Barker College / Risk Management
Risk Assessment Form – Excursions & Other External Activities

Should you have any concerns or queries regarding the completion of this form, please contact the Risk Assessment Team on Extension 611

Department: / Music
Excursion Date(s): / Wednesday 7 December 2016
Length of Excursion: (e.g. half/ day, overnight etc.) / 8:30am till 6:00pm
Location of Excursion: / Exhibition Hall 6, Sydney Showgrounds, Homebush Bay.
Description of Excursion: / Barker College Ensembles – Symphony Orchestra, Jazz Orchestra, Senior Choir, Middle School Jazz Orchestra, Taiko Drum Ensemble, Stomp Groups
Group/Class: / Barker College Co-Curricular Ensembles / No. in group/class: / 150 approx
Name of Excursion Co-ordinator: / Simon Smith, Andrew McWade, Brad Merrick, Peter Ellis, David Saffir, Andy Mifsud, Gerard Plummer, Kathy Day, Andrew McWade, Lesley Moxon, Brendan Collins, Denise Papaluca / Contact Number: / 9847 8272
Accompanying staff, parents, volunteers / Ratio to Student Nos. / 1:12
Mode of Transport: / Via External Provider, e.g. Bus, Train Company / Bus to venue.
Via Teacher – Driving Hire car
Other – Please discuss / Parent/Guardian to home.
External Provider – location (if relevant):
External Provider Co-ordinator: / Contact Number:
Accompanying Venue Staff (if relevant): / Ratio to Student Nos.
Hazard Identification
The following may assist with identifying hazards
relating to activities at each stage of an excursion.
Consider what could go wrong, that is, the
potential injuries or illnesses that could occur.
Hazards are the sources of these potential injuries
or illnesses.
Travel – Consider aspects of travel that may
present a hazard such as walking to and from the
transport, crossing the road, transport to and from venue.
Venue – Consider aspects of the excursion venue
that may present a hazard such as entry/egress, amenity access location near water, cliffs, crowds, slippery floors.
Excursion Program Activity – Consider the
activities of the excursion program that may
present a hazard such as bushwalking, snow skiing, use of water craft, horse riding, mountain biking, rock climbing, sample collection, observing animals, swimming, visits to manufacturing or winery facilities.
Equipment – Consider any equipment that may
present a hazard such as sporting equipment,
high risk equipment at the venue.
Environment – Consider aspects of the
environment that may present a hazard such as
weather conditions, natural hazards such as
bushfires, floods or storms, the nature of the
terrain, plants and animals.
People – Consider aspects of people that may
present a hazard such as poor behaviour, the
nature of participants such as maturity, age and
skill, child protection issues, medical conditions or
Accommodation – Consider aspects of
accommodation that may present a hazard such
as insufficient supervision, standard of
accommodation and amenities, meal menus and
allergies, security and child protection issues.
Other – Consider other hazards related to specific
Excursions, i.e. student swimming competencies. / CONSEQUENCE (C) / LIKELIHOOD (L)
(V)ery Likely / (P)ossible / (U)nlikely / (R)are
(D)eath / (H)igh / (H)igh / (S)ubstantial / (M)oderate
(H)ospital / (H)igh / (S)ubstantial / (M)oderate / (L)ow
(T)reatment / (S)ubstantial / (M)oderate / (L)ow / (L)ow
(F)irst Aid / (M)oderate / (L)ow / (L)ow / (L)ow
Consequence – is a measure of an injury, illness or
disease occurring. When assessing consequence, the most severe category that would be most reasonably expected should be selected. / Likelihood – is defined as the potential that an accident will happen that may cause injury or harm to a person. When making assessment of likelihood, you must establish which of the categories most closely describes the probability of the hazardous incident occurring.
High & Substantial - Extreme risk; consider elimination of the activity. Otherwise determine controls that are reasonably practicable to minimise the risk
Substantial to Moderate - Moderate risk; determine controls that are reasonably practicable to minimise the risk
Moderate to Low - Low risk; manage by routine procedures.
NOTE: No Excursion can proceed if risk ranking is higher than moderate without approval of the Head of Barker College.
Elimination or Control Measures
Hierarchy of Controls: Eliminate the risk, or if this is not reasonably practicable, control the risk to the fullest extent possible by using the following hierarchy of controls.
Eliminate the hazard: Remove the hazard. Change the activity or stop using it e.g. do not undertake a particular high risk activity such as surf activity in high seas or hiking in poor weather conditions; do not use high risk equipment.
Substitute the hazard: Replace the activity, material, or equipment with a less hazardous one e.g. choose an easier bushwalk.
Isolate the hazard: Isolate the hazard from the person at risk; isolate through distance e.g. select a lunch location well away from the water; check if a coastal walk has fencing.
Use engineering controls: Always hire coaches with seatbelts and ensure these are worn.
Use administrative controls: Establish procedures and safe practices e.g. supervision of students, clear rules, training of staff, volunteers and students in the excursion activities or in the use of equipment and qualifications of instructors.
Use personal protective equipment: Use appropriately designed and properly fitted equipment such as safety goggles, hats and sunscreen, helmets, in conjunction with other control measures identified from above.
ASSESS, ANALYSE AND PRIORITISE RISKS / Consequence / Likelihood / Risk Rating / CONTROL THE RISKS / Consequence / Likelihood / Risk Rating
Hazard Type
(Please remove if not relevant) / Description of Potential Hazard / Proposed Controls
1 / Transportation Incident / Bus Accident/Incident / H / U / M / Students move on and off bus with care, all students behave responsibly at bus arrival and departure points. At least one member of staff on each bus to and from concert rehearsal. / T / R / L
2 / Medical Condition/s / Student illness, injury or accident / H / R / L / Permission Note signed to acknowledge school has updated medical information. Students are reminded to make sure they have the relevant medication should they require treatment while on the excursion.
Teachers have first aid training and medical information for all students. / T / R / L
3 / Food Allergies / Student with an allergy / D / R / M / Permission Note signed to acknowledge school has updated medical information. Students are reminded to make sure they have the relevant medication should they require treatment while on the excursion.
Teachers have first aid training and medical information for all students. Parents have been advised that students should bring their own food for the activity. / T / R / L
5 / Elements/Environment / Storm/deteriorating weather conditions / F / U / L / Teacher will direct students to remain at venue in the event of a severe and unexpected storm. / F / R / L
6 / Venue hazards / Losing a student / F / U / L / All students informed of itinerary and location of activity. All students informed of a meeting point if lost. Students to be accompanied by a member of staff at all times. / F / R / L
7 / Venue hazards / Slip/Trip/Fall / T / U / L / Teachers are aware of venue guidelines and provide advice to students. Students briefed prior to departure regarding the guidelines and expectations. Students will be briefed on safety-related measures when arriving at the venue. / F / R / L
8 / Activity/equipment hazards / Manual handling injuries carrying musical instruments / F / U / L / Students will only be carrying small instruments and are used to carrying them to /from and within venues. / F / R / L
9 / Unsanctioned Student Activity / Student engages in a behaviour that is unauthorised or against the implicit and explicit guidelines of the College. / F / U / L / Expectations as to behaviour outlined clearly at the start. Normal School rules are enforced throughout the excursion. / F / R / L
10 / Other / Students returning home with parents / F / U / L / Students are not to depart the music activity until they have been personally handed over to the care of the parent/ guardian by Barker College staff members. / F / R / L


Risk Assessment Form Originator

I certify that this Risk Assessment Form has been developed specifically for the activity as detailed, and that all control measures identified will be implemented.
Name: ______Signature: ______Date: ______

Head of Department/Area (where applicable)

I certify that I have read the content of this completed risk assessment form and agree that the content meets the criteria of the Activity.
Name: ______Signature: ______Date: ______

Risk Assessment Compliance Check

I certify that I have checked this completed Risk Assessment Form for the activity and agree that the recommended controls for the hazards identified herein are adequate.
Name: Sandy Wyatt Signature: ______Date: ______

Deputy Head - Operations

This completed Risk Assessment Form is acceptable for the activity as detailed.
Name: Matthew Macoustra Signature: ______Date: ______
Form: Risk Assessment Form – Excursions & Other Activities
Issue Date: 2015
BOSTES No: A: 3.6.2
B: 3.11.5 / Page 1 of 5