Risk Tolerance Profile

Risk Tolerance Profile

Investment Questionnaire

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First, Last

Spouse’s Name

Street Address





City State Zip



Birthday No. of dependents

Business/Cell Phone

Home Phone

Business Phone Home Phone

Investment Time Horizon

1. In how many years will you begin taking consistent withdrawals from your portfolio?

0 pts ☐ A. Less than 1 year

1 pt ☐ B. 1 – 2 years

3 pts ☐ C. 3 – 5 years

5 pts ☐ D. 6 – 9 years

10 pts ☐ E. 10 – 15 years

15 pts ☐ F. 16 – 25 years

15 pts ☐ G. More than 25 years

2. Once you begin making withdrawals, how many years will you be withdrawing your money from the


0 pts ☐ A. Lump sum or fully withdraw over a period of less than 1 year

0 pts ☐ B. Over a period of 1 – 2 years

1 pt ☐ C. Over a period of 3 – 5 years

3 pts ☐ D. Over a period of 6 – 9 years

5 pts ☐ E. Over a period of 10 – 15 years

8 pts ☐ F. Over a period of 16 – 25 years

8 pts ☐ G. More than 25 years


Risk Tolerance

3. Investment decisions are generally determined by a risk / return tradeoff. Risk is any possibility of loss to

the value of your portfolio. Return is the amount earned or profit on an investment. How would you

respond to the following statement?

Protecting my portfolio from loss is more important to me than achieving high returns?

0 pts ☐ A. Strongly Agree

2 pts ☐ B. Agree

5 pts ☐ C. Risk and Return are Equally Important

8 pts ☐ D. Disagree

10 pts ☐ E. Strongly Disagree

4. Riskier investments have the potential to experience higher long-term gains. Likewise, less risky

investments have less potential for high long-term gains.

With this in mind, which of the following statements is most consistent with your investment attitude?

8 pts ☐ A. I am willing to endure losses to maximize the chance of experiencing high long-term gains.

4 pts ☐ B. I am equally concerned with avoiding losses and experiencing long-term gains.

0 pts ☐ C. Avoiding losses is more important to me than experiencing long-term gains

5. Historically, investors who have received higher long- term returns have also experienced major changes

in the value of their investments. Higher returns come with a greater chance of loss

Which of the following statements best describes your investment philosophy?

0 pts ☐ A. I feel most comfortable with stable investments that generate consistent, but lower returns

year-to-year. I prefer to assume as little risk as possible.

3 pts ☐ B. I am willing to withstand some fluctuations in the value of my portfolio, but I prefer to be

invested in less risky investments that reduce the likelihood of large losses

7 pts ☐ C. I seek substantial investment returns and am willing to accept occasional short-term declines

associated with this strategy.

10 pts ☐ D. I seek potentially high investment returns and am willing to accept the higher risk of

potential losses associated with this strategy

Range of Returns

6. The following table shows the ending values

a $50,000 investment in four hypothetical

portfolios over a three-year period. The returns

for these portfolios may fall anywhere within

these ranges.

Which of the four hypothetical portfolios

would you feel most comfortable accepting?

0 pts ☐ Portfolio A

3 pts ☐ Portfolio B

6 pts ☐ Portfolio C

9 pts ☐ Portfolio D


7. The degree to which the value of a portfolio rises and falls is called volatility. Generally, assets that exhibit

higher volatility also have higher returns. Investments are risky, however, because there is no guarantee that the upturns in your portfolio will be greater than the downturns

Which of the following best describes how you feel about the amount of volatility you are willing to


10 pts ☐ A. Considerable – My main goal is to achieve higher returns over time and I can endure

substantial losses through intermittent periods in order to do so.

4 pts ☐ B. Some – I would like to achieve higher returns over time and can withstand an occasional,

large downturn in the value of my portfolio.

0 pts ☐ C. Little – I would rather have small returns than risk losing any money.

8. The table to the right shows three

hypothetical portfolios with their yearly

returns over a twenty year period

In which portfolio would you feel

most comfortable investing?

0 pts ☐ Portfolio A

An average return of 5% with

one negative year and where

the majority of returns range

from 0% to 15% each year.

4 pts ☐ Portfolio B

An average return of 6% with

three negative years and where

the majority of returns range

from -5% to 25% each year.

8 pts ☐ Portfolio C

An average return of 7% with

a wide range of positive and

negative returns.


9. Over time, inflation can have a significantly negative impact on what your money can buy. By keeping

pace with inflation, investors can maintain their buying power over time.

Which of the following choices best reflects your attitude toward inflation and risk?

0 pts ☐ A. Although I may only keep pace with inflation, my main goal is to avoid loss.

2 pts ☐ B. While accepting a low level of risk, my main goal is to earn slightly more than inflation.

6 pts ☐ C. My main goal is to increase the value of my portfolio. Therefore, I am willing to accept

short-term losses associated with more aggressive investment options.

8 pts ☐ D. I am willing to endure large fluctuations in the value of my portfolio for the chance of

obtaining a higher return and beating inflation.

Loss Aversion

10. The table to the right shows risk and return

characteristics of three hypothetical portfolios.

With higher prospective annual returns, possible

losses also increase

In which portfolio would you want to invest?

10 pts ☐ Portfolio A

5 pts ☐ Portfolio B

0 pts ☐ Portfolio C

11. I am comfortable with investments that may frequently experience large declines in value if there is a

potential for higher returns. These frequent and large declines may be experienced at an inopportune time, such as at the end of the investment horizon.

0 pts ☐ A. Strongly Disagree

3 pts ☐ B. Disagree

7 pts ☐ C. Agree

10 pts ☐ D. Strongly Agree

12. Sometimes investment losses are prolonged and sometimes they are short-lived.

How might you respond when you experience Investment losses?

0 pts ☐ A. I would sell my investments immediately if they suffered substantial declines

4 pts ☐ B. Although declines in investment value make me uncomfortable, I would wait several

quarters or possibly one year before adjusting my portfolio.

8 pts ☐ C. Even if my investment suffered a significant decline over several years, I would continue to

follow my long-term strategy and not adjust my portfolio

Ability To Stay The Course

13. Most investments fluctuate over the short term. Suppose you invested $30,000 this year with the

intention of holding the investment for ten years.

If this investment lost value during the first year, at what value of your initial $30,000 investment would you sell and move to a more stable investment?

0 pts ☐ A. $28,000

2 pts ☐ B. $27,000

4 pts ☐ C. $25,500

6 pts ☐ D. $24,00 or Less

9 pts ☐ E. I Would Not Sell


Risk Tolerance Profile

Now that you have completed the Personal Investment Profile questionnaire, record your Time Horizon Total and your Risk Tolerance Total in the tables below.


The scores above now provide us with the foundation from which to build your financial plan. By matching your Time Horizon Total with your Risk Tolerance Total you can find the appropriate asset allocation for your investment personality.

Do you agree with the results of this risk tolerance questionnaire? ☐Yes ☐No

If you do not agree with the portfolio allocation that your results suggest, please detail which portfolio you believe would be more appropriate and WHY (type in the box below):

Enter Text Here

Signature: ______Date: ______