
Farm Name / Site Name
River Name:
Upstream NGR for activity*
Downstream NGR for activity*
Length of Bank Protection (m) / Bank Affected
(viewed looking downstream) / Left
*National Grid Reference (NGR)
Please enter National Grid Reference using 10-character form (XY 1111 2222)
You can use the SEPA NGR Tool on the SEPA website to generate your own NGR (
Please provide 1 or more photographs showing the full length and height of the eroded section of river bank to be repaired. / Photos Attached? / Yes / No
5. What are you applying for?
If funding is awarded it will be paid following completion of the approved design or installation.
Costs of up to a maximum of £750 for design and up to £10,000 for installation are available for suitable sites..
I am applying for design costs / Yes / No
I am applying for installation costs / Yes / No
For applications for installation costs please provide the sketch/drawing or professional design of the bank work
Total cost of design: / Amount applied for:
Total cost of installation: / Amount applied for:
Number of quotes submitted / Up to £2,000 (inc VAT) / 1 Quote
£2,001 to £10,000 (inc VAT) / 3 Quotes
As part of your signed funding agreement, you must submit a programme as described in the Guidance for applicants.
6. Compliance with Controlled Activities Regulations (CAR) Scotland 2011
CAR Registration Activity No / CAR/R/
OR indicate registration status / Applied for / Granted / Neither
(delete as appropriate)
NOTE: It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure all necessary permissions are in place prior to any work on the river starting.
Please provide a description of what steps will be taken during and after the works to prevent silt from entering the watercourse:
7. Declaration and Undertakings
· I/we declare that I/we have read and understand the rules, conditions and requirements of the Riverbank Repair Demonstration site Scheme as detailed on the SEPA website.
· I/we declare that the work will comply with the guidance in Reducing river bank erosion:A best practice guide for farmers and other land managers and the conditions in CAR registration Activity N as detailed in Engineering registration (paper)
· I/we are willing to agree to carry out monitoring of the work and to make the site accessible for visits, organised by SEPA or NFUS for the purpose of training/information.
· I/we agree to provide any additional information relating to this application that SEPA may reasonably require.
· I/we declare that the costs claimed are not covered by insurance.
· I declare that the amount of public funding I have applied for, and will receive for this activity, does not exceed 100% of the total costS
· I/we agree to permit the duly authorised officers of SEPA, or its appointed agents and those persons accompanying them, to enter the farm covered by this application to carry out an inspection in order to verify the accuracy of the particulars given in this application and to render all reasonable assistance, to duly authorised officers in making their inspection.
· I/we agree (jointly and severally) to repay any grant paid in respect of this application, if as a consequence of a breach of the declarations made or the undertakings given in this application, or of overpayment to any one of us, we or any one of our number is asked to make such repayment by SEPA
· I am over 16 years of age.
Are you a non-trading person or organisation? Yes | No
The data you have provided in this form is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA), the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 (EIR).
It is the policy of Scottish Ministers to share relevant data, including historical, that is held on your business with other organisations for legitimate purposes and when required to do so and also to share relevant data under FOISA and EIR when it is in the public interest.
Signature: / Date:
Print name: / Role/Status:
8. Document Checklist
Please use the checklist to ensure you have completed all relevant sections and have included all required items with your application. Incomplete applications may be returned to you for re-submission.
- Proof of ownership and a plan that outlines in red the property owned by the applicant that includes the bank protection site; OR
Proof of tenancy, including a plan that outlines in red the proposed bank protection site and written consent from the landowner- as required in section 2 - Written Consents- as required in section 3.
- Photographs-as required in section 4.
- Quotations -as detailed in section 5.
- Sketch/drawing or professional design of bank work as required in the guidance (for installation applications only) - section 5
Please send your completed form and documents to the following address
Angus Smith Building
6 Parklands Avenue
North Lanarkshire
ML1 4WQ / Email:
Tel: 01698 839000
The Data Protection Act 1998
The information provided on this form will be processed by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency ("SEPA") to process and assess your application
We may also process and/or disclose it in connection with the following:
· offering/providing you with our literature/services relating to environmental affairs
· carrying out statistical analysis, research and development on environmental issues
· providing public register information to enquirers
· investigating possible breaches of environmental law and taking any resulting action
· preventing breaches of environmental law; and
· improving our service
We may disclose the information to the public, public bodies and other organisations (e.g. Health and Safety Executive, Local Authorities, Emergency Services, Scottish Executive) when consulting on environmental issues
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