1-2 Seldom or unlikely to occur
Monitoring required / MEDIUM RATING Injury/illness causing possible lost time
3-4 Reasonably likely to occur
Cause for concern with health & safety / HIGH RATING Major injury/illness (fatal)
6-9 High probability of occurring
Risk to Health and safety
Likelihood (L):1 = Low (unlikely) 2 = Medium (Likely) 3 = High (highly likely)
Severity (S):1 = Low (slightly harmful) 2 = Medium (Harmful) 3 = High (Extremely harmful)
Severity / Likelihood / Rating / Severity / Likelihood / RatingWithout Controls / With Controls
2017 /
Terry Day:- SHE Manager Approved by Contract Manager:- Paul Howard
Location :- University of Hull West Campus Contract No:- P17-009 Date:- 12.05.2017 Review Date:- 6 Months from issue /
Documentation considerations / Safe working environment / Responsibilities
Design/temporary works design has been completed and agreed / Combination of specialist equipment may be required to achieve a safe working environment / Trained, competent and authorised person to complete the works
Complete and issue site specific method statement and supporting documentation / Safe digging practice HSG47 / Adequate supervision to be maintained
Permit to work if applicable
Permit to dig
Permit to enter if applicable / Shoring/formwork equipment is erected and installed as per manufacturer’s instructions / Adequate welfare (COSHH Implications wet concrete)
Services drawing /dial to dig / Confined space procedures if applicable
Lifting plan
Traffic management plan for large pours in relation to vehicles and deliveries / Rescue procedures are considered if applicable / Persons Affected
Employees public Contractors
COSHH MSDS / Working platforms (planks-staging) when working off and placing reinforcing mesh
Hazard / Without Controls / With Controls / Controls
(Control measures necessary to adequately control risk)
Severity / Likelihood / Rating / Severity / Likelihood / Rating
Undermining of structures causing collapse
Not Applicable / x
/ 3 / 2 / 6 / 2 / 1 / 2 / Design is agreed with all parties and approved prior to works
- Ensure safe systems of work are implemented taking into account prevailing conditions, including weather, traffic and existing structures
- Make sure the reduce level dig does not affect the footings of scaffolds or the foundations of nearby structures. Walls may have very shallow foundations which can be undermined by even reducing small levels
- Decide if the structure needs temporary support before digging begins
- Site Specific risk assessment must address soil conditions, depth, services, work to be done, contamination, overburden and length of time the reduce dig will be open.
- Spoil to be positioned and stacked at least 1.5m from the edge of the reduce level dig.
- Inspect the open areas daily or before each shift (weekly record findings if applicable)
Persons falling in and around reduce level dig
Applicable / x
Not Applicable
/ 3 / 2 / 6 / 1 / 1 / 1 /
- Protect the public and workers by installing barriers around the working area and ensure the necessary lights, signs and barriers are maintained when the planned works begins.
- Heras/hoarding fencing may need to be erected if the site is susceptible to vandalism or the likelihood of unauthorised entry;
- Site specific risk assessment must address the need for extra security around the site, considering location of schools, cinemas and built up areas
- Ensure good housekeeping practices around site
Persons stuck by plant,
Applicable / x
Not Applicable
/ 3 / 3 / 9 / 2 / 1 / 2 /
- Protect the public and workers by installing barriers around the working area and ensure the necessary lights, signs and barriers are maintained when the planned works begins.
- Ensure reversing wagons or similar have a banksman guiding them into the works area
- Visual warning and sound devices for plant and equipment are fit for purpose
Slips, trips and falls
Applicable / x
Not Applicable
/ 3 / 3 / 9 / 2 / 1 / 2 /
- Ensure good housekeeping practices around the excavation
- Fence of all work areas
- Leading edges erect local protection fencing chapter 8 around falls from height
- Consider lighting where access near work areas if required
Applicable / x
Not Applicable
/ 3 / 2 / 6 / 2 / 1 / 2 /
- All water discharges should be agreed and controlled
- Discharges into water courses or soaka way will require an advanced discharge licence and suitable treatment will be required which could involve settlement tanks or lagoons or grassed area
- Ensure site run off does not enter watercourses or surface water drainage and where possible, prevent water from entering drains
Unsecure Load, Overturning, Overload
Applicable / x
Not Applicable
/ 3 / 3 / 9 / 2 / 1 / 2 /
- Lifting equipment must be adequately stable for its proposed use. Consider destabilising forces and use effective measures to prevent overturning where required. Consideration is given to:-
- the strength of the ground on which the lifting equipment is located
- uses of plates to support the weight of equipment
- stability of the surface under load conditions, ie. when close to an excavation.
- whether equipment is on a slope and the angle of the slope
- the size and nature of the load
- how the load is to be lifted and the maximum wind loading that may occur
- Appropriate measures must be established to prevent lifting equipment from tilting, overturning of where appropriate moving or slipping. Lifting equipment should not be used to drag loads if liable to overload or damage equipment.
- Rates capacity indicators or limiters may be required where significant hazards exist.
- Appropriate measure should be taken to prevent a freely suspended load from moving in an uncontrolled manner.
- Guide ropes must only be used to position a load.
Failure to inspect, Defective equipment / Failure to examine and test lifting equipment
Applicable / x
Not Applicable
/ 3 / 2 / 6 / 2 / 1 / 2 /
- Only lifting equipment which has been thoroughly examined and tested by a competent person must be used. The frequency of examination, testing and record keeping should be in accordance with LOLER 98.
- Where lifting equipment is used in arduous environments it should be inspected prior to use and at regular intervals by staff that are trained and competent to do so.
- Lifting equipment must be stored in conditions that do not lead to damage of deterioration.
- Inspections to be recorded and kept until next inspection.
- Only equipment and tackle with appropriate test certificates which have been examined prior to use must be used.
- Lifting equipment should be selected which is suitable for the conditions under which it will be used.
- Lifting equipment which has been identified as defective, by examination, test or inspection must not be used and must be taken out of service.
Locating Underground Cables / Potential Contact with Underground Services
Applicable / x
Not Applicable
/ 3 / 3 / 9 / 2 / 2 / 4
Poor quality and not updated service drawings
Probability of unknowns
Residual risk /
- Obtain drawings and other information from Utilities, Telecom etc before work starts where possible try to obtain coloured drawings.
- Consult utilities with a view to isolating any service if possible.
- Ensure all appropriate PPE is worn to carry out the relevant tasks
- Personnel are to be trained, assessed as competent and familiar in the operation of cable/plant locators.
- Carry out CAT scan of area to identify location of existing services utilising all possible modes i.e. Power, Radio & Genny etc.
- Ensure use of Genny i.e. connect onto streetlight columns, valve boxes etc
- Take into consideration above ground furniture to help locate services i.e. streetlight columns, valve boxes, reinstated trenches etc
- Maintain calibration records of detection equipment.
- Confirm location of underground services via hand digging techniques prior to use of mechanical excavators
- Mark layout with high visibility markers – especially cables on surface, extending beyond the area of work. Cables should be isolated if practicable
- Use ‘blunt’ digging tools i.e. round nose shovels or soil pick.
- Utilise CAT every 200mm while digging down
- Do not dig directly above service and expose from the side
- Mechanical plant/equipment & power tools must not be used within 500mm of a cable and LP/MP gas mains and services.
- Always work with extreme care as plant/cables can be found at any depth
Overhead Services / Contact with Overhead Cables or Pipework
Not Applicable / x
/ 3 / 3 / 9 / 2 / 1 / 2 /
- Lifting operations in the vicinity of overheads should be avoided where possible where this cannot be avoided consideration should be given to protecting plant.
- Compliance with GS6 Guidance document when working within close proximity to overhead servicesIf you are unsure stop work and contact your line manager before beginning work
Working in a Confined Space
Not Applicable / x
/ 3 / 3 / 9 / 2 / 1 / 2 /
- The competent person must be responsible for producing a safe system and briefing to all persons involved in the project if an concrete pour in an excavation is deemed a confined space
Tools and Equipment
Incorrect Fitting
Ejection of particles
Prolonged use of Vibrating Equipment
Slip, Trips and Falls
Applicable / x
Not Applicable
/ 3 / 2 / 6 / 1 / 1 / 1 /
- All equipment should be checked prior to use and any defects and damage reported;
- Periodic inspections, maintenance and certification to be carried out on equipment and details recorded as required;
- Only approved equipment may be used when working;
- Hire of equipment and plant should be checked to ensure it meets safety standards;
- Leaks should be reported and the spillage contained and cleaned up;
- Defective equipment should be immediately returned for maintenance and repair
- All guards and safety devices must be in place before use and fit for purpose;
- Ensure all guards are maintained and correctly fastened to the tool;
- Use correct tool for the job when connecting any guards, discs etc
- Dust suppression techniques must be used at all times when cutting paving stones, kerbs, brickwork etc.
- Ensure that no vehicles or personnel including members of the public are in the area which could be fit by flying debris and cause damage
- When using equipment ensure it is in good working order and regularly serviced.
- Cutting blade to be visually inspected before use to ensure its fit for purpose, with emphasis on cracked, bent or loose teeth
- Use correct clamps on hose connections, fit restraints or double lock couplers, fit shut off valve to tools;
- Use anti-whip chains for all hose connections;
- Carryout a full visual inspection of all hoses and connections before use to ensure they are fit for purpose
- Ensure all breakers or similar are supplied with anti-vibration control measures;
- When undertaking long durations of breaking out ensure the task is rotated between all personnel in the team;
- Do not put extra pressure onto the Jack Hammer and ensure the bits are not blunt;
- Refer to the manufacturers hand/vibration rating on the equipmentand ensure the maximum usage over 8hrs is not exceeded (record usage)
- Hoses and cables should be routed to prevent or reduce the risk of tripping or falling.
- Check that the lighting in the area where works is to be undertaken is suitable and sufficient, if not temporary/portable lighting will be required.
Manual Handling / Operatives Sustaining Back & Limb Injuries / Strain Injuries / Cuts / Burns
Applicable / x
Not Applicable
/ 3 / 2 / 6 / 2 / 1 / 2 /
- Ensure properly tested and certified mechanical lifting aids/equipment are employed where reasonably practical (reduces manual handling);
- Ensure compressor legs & jockey wheels are engaged and plant is stationery;
- Assess and evaluate each lift to determine correct procedures/lifting method Discuss and adapt a safe working method;
- Avoid staying in crouched position without stretching to recover, prevent twisting and lifting above your head;
- Ensure all appropriate PPE is worn to carry out the relevant task/duties;
- Use mechanical means of handling, transporting and lifting materials or plant as far as reasonably practical;
- Mechanically deposit materials or plant as close to the job as practical;
- Carefully plan work to minimise movement, lifting and carrying of materials;
- Use recommended best practice methods of lifting (TILE)
- Task – Job description i.e. moving load from A to B;
- Individual – Are you capable of undertaking the task;
- Load – Are there any sharp edges, moving parts, hot liquids, chemicals to be moved etc.;
- Environment – Poor lighting, trip hazards, pass through doors, cross roads etc.;
- Only physically fit and strong persons to carry out lifting and carrying operations;
- All operatives carrying and lifting materials or equipment to be trained in manual handling techniques (KINETIC LIFTING);
- If weight exceeds personal, comfortable lifting capacity, team lifting should carried out;
- Employees with back or hernia problems should not carry heavy loads;
Applicable / x
Not Applicable
/ 2 / 2 / 4 / 1 / 1 / 1 /
- Noise assessments will be carried out where it is suspected or foreseeable that persons may be subject to too much noise (i.e difficult to hear someone 2 metres away)
- Or where persons are subject to continual noise and or above noise Action levels
- Finding of noise assessments will be implemented and appropriate controls maintained to ensure a safe working environment
- Hearing protection zones established and appropriate signs displayed
Storage and Handling fuels-contamination
Applicable / x
Not Applicable
/ 3 / 3 / 9 / 2 / 1 / 2 /
- Ensure stocks are kept to a minimum
- Tanks, bunds and other storage facilities are inspected and bunds, drum pallets etc are emptied of rainwater
- The site supervisor is to ensure that an area is designated for refuelling purposes with sand or drip trays placed below the refuelling point,
- Should any spillages occur these must be reported directly to the supervisor and spillage procedure followed using spill kits
- Double skinned and integrally bunded tanks are located on a sealed impervious base
- Bunds must be capable of holding more than 110% of the tank capability
- Erect barriers and warning signs around the tanks and prevent vehicle movement close to bulk storage facilities
- All valves, trigger & caps guns are turned off and locked when not in use
- Remove any sources of ignition and flammable materials from around the storage facility
- Fire Extinguishers will be positioned adjacent to the area at a designated position and made aware to all operatives on site.
- Regularly test emergency response procedure
Travelling to & Accessing Work Area
Accidental collision with moving vehicles
Applicable / x
Not Applicable
/ 2 / 2 / 4 / 2 / 1 / 2 /
- Traffic Management Plan has been compiled for the project, ensure all personnel have been briefed and are aware of any restrictions;
- Ring site before entering site to allow entry procedures to be implemented
- Roadways to be kept clear of obstructions and damped down if necessary to reduce dust;
- Adequate Signage, to be used to alert of the movement and turning of construction vehicles;
- Ensure suitable access and egress from work area;
- Where possible mechanical means used to unload vehicles.
- Site Agent/Foreman to log and monitor work locations closely;
- Ensure keys have been removed from all vehicles when not in use and are parked in a designated area
- Controlled by banksman
Wet concrete coming into contact with the eyes and skin causing
Chemical burns or dermatitis
Inhalation of concrete dust particles causing possible silicosis
Burns from hot materials
Applicable / x
Not Applicable
/ 3 / 2 / 6 / 2 / 1 / 2 /
- Suitable eye/RPE protection shall be worn at all times where they is a risk of wet concrete or dust ,when working with it
- Should wet concrete get inside boots, gloves or other protective clothing then the protective clothing should be removed and the skin washed thoroughly as well as the protective clothing.
- Avoid kneeling or sitting on wet concrete
- Appropriate protective gloves to be worn at all times to ensure concrete does not come in contact with the hands
- Ensure all skin is covered up at all times
- Provision of flame retardant overalls / aprons / spats (when working with hot materials
- Adequate COSHH Assessment are in place
- 2x 9kg Powder Fire Extinguishers to be available at the workplace
- All deliveries must be controlled
Applicable / x
Not Applicable
/ 3 / 2 / 6 / 2 / 1 / 2 /
- Supervisor to ensure they are aware of existing watercourse/culverts in the vicinity of the works areas. Consult CDM risk register and implement control measures as required
- Ensure controls are implemented to ensure when dewatering/natural sedimentation doesn’t cause contamination to water courses and or ground contamination
- Oil / Fuel storage facilities to located at least 10m from any watercourse and 50m from any borehole or well.
- Spill Kits and drip trays are provided and maintained in close proximity to locations where liquids are stored and dispensed
- Other liquid storage facilities are located as far as reasonably practicable from drains & watercourse
- Excavators and other plant turned off when not in use
- Top soil and sub-soil to be stored away from existing watercourses to reduce silt/contaminates polluting watercourse (consider runoff)
- Bags of cement to be stores in a dry well-ventilated area and prevent from entering drains, sewers and water courses (including wet concrete)
Name / Signature / Date / Name / Signature / Date