Ms. Franco



Rituals, Symbols and Traditions

Shoebox Project

Unit Objectives:

•Through the Sacraments we are given a door, a way in, to the life of grace, which is the life of relationship with God.

•Through the Sacraments we encounter Christ and enter into the mystery of his death and Resurrection.

Symbols and rituals play an essential role in the Sacraments.

Your assignment is to create a shoebox that tells people who you are through the rituals, symbols and traditions that you are a part of. You cannot use the same ritual, symbol or tradition more than once. The contents can include writings, passages from writings by other people, drawings, (your) photographs, or any other materials that will fit into the shoebox and help explain who you are through your rituals, symbols and traditions. You can use words or drawings even when the directions below ask you to describe some part of your life. The shoebox can have as many items as you wish, but it must have at least one physical item for every part listed below (12 minimum). You need to label each item clearly to match the table of contents. Written parts or explanations may be typed or handwritten (any color). Make sure to explain FULLY.

Inside the Box:

  1. Here I Am- Include a picture of yourself. Also, list some vital data (such as: date of birth, age, general physical description (eye/hair color, etc.), city in which you live, hobbies, etc
  1. About Me - Describe how you see yourself (what kind of person are you?). What do you know about yourself (what are your values? why do you react to situations, people, and things as you do?) What do you like and not like?
  1. Self Symbol - What symbol would you choose that best represents who you are? How does this symbol represent you?
  1. Special Symbol – What is a special object that you have that has symbolic meaning for you? What does it represent? Why is it so special?
  1. Future Symbol - What symbolwould you choose for what you want in your future? How does this symbol represent your hopes, dreams and aspirations for the future?
  1. World Symbol - What symbol would you choose for what you want for the world? How does this symbol represent your desires for the world?
  1. My Heritage- Talk with family members or do library research and tell something of your family’s history – it can be where they’re from (states/countries), or an explanation of your ethnic background.
  1. Family Tradition – What is one of your favorite family traditions? What do you do? Who is involved? Why is it one of your favorites?
  1. Friend Tradition – What is one of your favorite friend traditions? What do you do? Who is involved? Why is it one of your favorites?
  1. Ritual - One ritual that is important to me is… What do you do for/in the ritual? Are others involved? It is important because….
  1. God’s Symbol – What symbol would you give to represent your understanding of God? (You CANNOT choose a religious symbol.) What does it represent? Why is it so did you choose it?
  1. God’s presence – “Explain” a time when you feel/felt God’s presence in your life. Where were you? Was there someone else there? What were you doing? How did it effect you?

Table of Contents (typed description of your items)You can utilize the Table of Contents as a place to explain your items or you can useanother piece(s) of paper. Clearly delineate each of the 12 items on your Table of Contents.

Outside of the Box:

Once you have figured out each of the areas above and before you put them in your shoe box, you need to cover the outside of your shoebox. Create your own design on the outside of the box. Be sure to include your proper heading on the top of your box, clearly visible.

This assignment is due by Tuesday, September 5th.