Application Form


Please complete all sections as fully as possible and return to:
Mrs S Heath, Personnel Officer,
The Blue Coat School, Church Road, Wavertree, Liverpool, L15 9EE
or email
Closing Date: Thursday 12 February 2015 at 12noon
Note: Covering letters or additional statements/attachments will not be considered by the shortlisting panel
Personal Details
Title (Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr, Other):
Surname: / Forename(s):
Previous Names (if applicable):
Postcode: / Mobile Telephone:
Daytime Telephone:
Evening Telephone:
National Insurance Number: / Teacher Reference Number:
It is a requirement under the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006 that we obtain information regarding entitlement to live and work in the UK. / Do you require a work permit to undertake full or part-time work in the UK?
Current Membership of Professional Bodies
Professional Body/Association / Status/Membership No. / Date
Institution / Qualification(s) / Level/Grade / Date


Higher Degree(s)
(eg secondary, further, higher)
Professional Training
Include any major development courses.
Organising Body / Course / Date
Current or Most Recent Employment
Current or most recent employer name and full address including postcode: / Is this your current employer?
Job title:
Date appointed:
School Group Size:
Period of Notice Required:
Telephone Number: / Date of leaving (if applicable):
Local Authority: (if school) / Reason for leaving (if applicable):
Brief outline of specific duties andresponsibilities (750 words max):
Previous Employment
FULL employment history required, from leaving secondary education to present date. Please include full-time, part-time and voluntary work and begin with current or most recent employer. All gaps in employment must be detailed.
Name and Address of other Employers / From – To / Job Title and Brief Outline of Duties /



Reason for leaving

Please explain any gaps in your employment history:
Please use this section to explain what attracted you to The Blue Coat School and drawing on your knowledge, skills and experience, provide clear examples and evidence of how you meet the requirements of the job description and person specification.
1500 words max (equivalent to 2 sides of A4)
Other skills, experienceand achievements in support of your application
(Relevant to the post and not covered elsewhere in your application)
750 words max
Interests e.g. hobbies, sports, voluntary work
Attendance Details
Please provide details of any sickness absence in the last two years. (You are not obliged to detail any pregnancy or disability related absences)
Number of working days lost:
Please supply the names and contact details of three referees, the first of which must be your current or most recent employer. References cannot be from relatives or from people writing solely in the capacity of friends.
PLEASE NOTE: we will seek references prior to interview if you are short listed for this post. In addition to your suitability to working with children we will seek information about any past disciplinary issues relating to children and/or child protection concerns.
First Referee (current or most recent employer)
Full Name:
Address (incl postcode):
In what capacity do you know this person?
Second Referee (previous employer)
Full Name:
Address (incl postcode):
In what capacity do you know this person?
Third Referee (Previous employer or character)
Full Name:
Address (incl postcode):
In what capacity do you know this person?
Criminal Convictions
The post for which you are applying is exempt under the provision of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions Order 1975).
This means that you must disclose any unspent and/or safeguarding offences, criminal convictions, cautions, reprimands or warnings under the under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order 1975 (Amendment) (England and Wales) Order 2013. You must also provide details of any pending circumstances that might lead to prosecution, conviction, bind-over or caution.
The disclosure of a criminal record, or other information, will not necessarily debar you from appointment. In making this decision The Blue Coat School will consider the nature of the offence, how long ago and what age you were when it was committed. Also any other factors, which may be relevant can be given consideration, including considerations in relation to the school’s commitment to equality. Any information you give will be treated in confidence.
This post is subject to an Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Check (DBS).
Failure to give an accurate and honest disclosure could result in withdrawal of a conditional offer, disciplinary action or dismissal if the discrepancy becomes known.
Do you have any criminal convictions, driving offences, bind-over or cautions?
If yes, please detail offence(s) including date(s) and sentence(s) where relevant, in a sealed envelope, marked confidential.
If you have none, please state "I have no convictions, cautions or pending court cases."
Your response …
Are you subject to any current or outstanding disciplinary procedures, or have you ever had action taken against you by an authority regarding children under 18 years old? If so, please give details.
Your response …
Are you related to any member of the Governing Body?
If yes, please give details:
NB: Any canvassing direct or indirect will result in disqualification. / YES / NO
Please state where you saw this vacancy advertised.
I certify that the information contained in this application form is accurate and true. I am not barred from working with children or vulnerable adults or subject to sanctions imposed by a regulatory body. I give my consent to the processing, transfer and disclosure of all information submitted by me during the recruitment process and throughout any subsequent periods of employment for pre-employment checks, equal opportunities monitoring, payroll operations and training and absence (Data Protection Act 1998).
I understand that the appointment, if offered, will be subject to the information given on this form being correct. I also understand that the appointment will be subject to suitable references, provision of proof of eligibility to work in the UK and suitable Disclosure and Barring Service Check/Protection of Vulnerable Groups Scheme check.
Signed ………………………………………………………….. Date …………………………….

Thank you for your application

Equal Opportunities Framework Monitoring Form

The Blue Coat School is an Equal Opportunities Employer. This means that all applicants will receive equal treatment irrespective of their race, gender, marital status, age, disability, religious beliefs, sexual orientation or employment status. The information you provide on this form will assist us in monitoring the effects of our policies and will help us to develop and improve.


We recognise that monitoring is strictly confidential, but not anonymous. For monitoring purposes, we ask you to give your name.

Applicant Name:
Post: / Teacher of Mathematics (February 2015)


The following sets out categories for monitoring ethnicity. We ask you to respond to this information request positively as it will help us ensure that our policies and practices do not inadvertently discriminate against you because of your ethnicity. The Blue Coat School assures you that any information you provide here will only be used to monitor the effectiveness of our policies and we will take steps to ensure this information remains confidential to a limited number of staff involved in our human resource systems.

Monitoring questions:

How would you describe yourself? Choose ONE section from A to E, and then indicate which applies (tick, highlight orunderline)

A Asian or Asian British




Any other Asian background, please write in box ......

B Black or Black British



Any other Black background, please write in box ......

C Chinese or other ethnic group


Any other, please write in box ......

D Mixed Heritage

White and Asian

White and Black African

White and Black Caribbean

Any other Mixed background, please write in box ......

E White






Any other White background, please write in box ......


To make positive changes, The Blue Coat School wants to address the different barriers faced by disabled people. Many people who do not consider themselves to be disabled may be covered by the Equality Act 2010 because they have a health condition that has an impact on their lives.

What do we mean when we say disability?

  • Do you have a physical or mental impairment?
  • Is it long term?
  • Does this make it difficult for you to do the things that most people do on a fairly regular and frequent basis?

If so, you may have rights under the Equality Act 2010. This includes people who are receiving treatment or using equipment (except glasses or contact lenses) that alleviates the effects of an impairment or a condition, people with an impairment or condition that is likely to recur, people who have conditions that will get worse over time and people with severe disfigurements.

Employees with a disability or health condition are entitled in law to ‘reasonable adjustments’ to address their needs for support in the workplace. Therefore we are interested in any disability or health condition that may require a reasonable adjustment to overcome any such barriers.

Monitoring questions:

Do you consider yourself to have a disability or a long-term health condition?

Yes No

What is the effect or impact of your disability or health condition?

Prefer not to say

If you would like to discuss your response, or are unsure of the types of reasonable adjustment that might be possible, please contact the school officer named on the application form.

The Blue Coat School is committed to creating an environment where barriers are removed for disabled people and they can give of their best to succeed in our School.


Concentrations of either men or women into certain jobs, the impact of family commitments are some reasons why men and women experience the workplace differently. Gender monitoring is key to ensuring that all employees have access to the same opportunities and The Blue Coat School is committed to work at achieving this.

Monitoring question:

Would you describe yourself as:

Male Female Prefer not to say


Monitoring sexual orientation in our staff and in our recruits is a significant step towards acknowledging gay, lesbian and bi sexual staff within The Blue Coat School. We seek to become an exemplar employer and make sure our processes and practices are fair to all staff.

Please help us and do this by completing the following questions around your sexual orientation.

Monitoring question:

What is your sexual orientation?


Gay man

Gay Woman / Lesbian

Heterosexual / Straight


Prefer not to say


We all have an age. Age discrimination regulations in the workplace are designed to ensure that you are judged only by your abilities and not your age. Greater experience does not always associate itself with greater ability and neither does older age and inability to learn new skills. By monitoring age we seek to uncover these and other assumptions in the way we work.

Monitoring question:

What is your Date of Birth?

Birth Month:

Birth Year:


Whether or not you have a religion and what you do or don’t believe in is likely to make difference to you and how you perceive the world. These perceptions are carried across into our workplaces.

It is said by some that what you do or don’t believe is a private matter that should have no effect on your job. It is indeed a private matter but it would be disingenuous to say that it had no effect on your employment. For example, school activities during periods of religious fasting for some colleagues may well place them at a disadvantage in these instances.

We are committed to ensuring fairness and equal access to all employees whatever their faith or beliefs.

Below is a list of religions that are the most commonly found in Britain. They are listed in alphabetical order and not intended to signify rank in terms of importance, furthermore we acknowledge that the list is not exhaustive and if your religion is not specifically listed then we ask you not to take offence as none was intended.

Monitoring question:

Please indicate the box that best describes you:







Other Religion or Belief (please state) ......

No Religion

Prefer not to say