Hot Shots All Star Contract Packet


(Must be completed and returned by May 20, 2010 )

This Contract Packet includes:

  1. Monthly Tuition Financial Contract
  1. Competition Fees Financial Contract
  1. All Star Rules, Regulations, and Expectations
  1. Automatic debit/bank draft authorization forms
  1. Absence Request Form

Authorization Agreement


Child Name______

I (we) hereby authorize Hot Shots Cheerleading, hereinafter called COMPANY, to debit entries to my (our) account indicated below and the Financial Institution named below, hereinafter called Bank of the Ozarks to debit same to such account. I (we) acknowledge the origin of ACH transactions to my (our) account must comply with the provisions of U.S. law.

All Star Tuition 2010-11

All students participating in monthly payment plans MUST fill out this form.

Checking/Savings Accounts only


Financial Institution NameBranch


Bank AddressCity, StateZip

______Type of Acct: ___ Checking ___ Savings

Routing NumberAccount Number

Total Amt due______, initial______

Monthly payments will be deducted on the 20th of every month May 2010-March 2011 in the amount of ______, (initial) _____

I understand a $25 “late fee” and $35 “return fee” may also be charged to this account. (initial)______

This authority is to remain in full force and effect until HOT SHOTS has received written notification from me (or either of us) of its termination in such time & manner as to afford HOT SHOTS and Bank of the Ozarks a reasonable opportunity to act on it.



PRINT Account Holder NameAccount Holder SIGNATURE Date

Debit/Credit Cards Only


Card TypeCard NumberExpiration Date


Card Holder NameAccount Holder SignatureZip Code (billing address)

Monthly payments will be deducted on the 20th of every month May 2010-March 2011, in the amount of ______, (initial) _____

I understand a $25 “late fee” and $35 “return fee” may also be charged to this account. (initial)______

This authority is to remain in full force and effect until HOT SHOTS has received written notification from me (or either of us) of its termination in such time & manner as to afford Hot Shots and Citizens First a reasonable opportunity to act on it.


PRINT Account Holder NameAccount Holder SIGNATURE Date

Authorization Agreement


Child Name______

I (we) hereby authorize Hot Shots Cheerleading, hereinafter called COMPANY, to debit entries to my (our) account indicated below and the Financial Institution named below, hereinafter called Bank of the Ozarks to debit same to such account. I (we) acknowledge the origin of ACH transactions to my (our) account must comply with the provisions of U.S. law.

All Star Competition Fees 2010-11

All students participating in monthly payment plans MUST fill out this form.

Checking/Savings Accounts only


Financial Institution NameBranch


Bank AddressCity, StateZip

______Type of Acct: ___Checking ___Savings

Routing NumberAccount Number

Total Amt due______, (initial)______

6 monthly payments will be deducted on the 1st of every month June 1-November 1, 2010, in the amount of ______, (initial) _____

I understand a $25 “late fee” and $35 “return fee” may also be charged to this account. (initial)______

This authority is to remain in full force and effect until HOT SHOTS has received written notification from me (or either of us) of its termination in such time & manner as to afford HOT SHOTS and Bank of the Ozarks a reasonable opportunity to act on it.



PRINT Account Holder NameAccount Holder SIGNATURE Date

Debit/Credit Cards Only


Card TypeCard NumberExpiration Date


Card Holder NameAccount Holder SignatureZip Code (billing address)

6 monthly payments will be deducted on the 1st of every month June 1-November 1, 2010, in the amount of ______, (initial) _____

I understand a $25 “late fee” and $35 “return fee” may also be charged to this account. (initial)______

This authority is to remain in full force and effect until HOT SHOTS has received written notification from me (or either of us) of its termination in such time & manner as to afford HOT SHOTS and Bank of the Ozarks a reasonable opportunity to act on it.


PRINT Account Holder NameAccount Holder SIGNATURE Date

Hot Shots Competition Fees Financial Contract

This contract must be completed and returned to the Hot Shots office by May 20, 2010. Your child may not be allowed to participate in future practices or uniform fittings until this contract is received.

20010-11 Competition Fees: $1150.00 per all star

The owners of Hot Shots Cheerleading, Inc., Grant & Rachel Magness, will be available to answer any questions concerning this contract at your scheduled Parent Info Meeting on May 20, 2010 or email .

Child Name______

Please check one payment plan and initial all areas indicated:

Option (1)_____Take advantage of the 5% “pre-payment” discount and pay $1092.50 in full by May20, 2010(instead of the entire $1150.00).

The total amount owed, $1150.00, less the 5% discount is $1092.50. (initial)______

It is understood and agreed that yearly competition fees cover all star competitions, etc., from May 2010 through April 2011. There will be no refunds issued to anyone who quits or is asked to leave the program before the full completion of the season in April 2011. (initial)______

Option (2)_____ Make SIX monthly payments by automatic draft of a checking or savings account, or credit card, in the amount of $191.67, to be drafted on June 1, July 1, August 1,September 1, October 1, and November 1, 2010.

Total amount owed is $1150.00. (initial)______

Monthly amount to be drafted from account on the 1st is $191.67. (initial)______

It is understood and agreed that yearly competition fees cover all star competitions, etc., from May 2010 through April 2011. There will be no refunds issued to anyone who quits or is asked to leave the program before the full completion of the season in April 2011. (initial)______

It is understood and agreed if my automatic draft is rejected, declined, or returned for any reason, a “returned charge fee” of $25.00 per incident will be added to my account and must be paid IN CASH immediately. Payment of the “returned” item must also be paid IN CASH immediately. (initial)______

It is understood and agreed that my child may not be able to participate in weekly all star practices until full monthly draft amount and applicable fees have been received each month. (initial)______

Option (3)_____Competition Fees FUND RAISED through Hot Shots Sponsorship.

Total amount owed is $1150.00. (initial)______YOU MUST ALSO PROVIDE A DEBIT/CREDIT CARD!

It is understood and agreed that yearly competition fees cover all star competitions, etc., from May 2010 through April 2011. There will be no refunds issued to anyone who quits or is asked to leave the program before the full completion of the season in April 2011. (initial)______

I understand, when choosing this option, I must follow the competition payment deadlines found in OPTION 2 above. (initial) ______

I will also provide a debit/credit card that will be drafted on the 1st, either in full or in part, in the event my fund raising efforts do not yield the full amount owed ($191.67) on June 1 July 1, August 1, September 1, October 1, or November 1, 2010. (initial)_____

I understand it is MY responsibility, as the parent, to collect all money from my sponsors and hand over to the owners at Hot Shots Cheerleading Center, Inc. (initial) ______. It is understood and agreed I will not use the sponsorship program for travel expenses and cannot collect money in excess of competition fees, monthly tuition fees, or accessories on behalf of Hot Shots (initial)______.

I understand and agree to be bound by the above contract in order for my child to participate in the Hot Shots All Star program for the 2010-2011 year.

Parent signature______Date______

General All Star Expectations...

A team achieves great things TOGETHER! If your child must play every sport imaginable, or is involved in numerous extra-curricular activities that would conflict with the team practice schedule, please understand that Hot Shots All Star Cheerleading may not be for your child. We expect 100% attendance at practice.


All practices are mandatory. There are a few excused absences:

1) School Activity that earns a grade.

2) Sick with fever/contagious, which requires a call to the gym and a doctors’ note.

3) Death in the family.

We expect our All Stars to participate in a family vacation. Please don’t forget to complete an absence request form at least two weeks prior to vacation time.

Absence Requests

Absence request forms are available in the gym lobby. Please complete and return to the designated area. VERBALLY TELLING A COACH ABOUT AN ABSENCE IS NOT SUFFICIENT. DO NOT SEND THE INFORMATION WITH ANOTHER TEAM MEMBER. Our absence request forms allow us to plan practices accordingly, as well as inform fellow team members of your whereabouts. SUBMITTING AN ABSENCE REQUEST DOES NOT AUTOMATICALLY EXCUSE YOUR ABSENCE. More than two unexcused absences can result in removal from the team. FAILURE TO INFORM THE COACHES OF AN ABSENCE



Members are required to attend all local exhibitions. WE WILL HAVE EXTRA PRACTICES BEFORE EACH COMPETITION! If the team is not ready to perform, particularly resulting from absences due to illness, we may call extra practices to increase their overall readiness for competition. We will notify team members and parents as soon as possible about such changes.


The vast majority of our All Stars cheer for their local school squads as well. Once we set our schedule, with very few exceptions, we do not deviate from it. In case of an unforeseen event, we give a minimum of two weeks notice prior to any mandatory event not listed on the standard schedule.

All Star Rules & Regulations…

1) No smoking, drinking of alcoholic beverages or use of drugs. This will warrant immediate dismissal from the squad.

2) Challenging the authority of the coach or person in charge, by student or parent, will result in automatic dismissal from the team

3) Abusive behavior, lying, or any other negative form of behavior is grounds for dismissal.

4) Each member will follow all rules and regulations given by the coach or person in charge.

5) Any negative behavior towards a Hot Shots member or another gym, via any medium (including internet), will result in dismissal from the team.


1) Each member must be aware that no person has a right to be a Hot Shots All Star. It is a privilege earned by hard work, dedication, and commitment to the team.

2) Each member and parent must be aware of the responsibilities required and the commitment he or she is making to the team.

3) Each member must be willing to cooperate with and be helpful to the coach or any person in charge.

4) Each member must realize the manner in which they conduct themselves, while representing Hot Shots Cheerleading or not, directly reflects on the entire squad and coaching staff.

5) Each member will be willing to work hard, take directions, and strive for excellence.


1) All Stars will set and maintain the highest standard of behavior.


3) Members will do everything in their power to achieve personal and squad goals.

4) Each member is responsible for finding out any missed information.


1) All practice sessions are mandatory.

2) Members must be punctual to practice. Continued tardiness will result in dismissal from the team.

3) If an absence must occur, an absence request form must be submitted two weeks prior to the absence.

4) More than two unexcused absences can warrant dismissal from the team

5) Continuous failure to be productive at practice is grounds for dismissal.

6) If you are sick or injured, you must still attend practice (unless contagious or running a fever). You will not be required to participate, but you will be able to watch any routine changes that impact your performance.


1) Jeopardizing the safety of oneself or any other member is grounds for disciplinary action or dismissal.

2) Absolutely no gum, candy, or jewelry of any type in the gym

3) Students are not to be on any equipment without the direct permission of the coach or person in charge. This includes time before and after practices.

4) Absolutely no fake or long fingernails allowed in practices or competitions. NO PAINTED NAILS AT COMPETITIONS & PERFORMANCES.

5) Cheer shoes must be worn at all practices.

6) It is the responsibility of each All Star to familiarize themselves with the rules and regulations of the gym, including the use of all equipment, and behave according to these rules.

Parental Obligations

1) Refrain from negative behavior towards a Hot Shots staff member, student, parent, or any other gym or company. This will result in dismissal from the team.

2) Make sure your son or daughter is on time and attends all practices and events.

3) Be supportive of fund raising.

4) Inform the coach if a student is to be late or absent from practice. Never send information through someone else.

5) Fulfill all financial obligations arising from their child’s participation in the Hot Shots All Star program.

6) Be supportive and encouraging of their child’s athletic challenges and accomplishments as a Hot Shots All Star.

7) Make arrangements for your child to participate in the entire competition if you (parent) are unable to stay for the entire competition.




Parent Signature

Hot Shots Yearly Tuition Fees Financial Contract

This contract must be completed and returned to the Hot Shots office by May 20, 2010. Your child may not be allowed to participate in future practices or uniform fittings until this contract is received.

2010-11 Yearly Tuition Fees:

The owners of Hot Shots Cheerleading, Inc., Grant & Rachel Magness, will be available to answer any questions concerning this contract at your Parent Info Meeting, May 20, 2010. You may also email your questions to .

Child Name #1______Child Name #2______

Child Name #3______Child Name #4______

Check one payment plan and initial all areas indicated. Sign below:

Option (1)_____Take advantage of the 5% “pre-payment” discount and pay my yearly tuition fee in full by May20, 2010.

Once the 5% discount has been applied, the total amount owed on this account is $______. (initial)______

It is understood and agreed that there will be no refunds issued to anyone who quits or is asked to leave the program before the full completion of the season in April 2011. (initial)______


Option (2)_____ Make 11 monthly payments by automatic draft of a checking or savings account, or credit card, on the twentieth of every month from May 2010-March 2011.

Total amount owed on this account is $______(initial)______

Monthly amount to be drafted from account on the 20th is $______. (initial)______


It is understood and agreed if my automatic draft is rejected, declined, or returned for any reason, a “returned charge fee” of $25.00 per incident will be added to my account and must be paid IN CASH immediately. Payment of the “returned” item must also be paid IN CASH immediately. (initial)______

It is understood and agreed that my child may not be able to participate in weekly all star practices until full monthly draft amount and applicable fees have been received each month. (initial)______

I understand and agree to be bound by the above contract in order for my child to participate in the Hot Shots All Star program for the 2010-11 year.

Parent signature______Date______

Hot Shots All Stars

2010 Summer Absence Request Form

All Star Name ______

Team (circle):

Fire Crackers Fire BoltsFire BirdsFire Hawks

Dates he/she will be missing from team practices:


Parent Signature______Date______

Please give this form to your team coach at least two weeks from absence.

Thank you for helping us plan our practices better!

Hot Shots All Stars

2010 Summer Absence Request Form

All Star Name ______

Team (circle):

Fire Crackers Fire BoltsFire BirdsFire Hawks

Dates he/she will be missing from team practices:


Parent Signature______Date______

Please give this form to your team coach at least two weeks from absence.

Thank you for helping us plan our practices better!