Program in Israel

Saturday, May 28th - Depart from India
Sunday, May 29th–Arrival to Israel
08:00 – 09:30 / Check In - Leonardo InnHotel, Jerusalem
Recreation Day
Day 1 – Sunday, May 29th
10:00 – 17:00 / Trip to Jerusalem,the Dead Seaand Bethlehem
Dead Sea (Enjoying the view and the waters)
Jerusalem (Accompanied by: Steve Gray, Program Director, Start-Up Nation Tours Mount of Olives, the Old City, Western Wall, Via Dolorosa, Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Knesset, Israel Museum, Supreme Court)
20:00-22:00 / Dinner Cocktail
Indo-Israeli Business Program
Day 2 – Monday, May 30th
08:00-09:00 / Breakfast at the Hotel
10:00-13:00 / Indo-Israeli Seminar on Financing Innovation – Going Beyond Israel’s “Start-up Nation” Model
Hosting by:
Mr. Avi Hasson, Israel Chief Scientist (OCS), Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor (MOITAL)
Matimop – Israeli Industry Center for R&D
10:00-10:20 “Why Israeli High-Tech and Why Now?”
Mr. Avi Hasson, Israel Chief Scientist (OCS), Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor (MOITAL)
10:20-10:30 Opening Speaker
CII Speaker (TBD)
10:30-10:40Opening Speaker
David Keynan, CEO, BDO-I2I India Business Consulting
10:40-11:00 Overview of Israel Pre-Seed Funds
11:00-11:20 Overview of Israel Technological Incubators Programs
11:20-11:40 Overview of Israel Venture Capital Programs (PPP)
11:40-12:00 Overview of Israel-India Joint Innovation Programs
12:00-12:30 "Matimop: Proactive Access to Funding"
Avi Luvton, Executive Director Asia & Latin America, Matimop
12:30-13:00 Q&A
13:00-14:00 / Lunch
14:00-17:00 / Meet the visionaries = Dedicated Business to Business (B2B) Meetings with Innovative Israeli Companies
20:00-22:00 / Dinner Cocktail
Day 3 – Tuesday, May 31th
07:30-08:00 / Breakfast at the Hotel
08:00-10:00 / Depart Jerusalem to Tel-Aviv
10:00-11:30 / Parallel Seminars on Telecom Opportunities, SME Opportunities and Defense Offset Structure
Hosting by:
Tel-Aviv University
10:00-10:10 Opening Remarks
Alan Sacks, Senior Partner, Head of International Practice, Herzog, Fox & Neeman, Law Office
10:10-10:20 Opening Speaker
CII Speaker (TBD)
10:20-10:30 Opening Speaker
David Keynan, CEO, BDO-I2I India Business Consulting
Breakout into Sessions
Telecom / SME / Defense Offset
10:30-11:00 / Indian Presenter / Indian Presenter / S R Arun, Partner
ALMT Legal
11:00-11:30 / Israeli Presenter / Israeli Presenter / Israeli Presenter
11:30-13:00 / Dedicated Business to Business (B2B) Meetings – with Israeli Telecom, SME and Defense Companies
13:00-14:00 / Lunch
14:30-16:00 / Depart Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem
18:00-21:00 / “Get Together Reception” with the HTIA Participants
Keynote Address: Mr. NirBarkat, Mayor of Jerusalem
HTIA General Conference
Day 4– Wednesday, June 1st
07:30-08:00 / Breakfast at the Hotel
08:30-09:10 / Coffee & Registration
09:10-09:20 / Welcoming Remarks
·  Aaron Mankovski, Managing General Partner, Pitango Venture Capital & Chairman, HTIA
·  YairSeroussi, Chairman, Board of Directors Bank Hapoalim
09:20-09:40 / President Shimon Peres, President of the State of Israel
09:40-10:00 / Aart de Geus, Chairman & CEO, Synopsys
10:00-10:40 / Michael D. Rhodin, Senior Vice President, IBM Software Solutions Group
10:40-11:00 / IBM’S Watson
Presented by: Paul Bloom – CTO Telecom Research, IBM
11:00-12:45 / Breakout into First Roundtable Sessions
·  Data and Business Analytics Going Forward
Moderator: Yossi Matias, Director, Google Tel-Aviv R&D Center
·  Fabless Semiconductors 2.0
Moderator: Dado Banatao, Managing Partner, Tallwood Venture Capital
·  Go4Europe: Financing and Strategic Alliances
Moderator: EdouradCukierman, Founder & CEO, Catalyst Funds
·  Social Networks and Media – What Should We Expect Next
Moderator:Uri Admoni, Partner, JVP
·  Super Angels and Micro Funds
Moderator: GioraYaron, Serial Entrepreneur and Angel Water and Technology
12:45-13:45 / Lunch
13:45-15:30 / Breakout into Second Roundtable Sessions
·  The 2011 M&A Phenomena
Moderator: Paul-Noel Guely, Managing Partner, Arma Partners
·  Disturbing the Old Order: The Financial Industry Meets the Web
Moderator: Moshe Mor, Partner, Greylock Partners
·  Search Beyond Search
Moderator: NogaKap, Managing Director, BRM Hi-Tech
·  Co-Creation in the Mobile Industry
Moderator: Jean Pierre Lartigue, VP, Partner, Strategy and Corporate Development, Alcatel-Lucent
15:30-15:40 / Coffee Break
15:40-15:55 / Minister Shalom Simhon, Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor, Government of Israel
15:55-16:15 / Prof. Nicholas Negroponte, Founder & Chairman, One Laptop per Child
16:15-16:30 / Minister Shri Sachin Pilot, Minister of State for Communications and Information Technology, Government of India
16:30-16:45 / HaimShani, Director General, Ministry of Finance
16:45-17:15 / TBD
17:15-18:30 / The Role of Service Provider CTOs in Adopting Innovations: The Experience of the Leading Carriers
Moderator: Craig Ehrlich, Global Operations Director, Hutchinson Cablevision & Former Chairman, GSMA
·  Tetsuzo Matsumoto, Senior Executive VP, SoftBank Mobile Corp.
18:30 / Closing Remarks
Day 5– Thursday, June 2nd
07:30-08:00 / Breakfast at the Hotel
08:30-08:50 / Coffee & Registration
08:50-08:55 / Welcoming Remarks – YahalZilka, Managing Partner & Magma Venture Partners & Chairman HTIA 2011
08:55-09:10 / Minister Yuval Steinitz, Ministry of Finance, Government of Israel (to be confirmed)
09:10-19:30 / Jeffrey M. Nick, CTO, EMC
09:30-09:50 / David B. Kirk, NVIDIA Fellow
09:50-10:10 / Dr. Alan Taub, VP Global R&D and Advanced Technical Work, General Motors
10:10-10:30 / The Expanding Video Opportunity in the Home
Geoffrey Roman, CTO, Motorola Mobility Ventures
10:30-11:30 / Beyond Start Up Nation
Moderator: Aaron Mankovski, Managing General Partner, Pitango Venture Capital & Chairman, HTIA
·  Rani Cohen, CEO, Orbotech
·  RusselEllwanger, CEO, Tower
·  Humi (Nachum) Shamir, President & CEO, Given Imaging
11:30-13:15 / Breakout into Third Roundtable Sessions
·  Cyber Security
Moderator:Michal Blumenstyk-Braverman, General Manager, RSA Israel
·  Digital Advertising. NEXT – Social, Mobile and More
Moderator: YoramYaacovi, CTO & GM, Microsoft Israel R&D
·  Late Stage Investment – What’s Cooking?
Moderator: Harel Beit On – Founder & General Partner, Viola Private Equity
·  The New World of Natural Interaction: Are Keyboards and Mice Obsolete?
Moderator: Izhar Shay, General Partner, Canaan Partners
13:15-14:00 / Lunch
14:00-15:45 / Breakout into Fourth Roundtable Sessions
·  Cloud – Private or Public
Moderator: Harel Kodesh, President, Cloud Infrastructure Business, EMC
·  Corporate Venturing
Moderator: Marcos Battisti, Managing Director, Western Europe & Israel, Intel Capital
·  Smarter Cities – The Next Opportunities
Moderator: GuruduthBanavar, VP & CTO, Global Public Sector, IBM
·  Video and the Next Generation TV
Moderator: Ran Harnevo, Senior Vice President, AOL Video
15:45-17:00 / Big Company Panel
Moderator: Avi Zeevi, General Partner & Co-Founder, Carmel Ventures
·  Eli Gelman, CEO, Amdocs
·  John Stanton, Founder & Former CEO, T-Mobile US; Founder & CEO, Western Wireless; Co-Founder, McCaw Wireless; Founder & Partner, Trilogy Partnership; Chairman, Clearwire Wireless
17:00-17:20 / TBD
17:20-17:45 / Ned Hopper, Chief Strategy Officer & Senior VP of Consumer Business, Cisco
17:45-18:00 / HTIA 100 Million Award
18:00-18:15 / Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of the State of Israel (to be confirmed)
21:00 / The Arena di Verona in Jerusalem – The Sultan’s Pool
Details on tickets costs are available upon request
Day 6– Friday, June 3rd
Early Morning / Departure - Flight back to India
Optional / Dead Sea Opera Weekend - featuring Verdi’s Aida performance in Masada
Details on tickets costs are available upon request

For further inquiry contact us at

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For registration, kindly visit -

Logistics and Registration

For registration, kindly visit -

Participation Fee

The program is for registered participants and invited guests.

The fee for the India Delegation Program is 45,000 Rupees.

Fee includes: HTIA general conference, 2 days of Indo-Israeli business seminars, transportation within Israel and meals.

Travel and Accommodation

HTIA guests will enjoy promotional costs of 65,000 Rupees for the combined Economy Class Travel and Hotel Accommodation at the Leonardo Inn Hotel in Jerusalem, if booked at the time of the registration.

Recreation Day

Recreation day on Sunday, May 29th (Dead Sea, Bethlehem, and Jerusalem Tour): cost of the day is 10,000 Rupee. The tour will include travel, entrance fees where applicable, meals and guidance.

·  The India delegation will also enjoy our assistance in setting dedicated business to business (B2B) meetings with Israeli companies and with the visa application.

·  This pricingis valid till March 31th 2011. After this date the price may vary.

·  Cancellation Policy - You will be able tocancel the registrationuntila monthbefore the departure.

Optional Additional Fees

Business Class Travel

The additional cost for a business class travel to Israel 110,250 Rupees on top the Economy Class fare.

Business Visa

The cost for a business visa to Israel is 2,100 Rupees

For the Visa Application kindly visit -

Travel Insurance Options

·  Gold Plan 2 Lakh USD (14 days) - 1 to 40 Years 897 Rs / 41 to 60 Years 1,024 Rs

·  Platinum Plan 5 Lakh USD (14 days) - 1 to 40 Years 1,098 Rs / 41 to 60 Years 1,613 Rs

Details on Insurance plans are available upon request.

Spouse Program

A spouse program will be available for interested participants.

The spouse program price is 82,000 Rupees, all inclusive (Spouse Program, Accommodation - room sharing with the delegate, Travel, Transportation within Israel and Meals).

(*) Kindly update the logistics coordinator, whether you prefer one of these options.

Payment Instructions

Payment should be made to our designated account by either cash, bank transfer or by cheque.

Please send notice of the transaction with the relevant data (transaction number, cheque no.) to

Our Bank details are as follow:

Bank Name: HSBC Bank

Branch: Fort, Mumbai (Main Branch)

Bank Account Number: 030-701544-001

Account Name: Amsalem Business Travel Private Limited

IFSC/RTGS Code: HSBC0400002

Remark: Payment for HTIA 2011 Annual Event (name of passengers)

Contact Information

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the coordinator:

Amsalem Business Travel Private Limited

Address: Office No. 208, Arun Chambers

Tardeo Road, Mumbai 400 034

Tel: 022-65220900


Contact Persons: Raphael Taylor (mobile: 9920960104) mail:

Sivan S Barzilay (mobile: 919920556949) mail: