The Risk Management Department is responsible for protecting persons and property at TrentUniversity through the provision of policies, programs and services including Campus Security, Environmental Health and Safety, Access Control, Emergency Preparedness and Response, the University Insurance Program, Enterprise and Operational Risk Management, Walkhome and Trent University Emergency First Response. The department also provides, maintains, enforces and administers the University’s parking, one-card and Oshawa van programs.
General Records:
Committee Reports
Financial Records
Statistical Reports
Insurance Records
WSIB Records
Risk Management Records
Personal Information Databanks
ParkAdmin and Security Incident Reporting Database
Legal Authority: TrentUniversity Act 1963
Located on an external hosting server
Information Maintained: May include name, contact information, license plate number, driver’s license number, date of birth, parking pass status, date/location of infraction, fee collection information, student account information, security incident reports
Individuals in Bank: Persons with parking permits, persons associated with parking violations, and persons involved in security incidents
Uses: Administration and enforcement of parking system, provision of information for security and police investigations, analysis of security incident/crime trends/problem areas to facilitate protection strategies, provision of statistical information for planning purposes, facilitation of disciplinary action
Users: Security Manager, Security Guards, EH&S Officer, Parking Supervisor, parking staff, Campus Card Coordinator, Director, Risk Management, VP Administration and authorized employeeson a need to know basis
Retention & Disposal: Parking Accounts and related personal information – 7 years of inactivity, then delete/shred; Security Incident Reports – kept indefinitely
Walkhome and TrentUniversity Emergency First Response Team Files
Legal Authority: TrentUniversity Act 1963
Information Maintained: Name, contact information, criminal record check certificates
Individuals in Bank: Walkhome and TUEFRT volunteers/staff
Uses: Management of TUEFRT and Walkhome programs
Users: Security Supervisor, Director, Risk Management, Walkhome Coordinator, TUEFRT program director and authorized staff
Retention & Disposal: 6 years, then delete/shred
Drivers’ Forms and Insurance Claims Reports
Legal Authority: TrentUniversity Act 1963
Information Maintained: Driver licence information and driver history, particulars of insurance claims.
Individuals in Bank: Authorized university drivers, individuals who have incurred losses of or on university property.
Uses: Provided to Insurance Companies to verify driver status and to adjust insurance claims. Documents may be provided to legal counsel in the case of civil actions.
Users: Director, Risk Management, VP Administration, CURIE, ISL and authorized employeeson a need to know basis
Retention & Disposal: Insurance records – Indefinitely; driver forms – 7 years, then delete/shred
Departmental Emergency Contact Files
Legal Authority: TrentUniversity Act 1963
Information Maintained: Names and contact numbers
Individuals in Bank: University employees
Uses: Contact employees or their alternate in the event of an emergency or crisis.
Users: Risk Management staff (possibly others, under direction of the Crisis Response Team, in the event of a Crisis)
Retention & Disposal: Maximum of 3 years then delete/shred but efforts will be made to update them annually.
Workplace Safety and Insurance Files
Legal Authority: TrentUniversity Act 1963, WSIA, OHSA
Information Maintained: WSIB files including investigation reports, injury reports,compensation and accommodation records
Individuals in Bank: Current and past Trent employees; Students injured on an unpaid work placements
Uses: Administration of WSIB
Users: Risk Management Office staff
Retention & Disposal: Indefinite
Personnel Files (common to all departments; shredded after completion of position)
Key/access card records
Student Activity Waivers
Retention: 3 years routinely delete and 7 years delete if an incident or loss occurred during the activity for which the waiver was raised
Campus Cards
Photographs - Students, Staff, Faculty
Legal Authority:
Information Maintained: Student/Employee Number, First Name, Last Name, photograph
Individuals in Bank: Current and past Trent employees and students
Uses: To identify a student, staff or faculty
Users: Card Office, Security, Housing
Retention: Photographs are kept 1 year after last "activity" e.g. graduation, termination