Clerk: Mr Chris Hill -Tel No. 01664 411705
You are requested to attend a Parish Council Meeting to be held in Scalford Primary School at 7.30 pm on Wednesday 6th December 2017.
Members of the Public are Welcome
Public Participation 7.30 – 7.40 pm
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Declarations of Disclosable and Pecuniary Interest
3. Approve and sign the Minutes from the Parish Council Meeting held in Scalford
Primary School on 8th November 2017
4. Ongoing Matters:
Repair to embankment slide
5. Planning:
17/01103/FUL – Extension to form Garden Room to south elevation of existing dwelling –
Glebe Farm, Holwell Lane, Scalford, LE14 4DJ
6. Receipts & Payments November 2017:
Chq 101333 Sheltons £ 200.00
101334 Scalford Primary School £ 74.70
101335 Eon £ 269.90
101336 Petty Cash £ 100.00
101337 Scalford Village Hall £ 16.00
B P C J Hill £ 359.95
B P Burnt Oak Development £ 372.00
B P Grant Thornton £ 240.00
B P Kwiktrade £ 160.00
7. Telephone box
8. Neighbourhood Plan update
9. Request for Donation from Friends of St Mary’s Church Chadwell & Wycomb
10. Sale of building plot by auction
11. Letter of support for Melton Mowbray Distributor Road
12. Precept Planning
13. Matters raised by emails circulated and Items for next Month’s Agenda
Date of Next Meeting: Wednesday 10th January 2018 at 7.30 pm in Scalford Primary School, School Lane, Scalford
Chris Hill
Clerk to the Council
30th November 2017
The Press and Members of the Public are Welcome to attend
Meetings of Scalford Parish Council
“The Chairman reserves the right to alter the sequence of the business. Some items may, by resolution, be referred to a “closed” session at which time the Press and Public will be asked to leave.”