Clubhouse Community Room

August 17, 2017

Call to order: The meeting was called to order 7:00 P.M. by Chris Rivas. In attendance were the following; Chris Rivas, David Mednick, Tom O’Brien and David Houghton. Also present was Risa Levitt of GRS Management Associates.

Determination of Quorum: Those present determined a quorum.

Proper Notice: Meeting signs posted properly.

Approval of Minutes: A motion was made, seconded and the minutes were approved unanimously without revision.

Treasurers Report and Legal Update: David Mednick gave an overview of Financials year to date up to July 31, 2017. The Board requested that Management look into the over budget line items connected to Electric and Janitorial/Maintenance.

Legal Summary: The two units listing rooms through air bnb have been resolved. Mediation is pending with the Units who converted garage space to kitchens. The Attorney is working diligently on the cases connected to units who have been reported as having unauthorized tenants.

Review of Rental and Sales Activity: presented by David Mednick. Management has added a formal Application for Purchase to the website hosted through GRS Management and Certificate of Approval for Purchase will be recorded going forward. It was confirmed that Certificates of Approval are on file for all recent rentals noted as complete. It was noted that one pending rental at 1380 Piazza Pitti still has not submitted an application.

Old Business:

·  Parking Guidelines – A motion was made by Tom to adhere to the original Parking Rule adopted in 2011, requiring that vehicles be parked on the driveways with 4 tires. Management to research new sticker options for the Board to consider along with revising the Parking Guidelines and monitoring.

·  Security Update – Chris to meet in person with Security on August 23 at 7pm. Patrolling has improved slightly since the last meeting. Requests include better monitoring/citing of violations including trashcans out and bulk trash, stickering cars parked in violation of the Association policy and better tracking and reporting back to the Board signs of illegal activity.

·  Roofs – tabled until further notice

New Business:

·  Roof Pressure Cleaning: two proposals obtained to date. Management to get a third quote for review at the next Board meeting.

·  CD, Operating and Reserve Account transfers – a motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to purchased a total of 4 CD’s, $150,000 total. 2 CD’s will be for an initial term of 3 months and 2 CD’s will be for an initial term of 6 months.

·  Clubhouse Fitness Service Agreement – Management to obtain one additional proposal for Board review at the next meeting

·  Bees in Soffits – A motion was made by Chris to have an outside vendor inspect all buildings and provide a report of those units with bee hives in the roof soffits that need to be addressed. Management to get pricing for Board review at the next meeting.

·  GRS Website Finalizations – David to re-establish bluehost connection and web hosting. Management noted that all Documents and up on the Firenze HOA landing page managed through GRS Management. Additional photos will be uploaded and the site sent to the Board for final review.

·  Delinquent/Violation Policy – A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to revise the delinquent notice and late fines as follows: Late notice letters to be mailed out only to those owners who have greater than $110.00 outstanding on the account. Late fees to be added only to accounts who are above $110.00 past due.

Adjournment: A motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:33 P.M. was made by Chris Rivas, the motion was seconded by David Mednick All approved the motion.

Respectfully submitted,

Risa Levitt, LCAM

Firenze – La Florence Homeowners Association, Inc.