Monday, January 26

Read the selection and answer the questions that follow.

(1) March 11, 2014

(2) Dear Kristen

(3) I am having such a grand time here in New York City (4) The sights and sounds of this incredibly large city are beyond my imagination. (5) Everywhere I look, there is a new wonder waiting for me to discover the beauty of it. (6) Now that I am here, I truly understand why New York is called “the city that doesn’t sleep”.

(7) Yesterday, my aunt and I whent to see the Statue of Liberty. (8) First we took the ferry out to the island. (9) Watching Lady Liberty get closer and closer gave me goose bumps. (10) When we finally stepped off the ferry, I couldn’t do anything but stand there and stare in awe at what was before me. (11) What a tremendous piece of our countries history.

(12) Tonight, we are off to Broadway. (13) We are going to see “The Lion King”. (14) I am very excited. (15) I have been waiting to see a show on Broadway for as long as I can remember. (16) We just bought our tickets this morning. (17) At a ticket booth in Times Square. (18) We are going to a very fancy dinner before the show. (19) I will tell you all about it when I get back.

(20) I am taking lots of pictures. (21) I can’t wait to share them with you and all of our students. (22) I hope you are having a great spring break to. (23) See you Monday!

(24) Your excited friend in New York,

(25) Michelle

  1. What change should be made in sentence 2?
  1. Change Kristen to kristen
  2. Change Dear to dear
  3. Add a comma after Kristen
  1. What change, if any, should be made in sentence 12?
  1. Change the period to a question mark
  2. Change countries to country’s
  3. Make no change

  1. What change should be made in sentence 3?
  1. Change City to city
  2. Change here to hear
  3. Add a period after City
  1. What is the best way to write sentences 17 and 18?
  1. We just bought our tickets this morning at a ticket booth in Times Square.
  2. We just bought our tickets this morning we bought them in Times Square.
  3. Sentences 17 and 18 are correct as written.

  1. What change should be made in sentence 7?
  1. Change aunt to Aunt
  2. Change whent to went
  3. Change Statue to statue

Monday, January 26

Are Animals in Your Future?

(1) Do you like animals? (2) You might enjoy a career in zoology. (3) This science studies the care, growth, and behavior of animals. (4) Zoologists go to college to learn about animals. (5) On the job, they observe animals. (6) They research to continue learning. (7) Knowledge helps zoologists find better ways to care for animals. (8) Animals live in zoos. (9) Some zoologists study the life cycles of insects. (10) Others study whales in the ocean. (11) All zoologists experience smelly cages and around-the-clock work. (12) Being a zoologist is difficult. (13) There are many animals to study and to help.

  1. Which transition could be added to the beginning of sentence 2 to help connect the ideas in the paragraph?
  1. And then,
  2. If so,
  3. After that,
  4. No revision is needed.
  1. How can sentences 5 and 6 be joined without changing the meaning?
  1. On the job, they observe animals and research to continue learning.
  2. On the job, they observe animals to continue learning and research.
  3. On the job, they observe to continue learning and they research to continue learning.
  4. On the job, they continue learning by observing and learning by researching.
  1. Which sentence does not belong in this paragraph?
  1. Sentence 1
  2. Sentence 5
  3. Sentence 8
  4. Sentence 10
  1. Which sentence could be added after sentence 13 to provide a stronger conclusion for this paragraph?
  1. Everyone should try being a zoologist.
  2. Zoologists have many pets.
  3. Zoology is a rewarding career for animal lovers.
  1. Animals love zoologists.

Tuesday, January 27

Indoor Baseball

(1) My teacher surprised our class yesterday when she announced, “let’s play baseball!” (2) You can imagine the confused looks on ourselves faces when Mrs. Flores asked us to move our desks to form a diamond. (3) She divided us into two teams, showed us the bases, and shared the rules. (4) As each batter had a turn, she tested our mastery of multiplication facts when she fired problems like fastballs (5) “Mario, what is the product of thirty-three times ten?” she asked. (6) Luckily Mario correctly answered, “It is three hundred thirty. (7) He advanced to first base which allowed other team members to move around the bases. (8) We played until one team earned twenty runs. (9) My team and myself lost, but I would play this game of baseball anytime. (10) What a great way to work as a team to practice our math facts!

  1. What change, if any, should be made in sentence 1?
  1. Remove the comma after the word announced
  2. Change let’s to Let’s
  3. Remove the quotation marks
  4. Make no change
  1. What change, if any, should be made in sentence 2?
  1. Change You to Yourself
  2. Change us to ourselves
  3. Change ourselves to our
  4. Make no change
  1. What change, if any, should be made in sentence 6?
  1. Change “It is three hundred thirty. to“It is three hundred thirty.”
  2. Change “It is three hundred“It is three hundred thirty?”
  3. Change “It is three hundred thirty.toIt is three hundred thirty!”
  4. Make no change
  1. What change, if any, should be made in sentence 9?
  1. Change myself to me
  2. Change myself to I
  3. Change I to myself
  4. Make no change

Tuesday,January 27

Never Again!

(1) When you walk through the entrance to a roller coaster, ewe are unsuspecting. (2) Buying the ticket is easy. (3) Everything seems harmless. (4) Looking ahead you sea one small hill, but beyond that are steeper hills to climb. (5) The drops between the climbs leave you breathless as you hold on tightly. (6) You want to go back, hoping to find your stomach because you think you left it back there somewhere. (7) After the last climb, you know what to expect. (8) You zoom down. (9) Screaming does not help. (10) Your knuckles are white from gripping the bar. (11) As you fly around the last curve, you are definitely ready for this ride to end. (12) When you exit the car on trembling legs, you promise yourself, “Never again!

  1. What change, if any, should be made in sentence 1?
  1. Change ewe to you
  2. Change through to threw
  3. Change roller to roler
  4. Make no change
  1. What change, if any, should be made in sentence 4?
  1. Change one to won
  2. Change to to two
  3. Change sea to see
  4. Make no change
  1. Which adverb could be added to sentence 8?
  1. Tiredly
  2. Lightly
  3. Immediately
  4. Colorfully
  1. What change, if any, should be made in sentence 11?
  1. Change definitely to definite
  2. Change last to lastly
  3. Change ready to readily
  4. Make no change

Wednesday, January 28

Homophones: Circle the correct word in each pair of underlined words below.

February 12, 2012

Dear Mr. Glumpus,

I have never sent mail/male to an author before, but I had to let you know/no how much I love your book, Fabulous Fritz. Never before have I red/read about a dog like Fritz.

I just got the book two weaks/weeks ago and have already memorized it. My favorite part is when Fritz pretends to be a rock star and everybody stares/stairs at him. You are so/sew creative! And when Fritz put peanut butter on his nose/knows, I thought I was going to dye/die of laughter. I, to/too, love peanut butter, though such antics are not/knot tolerated in my house.

I am saving my allowance to bye/buy a pair/pare of Fabulous Fritz night-vision goggles. My hole/whole room is covered with Fritz stickers. And guess what I named my pet Burmese python? If you guessed “Frits,” you’re/your correct. I would/wood change my name to Fritz, too, but my parents say I’m not aloud/allowed. I heard/herd that you mite/mightright/write a 10-book series about Fritz. That seems/seams like a great/grate idea. I will never get bored/board with my favorite pooch.

Your #1 fan,

Jeremy Jenkins

Wednesday, January 28

(1) How would you like to earn money playing video games? (2) Video game testers play games. (3) They check for glitches or bugs. (4) Companies depend on these workers to find problems with games before they are sold in stores. (5) Have you bought a video game? (6) Although the job of a tester can be fun, it is more than just play. (7) This job requires other skills. (8) Testers must notice details. (9) They observe colors, ease of play, speed, and graphic design. (10) Video testers should be good writers. (11) They write about the glitches found in the games. (12) Testers give suggestions. (13) Although no special training is necessary for this job, video game testers need specific skills. (14) They must understand games, write reports, and observe details.

  1. Which sentence is not needed in this paragraph?
  1. Sentence 1
  2. Sentence 5
  3. Sentence 6
  4. Sentence 11
  1. What is the best way to combine sentences 2 and 3?
  1. Video game testers play games because they check for glitches or bugs.
  2. Playing games tests for glitches or bugs.
  3. Video game testers play with bugs to check for glitches.
  4. Video game testers play games to check for glitches or bugs.
  1. The meaning of sentence 12 can be improved by adding which of the following to the end of the sentence?
  1. to improve the games
  2. to earn more money
  3. to write better reports
  4. to have fun while working
  1. To conclude this paragraph, which sentence should Bianca add?
  1. Everyone needs to earn money.
  2. Are you game for this fun job?
  3. Video testing is an easy job.
  4. Do you like to play video games?

Thursday, January 29

A. Underline each adjective, including articles (a, an, the). Draw an arrow from each adjective to the word the adjective describes.

  1. It was an empty lot.
  2. People in the community puled he overgrown weed.
  3. Some people planted pretty flowers.
  4. The French lilacs will grow to twenty feet.
  5. Other people planted different seeds.

B. Underline the adjective in each sentence. Then, write whether the adjective tells what kind, how many, or which one.

  1. Orchids grow in warm climates.______
  2. Growers produce new forms of flowers.______
  3. Three petals are on your flower.______
  4. Look at these flowers. ______
  5. I like white orchids.______

C. In the space below, write a description of the flowers you would grow in a garden. Use adjective to describe the flowers. Be sure to write in your BEST cursive. Write at least three sentences.


Thursday, January 29

A. Write whether each group of words is a sentence fragment or a complete sentence.

  1. The sea is deep and wide.______
  2. The rapids and the currents near the shore.______
  3. The rain forest surrounds the river for its ______

entire length.

  1. A hot, wet climate.______
  2. Green and twisted vines hanging from ______

the trees.

B. Write whether each of the following groups of words is a complete sentence or a sentence fragment. If an item is a sentence fragment, write whether it is missing a subject, predicate, or both.

  1. Suns himself on the banks.______
  2. Old and famous legends of ______

the Amazon.

  1. We will visit the Amazon delta.______
  2. Flocks of wild birds fish in the river.______
  3. Sunlight through the trees.______
  4. Was sparkling on the water.______

C. Choose two of the fragments above and turn them into a complete sentence. Underline the subject and predicate in each of your sentences. Write in cursive.
