Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults - 2018
For adults who are not baptized and interested in becoming Catholic
4/23/17 / 4/23 to 6/11 - Discussion on the Sunday Gospel
Date / Sundays 9:00-10:30AM (Pius XII Center Rm 101)
6/11/17 /
- The Problem of Life’s Purpose
6/18 /
- The Problem of Life’s Laws
6/25 /
- Heaven
7/9 /
- The Creation and Fall
7/16 /
- The Incarnation
7/23 /
- The Mystical Body of Christ
7/30 /
- Truth: The Teaching Church
8/6 /
- Truth: The Mystery of the Trinity
8/13 /
- Law and Sin
8/20 /
- Law and Suffering
8/27 /
- The Supernatural Life: How It Comes to the Soul
9/3 /
- The Supernatural Life: How It Works in the Soul
9/10 /
- Hell
9/17 /
- Purgatory: Heaven
9/23/17 / With Fr. Picou (Rite of Acceptance) *TENTATIVE*
Date / Sunday 7:30-10:30AM (Pius XII Center Rm 101)
10/1/17 /
- Eternal Exchange of Love
10/8 /
- Salvation History
10/15 /
- The Lame Shall L.E.A.P.
10/22 /
- The Epiphany
10/29 /
- Baptism of the Lord
11/5 /
- The Wedding at Cana
11/12 /
- The Temptation of Christ
11/19 /
- The Beatitudes
12/3 /
- Good Teacher / Commandments
12/10 /
- Save Us From Our Sins
1/7/18 / MARRIAGE I (Exclusivity/Permanence)
1/14 / MARRIAGE II (Openness to Life)
1/21 / MARRIAGE III (Heterosexual / Gender)
1/28 /
- Bread of Life
2/4 /
- Seven Last Words and Calvary
2/11 /
- The First Day
TBD / With Fr. Picou (Rite of Sending)
2/16 / With Bishop Olson (Rite of Election)
2/18 /
- The Nature of the Church
Date / Sun 9-10:30AM / Mon 6:30-8:30PM
Period of Enlightenment and Purification (Sun & Mon)
3/31/18 / EASTER VIGIL 2018
Please contact Wendy Collins to set up an appointment
817-623-2409 ext.
Prior to your appointment you may join us anySunday morning 9:30AM-10:30AM (starting Oct. 9)
in the Pius XII Catechetical Center (2040 Willis Lane) Room 101
All classes found at linktoliturgytv.com - Go to courses > Liturgical Year
If you are Catholic or married to a Catholic and yourmarriage is a civil marriage (not in the Catholic Church), as a part of preparing to receive the Sacraments (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist), you and your spouse will also prepare to validate your marriage, which is also a Sacrament. All the Sacraments are intregal to each other and thus preparation for reception is also intregal.
You and your spouse will prepare for marriage in the Catholic Churchand take vows in the Catholic Churchwith a clergy member present as a witness. The following steps should betaken simultaneously while attendingRCIA or Adult Confirmation classes.
1. Attend the Marriage Preparation meeting, which takes place on the last Tuesday of each month in the Parish Hall at 7PM.
2. Attend the Today, Tomorrow and Forever Retreat that is put on by the Diocese of Fort Worth.
3. Attend Natural Family Planning (NFP) classes.
Once you have completed 1-3 then complete 4-6.
4. Meet with Candy Warner to review the "fully engaged" test. The test is called "fully engaged" but it used for those already civially married as well.
5. You will be assigned to meet with a Sponsor Couple.
6. You will be assigned to meet with a clergy member (Deacon or Priest)
NOTE: The Marriage Validation process can take up to12 months or longer if an annulement is being sought. It is important to beginthe validationprocess as you beginRCIA / Adult Confirmaiton classes. Do not finalize your wedding date until all preparation has been completed.