of the BFU’02 Cruise in the Baltic Sea and in the Gulf of Finland

August 7 – August 18, 2002
RV ‘Sibiriakov’

Objectives were: the detailed research of hydrophysical, hydrochemical and hydrobiological processes and their variability in the Proper and coastal parts of the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Finland; estimation of ecological state of the Baltic Sea waters; observations at stations of International Baltic Sea Monitoring program (HELCOM-stations); monitoring in the area of Bornholm Deep.

In the BFU’2002 expedition scientists from ‘Sevmorgeo’ geological company (Russia) were participating to carry out the annual stage of geoecological monitoring in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland and the research of geoecological situation in the Baltic Proper, Bornholm Deep and Kaliningrad shelf.


The program of the BFU’2002 Cruise consisted of the following activities:

1. Research of hydrophysical, hydrochemical factors influencing the state of the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Finland ecosystem, including

·  study of hydrophysical characteristics spatial-time variability on the oceanographic sites and at the HELCOM stations;

·  study of hydrochemical characteristics and pollutants spatial-time variability on the oceanographic sites and at the HELCOM stations;

·  determination of nutrients content in water, and at certain stations in the upper layers of bottom sediments;

·  study of quantitative composition and qualitative distribution of phyto- and zooplankton and zoobenthos (determinations and final analysis are to be held in stationary on-shore laboratories in St. Petersburg);

·  estimation of bottom sediments pollution in the main sedimentation basins in the eastern Gulf of Finland, Bornholm Deep and Kaliningrad shelf;

·  estimation of near-bottom waters pollution in the main sedimentation basins in the eastern Gulf of Finland and geochemical processes in the barrier zone ‘bottom-water’;

·  estimation of ecological situation in the eastern Gulf of Finland and character of anthropogenic load from the Neva estuary spreading to the Gulf of Finland Proper.

·  estimation of bottom sediments pollution in the main sedimentation basins of the western Gulf of Finland and character of the Baltic Proper pollution with technogenic products incoming from the Russian Gulf of Finland;

·  determination of toxic substances content in Bornholm Deep;

·  estimation of geoecological situation in Bornholm Deep.

2. Methodological works aimed at

·  development of observations method for estimation of eutrophication speed;

·  improving of in-situ experiment methods for the sake of the World ocean and coastal waters protection;

·  development of experimental works method in areas of chemical munitions dumping.

3. Training and education in the fields of marine and coastal sciences and in data collection and analyses.

·  training and education of students from the Universities of Russia, Great Britain, Spain and Portugal within the framework of UNESCO-IOC ‘Baltic Floating University’ Programme;

·  organisation of educational-scientific seminars with participation of scientists and students;

·  development of international collaboration in the sphere of environmental and marine investigations.

Station scheme BFU-2002 Cruise in the Eastern Gulf of Finland

Station scheme BFU-2002 in the Western Gulf of Finland and Baltic Sea

Station scheme BFU-2002 in the Bornholm Deep